War God Supreme

Chapter 2326: Invincible Deity

During the discussion of countless gods, two figures appeared in the sight of all gods.

Seeing the person coming, every **** statue showed a curious look or a faint smile.

The two people who appeared appeared to be a peerless woman in clear water and a young man in white clothes. The two were very chic and their faces looked calm.

Naturally, a woman is a fairy in clear water, and a young man in white is Li Lingtian.

All the titled deities must know the fairies of Bishui. When they saw the fairies of Bishui, these nobles nodded with smiles on their faces, saying hello. Most of the strongest deities do not know Li Lingtian.

A young man who can come to Taiyue Shrine is definitely not simple. He is curious to see Li Lingtian and Fairy Fairy.

Entering the Taiyue Shrine, the fairy of Bishui sent a message to Li Lingtian, let Li Lingtian sit on a chair on the edge of the shrine, and wait for the time to arrange his **** seat. This kind of thing naturally needs to be recognized by other gods.

After the explanation, the Bishui Fairy and Li Lingtian separated, and her figure floated towards a constellation suspended in the air. Her position was in the middle. From the perspective of the position of the constellation, the strength of the Bishui Fairy was considered medium.

Li Lingtian sat down on a chair on the edge of the shrine and looked at the hall.

This is not so much a palace as it is an independent world.

Above is an endless void, below is an endless cloud.

Ten thousand eight hundred meters of the gods are suspended in the air in a ring shape. Each **** is separated by a hundred miles, exuding a white magical radiance.

In the center surrounded by these gods, there is a huge altar, above which is a crystal screen two hundred meters long and two hundred meters wide.

Next to it, nine golden golden seats were suspended, looking majestic.

The clouds fluttered, and the air lingered.

Here is the core of the real divine court, Taiyue Jingu.

Seeing everything here, Li Lingtian was shocked, and finally entered the core of Taiyue Shenting. Everything here is so divine, and for the first time, he saw so many gods.

No deity is super powerful. It is not difficult to guess. These deities are the most powerful existence of Taiyue Shenting.

There are nearly ten thousand god-respecting strong men whose breath is not ordinary.

When he looked at the shrine and the strong, the gods in the shrine also looked at him.

After seeing the deity of Li Lingtian's war, I was shocked and curious, why a young man with only two thousand years of age can still cultivate to the deity's realm, so terrible and powerful.

If it were not for seeing Li Lingtian's next **** emperor in person, they would never believe that the young man in front of him was so terrifying.

Those who do not know Li Lingtian's deity are also curious.

At first I didn't pay attention, I thought it was an ordinary young man, but when I looked closely at Li Lingtian, I was shocked.

This young man is indeed a deity.

The powerful deity, who saw Li Lingtian's Shou Yuan at a glance, found that this young man had only two thousand Shou Yuan, and was even more shocked. He didn't believe what he saw was true.

"Does it call everyone to the shrine, really for this demon god?"

"However, even if it is a deity, it may not be able to reach Divine Emperor."

"Even if you reach the Divine Emperor, you can only increase the strength of Taiyue Shenting, and it can't change anything."

In the shrine, those super gods who did not know Li Lingtian thought secretly.

Although he kept guessing, he didn't say it.

For a time, the palace was quiet.

Half an hour later, several glory appeared in the center of the shrine.

Guanghua, a total of nine Dao, after the fall of Guanghua, nine figures appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Seeing these nine people, all the super-gods in the shrine stood up and respectfully saluted the nine people, with a respectful expression on their faces, even for the Dzogchen deity.

Li Lingtian naturally recognized one of them, and among the nine, the Five Elements Divine Emperor was among them.

Seeing these nine people, Li Lingtian was shocked and understood at the same time.

This is the most powerful existence of Taiyue Divine Court, nine powerful emperors.

However, I was a little curious why I didn’t see the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor. There are nine golden emperors. Now there are nine Divine Emperors. The Dragon Blood Divine Emperor is no longer among them. people?


An old man beside the Five Elements Divine Emperor, with a faint smile on his face, said.

The sound spread through the entire shrine, and all the gods and esteemed people could not help sitting down.

He, the Taiyue Divine Emperor of Taiyue Shenting, did not know how many billions of years he lived, and his cultivation strength was slightly better than Wuxing Divine Emperor.

"Today, call everyone to the shrine."

"It is to announce an event. From now on, there will be two more people in the core of the Shenting."

After all the deities were seated, Taiyue Divine Emperor said lightly.

After talking, he looked at the Five Elements Divine Emperor around him.

His seat is at the very center. On the left is the Five Elements Divine Emperor, and on the right is an old man. The cultivation base has reached the peak of the Great Emperor Divine Emperor.

The other six Divine Emperors, five are the upper Divine Emperor and one is the median Divine Emperor.

On the way to Li Jingtian, the fairy of Bishui has introduced him to the most powerful divine emperors in Taiyue Shenting.

