War God Supreme

Chapter 2322: Destroying suit...

"go back?"

"Now that you can come back empty-handed."

Li Lingtian looked at the young man in the distant void, and Li Lingtian was shocked.

Because it seems that there is no powerful young man, but he is a super subordinate emperor, the most pinnacle of human existence. In front of such a person, even if he hasn't done it yet, he already feels great pressure in his heart.

Although I have seen the super existence of the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor and the Five Elements Divine Emperor, these two men have no hostility and threat to him, and the Divine Emperor in front of him is his opponent.

After being shocked, he quickly calmed down.

Even if he is defeated, he has to give it a try and try to see how far he is from Divine Emperor.

Moreover, I still have some advantages, not without a little hope.

When speaking, the whole body exploded, and the whole person was like an unmatched God of War. There was no fear in the face of the next God Emperor and the strongest. On the contrary, it was awe-inspiring.

Suddenly, the space twisted and the mountains shook.

"Well, Emperor will send you out."

When the young man heard Li Lingtian's words, his eyes showed murderous intent.

The prestige of Divine Emperor can't be punished lightly. Even a subordinate Divine Venerable can't be enemies with Divine Emperor. Even before Divine Emperor, even the most powerful Divine Emperor can only be suppressed by Divine Emperor.

The sound rang, and the space was full of ruined Diwei.

At the same time, the power of the law of terror was crushed towards Li Lingtian. In front of the law of the Divine Emperor, the entire world began to be destroyed and restored. The law spawned the way of life and death of the world.

The power was so shocking that Li Lingtian flew up and backed away for hundreds of miles before stopping.

Countless strong men in front of the crystal screen, whether it is a true **** or a prince, whether it is a demon or a genius, whether it is a **** king or a **** master, or even a **** venerable, I feel a while when I see the power of the shocking rule of the next **** emperor in the picture. The shock of destruction, the chest could not help but dull.

It was like a severe blow to the chest, and his face was pale and ugly.

This is just outside the crystal screen. If it is in front of the Divine Emperor, let alone the war, even if it is the power of this law, it will be able to destroy all the powerful people under the god.

For a time, countless powerful men and gods were shocked, shocked the divine power, shocked Li Lingtian's power, and could withstand the power of the divine emperor intact.

In fact, when the strong reaches a certain level, even if it is just a ghost, or just a picture in the crystal screen, it can make people feel endless pressure.

"Send this seat out."

"Then come up with your most powerful skills."

Li Lingtian's figure was stable in the void, and his face was shocked.

Divine Emperor is Divine Emperor. No matter how powerful Divine Emperor is, it is not an opponent of Divine Emperor. Between Divine Emperor and Divine Emperor, there are totally two levels, no longer on one level.

The next Divine Emperor, the five-fold rule, the next Divine Emperor is the most powerful existence in the same realm, the power of the rule has reached the five-fold peak, and the power is terrifying.

During the speech, Li Lingtian's five elements rule broke out, and within a thousand miles from him, an independent world of five elements was formed.

The law of gold, the Lord killed.

The law of wood, the main life.

The law of water, the Lord is feminine.

The law of fire destroys the Lord.

The law of earth, the main defense.

The Five Elements Rule is fully consummated, forming a ruled world with unmatched power.

The principle of one-element five-element is powerful enough to suppress the seven-element but the law, and shake the eight-element but law.

After the emergence of the Five Elements Law, an independent world of Five Elements was formed around Li Lingtian. The immortal spirit, spirit and spirit between the entire heaven and earth, as well as endless laws and power, merged with this Five Elements world.

At this moment, the power of the law of the young **** emperor can no longer be close to Li Lingtian. He stopped outside the law of Li Lingtian and fought against the Five Elements law.

At this moment, Li Lingtian pressed with one hand.

Suddenly, the five elements of ruining the world ruled over the young **** emperor.

The power of the Five Elements Law is equivalent to the Sevenfold Law, while the younger Divine Emperor has only the Fivefold Law.

The law, each weight is separated by a layer of heaven and earth.

The five-fold rule is completely crushed in the face of the seven-fold rule.


With a shocking explosion, Li Lingtian's law collided with the law of the young emperor, and the law of destruction crushed, and the whole world was in destruction.

Moreover, in front of the law of Li Lingtian, the young emperor of the youth, like a broken kite, flew out, his face was pale, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Rule of spelling, Li Lingtian will not be afraid of any strong.

With the rule of ruining the heavens and the earth, he slammed into the young **** emperor, and for a time, the two in the void, one back and one forward.

The tremendous power, the terrifying momentum, and the law of destruction impacted all the powerful and gods watching in front of the crystal screen.

Although the place of Li Lingtian's war is the Jiuxiao Tower, they can only watch through the crystal screen, but the crystal screen's picture makes people immersive and feel the battle of destruction.

The war at this moment is no longer the war between the lower **** and the lower emperor.

It's a battle between two Super Divine Emperors, because Li Lingtian's law is stronger than the next Divine Emperor.

The law of war, earth-shattering, is totally crushed.

Generally speaking, Divine Emperor rarely fights at all. Naturally, if you want to see Divine Emperor's war, it is a chance of hundreds of millions of years. The super genius and super gods of Shenting are shocked and excited at this moment.

That kind of war makes people bloody.

When I saw Li Lingtian's law of horror and domineering especially crushing the next Divine Emperor, I couldn't help but cheer, just like they were Li Lingtian.

In the picture, Li Lingtian, with the rule of ruining the world and ruining the world, domineeringly crushes the young emperor.

"The prestige of the Divine Emperor is like a mountain."

"The law of gold, the sword of silence."

The younger divine emperor, never thought that a younger divine **** would control the five-element rule, and this five-element rule has seen an unprecedented strong man and could not be resisted at all.

However, the Divine Emperor is the Divine Emperor, and the law was crushed on it and reacted instantly.

With a stroke of both hands, the body was stabilized, and then the might of the Divine Emperor was exploded. The rule is not Li Lingtian's opponent. Then use the Divine Emperor's prestige and the Divine Emperor's advantages to crush the Divine Emperor.

The sound is like an oracle.

In the blink of an eye, a long sword was suspended in the air.

The long sword fell with the endless golden rule and the divine emperor's might. In a flash, the sky was torn into pieces, and in a blink of an eye, it cut through the void and fell in front of Li Lingtian.


"Look at whether your attack can break the defense of this seat."

Li Lingtian watched the sword of silence fall, and his heart shook.

However, he didn't have the intention to use the magical power to resist the sword of silence. This situation shocked countless genius demon and super god, but the next moment I saw what Li Lingtian meant.

Everyone was shocked to discover Li Lingtian's purpose.

Every genius demon, every super god, even the super deities in Taiyue Shrine are shocked.

On Li Lingtian, the Destroyer Set appeared.

Wearing Tianjia, life goggles, wearing dominant shoes, stepping on the Five Yues, wearing a golden crown.

The celestial book was looming overhead, and several weapons shone with the power of destruction.

He needs to take a risk and see how strong his defense is. The real strongman, defense is the key, so he wants to check his defense.

Because even if it falls now, it will not really die.

If you go to another Divine Emperor to check the defense, you will undoubtedly find death. Even if you find the Divine Emperor in Taiyue Shenting, you may be injured.


In an instant, the Sword of Silence bombarded Li Lingtian fiercely.

However, the sword of silence that the younger God Emperor destroyed, carrying the law of gold and the power of God Emperor, was resisted by Li Lingtian's defense, but only penetrated the Five Elements Law, even Li Lingtian's defense was not broken.

I saw that the Goddess Outfit merged into one, and mysterious and unshakable power erupted, blocking this sword of silence.

It can be said that the God Destroyer suit is strong in his defense, followed by the attack of endless destruction.

Because God of Destruction·Golden Crown and God of Destruction·Wuyue, as well as God of Destroyer, God of Destruction·Life, and God of Destruction·Master, are all the main defenses. Any of these defenses can resist the full blow of the next Divine Emperor.

Not to mention the integration of several defenses, and the horror and magical power after the extermination gathers, the next divine emperor cannot be shaken.


"Enjoy the attack."

"This seat does not fight back, see how many times you can shake this seat."

Li Lingtian felt the shock and felt a shock.

The destructive blow performed by the next Divine Emperor could only shake him, beyond his expectation. He did not expect that the Destroyer Suit was so powerful that even the Divine Emperor could shake it.

Suspended in the air, a happy expression appeared on his face, and he could not help laughing.

In the face of the Divine Emperor's laws, and in the face of the attack and the defense of the Destroyer suit, he has become invincible.

However, he now wants to know to what extent the defense of the Destroyer suit is strong. Only when he really understands it will he have the bottom of his heart. Otherwise, if he encounters a more terrifying power and unknown danger, he will be caught by surprise.


The look of the young emperor's face was shocked.

Although he is only a thought of the Jiuxiao Tower~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he has never encountered such a horrible deity. This young deity is completely a demon who is not afraid of fighting.

The law cannot be crushed, but is crushed.

Attacks and defenses can't be broken, which makes people crazy.

With a rage, the terrifying Divine Emperor's supernatural powers continuously bombarded Li Lingtian. With every blow, he could kill the Great Dharma Deity, even the ordinary Divine Emperor would be seriously injured.

However, Li Lingtian stood in the void and allowed these attacks to attack, and could not shake the defense. However, the Divine Emperor's attack made him a little uncomfortable, and his body continued to retreat.

This is the gap between the realm, if the realm is higher, Divine Emperor can not shake him at all.

But even so, the next Divine Emperor wanted to kill him, completely delusional.


After Li Lingtian stood in the air and let the young **** emperor attack dozens of times, Li Lingtian took a look, his face changed, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

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