Taiyue Divine Emperor, Five Elements Divine Emperor, Lingxiao Divine Emperor, Frozen Divine Emperor, Falling Wind Divine Emperor, Xuanji Divine Emperor, Chen Lie Emperor, Shuiyue Divine Emperor and Misty Emperor, these nine Divine Emperors are Taiyue The pillars of the Divine Court.

"To Taiyue Shenting, today is a happy event."

"Introduce a person first, the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor of the Emperor."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor spoke, and said flatly, with a faint smile on his face.

In this vein, although the number of people is the smallest, each one is strong against the sky, as is the case with a few disciples, and the same is true for a disciple, except for a few divine emperors in Taiyue Shenting, other people simply do not There is such a person as Dragon Blood Divine Emperor.

It is also time to appear.

The voice fell, and a blood-red light appeared in the shrine.

Suddenly, a tremendous amount of coercion came over, which made the gods of the whole shrine could not help but kneel down. This kind of coercion, the gods could not resist resistance, because this was the coercion from the Divine Emperor.

Moreover, this coercion is not only as simple as the divine power.

There is also the majesty of the dragon, that is the power of the dragon.

Yes, it is indeed the power of the divine dragon and the power of the divine emperor. In front of such coercion, let alone hands-on, just the coercion can make the general gods disappear, and some small planes collapse.

Li Lingtian at the edge of the shrine was also shocked.

However, he did not bow down like other super-gods, because his laws and coercion have surpassed ordinary divine emperors, and naturally will not be afraid of divine emperor's power and divine dragon's power.

"Meet Lord Dragon Blood Emperor."

All the gods respect the strong, bow down to the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor.

Shocked, excited, envious.

Shocked the power of the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor, excited Taiyue Shenting has another Super Divine Emperor Powerful, envious of the characters who can become Divine Emperor.

The Dragon Blood Divine Emperor glanced at all the deities, withdrawing his coercion.

All the gods felt relaxed at this time.

"Dragon Blood Divine Emperor, has been closed to practice."

"You haven't seen him. He was with your uncle Shiyao for an era, and also your brother. You will be the tenth divine emperor of Taiyue Shenting from now on."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor said aloud. After that, he glanced at Taiyue Divine Emperor and others.

Nine Divine Emperors stretched out with one hand, and a Divine Emperor's light appeared. When the nine Divine Emperors' lights merged together, a huge divine seat appeared on the altar.

The gods have a faint golden brilliance, exactly like the gods of the Five Elements Divine Emperor.

Gradually, the divine seat fell next to the ethereal divine emperor, the dragon-blood divine emperor flew towards the divine seat, and finally sat on the divine seat. Now, Taiyue Shenting has ten powerful divine emperors.

At this time, countless god-respecting masters realized that they were originally called to meet the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor, and it is no wonder that the most core personnel of Taiyue Shenting were called together.

However, just when these god-respecting strongmen thought that this time to call all the core members to come here to greet the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor, the Five Elements Divine Emperor spoke again.

However, when all the deities and gods heard the words of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, they were shocked.

Only a few people who knew Li Lingtian were not so shocked.

"The second thing is Li Lingtian."

"Taiyue Shenting's new deity, after the resolution of the deity, specifically invincible deity."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor said lightly.

As he spoke, Li Lingtian on the chair at the edge of the palace shook his hand and motioned for Li Lingtian to come to him.

Seeing the instructions of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, Li Lingtian got up and appeared next to the Five Elements Divine Emperor. His face was calm, but his heart was shocked.

Although he was strong and unmatched, he did not dare to use the word invincible as his title.

Not to mention him, even in the entire heaven, no one dared to use the title of invincibility and the first. If that is the case, it would be death, but I did not expect Taiyue Shenting to give him an invincible title.

Invincible Divine Venerable is completely a taboo against the gods of heaven.

"Invincible Deity!"

"Invincible deity?"

"Give him the invincible title."

"How can a young man use the word invincible."

"Invincible Deity~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can only be used on Brother Li."

"Among the deity, who is Brother Ling Tian's opponent?"


Hearing the words of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, the gods in the Taiyue Shrine shouted in shock. Those gods who didn’t know Li Lingtian were better off because they didn’t know Li Lingtian’s strength.

But even the deity who had seen Li Lingtian's war situation was shocked.

But then I also wanted to understand that Li Lingtian can use the law to crush the strongest lower divine emperor, and can overcome the lower divine emperor without any injury. How powerful the supernatural power can be imagined.

What's more, as long as it is a person who understands, it can be clear that Li Lingtian must not use a killer skill, and he will not expose his killer skill unless it is a last resort.

Among the deities, even the four most powerful courts and the ten most powerful forces of the Great Dharma Dharma, it is not necessarily the opponent of Li Lingtian. It is not impossible to use such a title. The only thing is that Li Lingtian will be subjected to countless supers in the future. God's challenge.

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