War God Supreme

Chapter 2327: Li Lingtian's super...

"Yes, it's the invincible deity."

"This title is the final decision of the court."

The Five Elements Divine Emperor looked at the presence of the titled Divine Deity in shock, and continued to say: "You can look at Li Lingtian's information and the battle situation in the near future."

A young man with a life span of only two thousand years will never be able to attain divine respect.

And Li Lingtian not only reached the Divine Realm, but was also titled the Invincible Divine, which naturally shocked the super gods present. It is important to know that there are more than two thousand Dzogchen Divine Vendors present, all of which are cultivated for strength.

There are also how many gods there are in the entire heaven, and how many gods are against the sky. These existences dare not be titled invincible. Now a young man’s title is invincible.

The history of the Celestial Realm has not been invincible in the past, but is now broken by a young man in Taiyue Shenting.

After the Five Elements Divine Emperor finished his speech, with one hand, the huge crystal screen in the center of the shrine appeared the information of Li Lingtian.

It can be said that all the information and life experiences of Li Lingtian are displayed on the crystal screen.

Naturally, there are things in some secret realms that are definitely not on the crystal screen. Even if the court is so powerful, it is impossible to know what Li Lingtian is in the secret realm.

In the same way, Li Lingtian has some magical means and secrets that are not on the crystal screen.

On the crystal screen, the pictures are constantly swiping. These pictures are the most famous battles and achievements of Li Lingtian.

For a time, the deity in the Taiyue Shrine was shocked, and his face was shocked.

A young man, just two thousand years old, encountered things and tribulations that exceeded the sufferings of countless gods. His achievements and horrible means were shocking, although Li Lingtian was not seen in the secret realm.

But everyone knows how terrible it is to stand out from the crowd.

An hour later, Li Lingtian's life was reflected in the hearts of the strong players present. This is a myth, a legend that shocked and admired the myth.

People have to convince, people have no reason to refute.

In particular, Li Lingtian's over-the-top battle, with its peerless strength, shocked the super-spirits present who did not know Li Lingtian.

At the end of the picture, the faces of all the gods present on the scene are constantly changing. In the eyes of these gods, what happened to Li Lingtian in the past two thousand years is not worth mentioning, but from the perspective of Li Lingtian at the time, I can imagine how inverse day.

And after Li Lingtian came to heaven, he faced the superpowers and gods, and even the battles behind him. He walked all the way in his life, no one could compare.

If you grow up like this, if you reach Divine Emperor, no one can beat him at all.

They serve.

When he woke up, the look at Li Lingtian became hot and admired.

"Taiyue Shenting is lucky."

"Invincible Divine Venerable, it is none other than Brother Ling Tian."

"Since then, Brother Ling Tian will be busy."

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​communicate a lot in the future."

"I didn't expect that Brother Ling Tian would be able to defeat the next divine emperor with the cultivation of the next deity. It was beyond imagination. I wouldn't believe it unless I saw it with my own eyes."

"I heard a while ago that Brother Ling Tian killed the Constellation God. I still don't believe it. Now it seems that this is really the case."


After the picture on the crystal screen ended, a few minutes later, all the deity gods awakened.

For a time, countless gods greeted Li Lingtian and looked very polite.

In a world where the strongest is respected, the fist is right.

Although Li Lingtian was young and was only a baby-like presence in front of these gods, but his strength was tough and he didn’t dare to offend him. Know that even the next Divine Emperor is not Li Lingtian’s opponent, let alone some gods.

Besides, Li Ling was only two thousand years old, and he had already reached the Divine Venerable, and he was able to defeat Divine Emperor. If he was given a period of time to cultivate the Great Consummation Divine Emperor and even Divine Emperor, there are several other people in the Celestial Realm who are opponents of Li Lingtian.


Next to Taiyue Divine Emperor in the center of the shrine, Ling Xiao Divine Emperor waved with one hand, a huge divine appeared.

The constellation exudes a faint purple light, which is different from the constellation of Divine Venerable and Divine Emperor.

The constellation landed, near the most center, in the nearest position of the divine emperor constellation, and also the circle closest to the center. The entire circle is composed of nine huge divine seats, each of which has a great and perfect peak of the divine power, The Broken Army Venerable is here.

With the advice of Taiyue Divine Emperor, Li Ling, a radiant constellation, walked and finally sat on the constellation.

At this moment, he stood at the peak of Taiyue Shenting.

At this moment, countless gods admire the envy, but there is no slight dissatisfaction and jealousy.

Because Li Lingtian has this strength and can defeat the next Divine Emperor, he has this qualification.

Next, Taiyue Divine Emperor handed over a token representing the core members of Shenting to Li Lingtian, and Li Lingtian should really bear the burden of Taiyue Shenting.

"The future of Taiyue Shenting is for you to bear."

After Taiyue Divine Emperor finished speaking, his figure turned into a golden light and disappeared.

At the same time, the other Divine Emperor strongmen also left Taiyue Shrine.

Afterwards, countless gods greeted Li Lingtian with him.

After half an hour, Li Lingtian got out of the shrine and returned to the shrine. Li Lingtian's consciousness entered the Taiyue order. This token represents Li Lingtian's identity.

At the same time, this is also a symbol of Li Lingtian's rights.

With this token, it stands for Li Lingtian standing at the peak of Taiyue Shenting, and has the right to be the master of life and death.

In addition, there are records of members of Taiyue Shenting, some secrets of Taiyue Shenting, and records of Taiyue Shenting's power and secrets. It can be said that Li Lingtian's knowledge of Taiyue Shenting was only a fraction of a cow.

Now, with this token, he really understands Taiyue Shenting.

To be able to own this token, apart from the Divine Emperor Powerhouse, Taiyue Shenting can only have the first 100 deities, that is to say, although Li Lingtian is only the next deity, the status is beyond everyone's imagination.

For two full days, Li Ling genius figured out the strength of Taiyue Shenting and some secrets and took control of the token.

More importantly, he has now reached the Divine Venerate, possessing this token, he can cross any place of Taiyue Shenting, because with this token, he will be accepted by any coordinate of Taiyue Shenting.

Within two days of his understanding of the token, Taiyue Shenting has notified the Holy Land and Sanctuary under the Shenting to congratulate Li Lingtian on becoming a deity, and Li Lingtian’s title was also announced.

For a time, the entire Taiyue Shenting shook, and more was cheered and excited.

Heaven, the same vibration, countless super gods are dissatisfied.

Some Dzogchen super gods are already preparing to challenge Li Lingtian. They are dissatisfied with the title of Li Lingtian's invincible god. Knowing that Li Lingtian is just a new god, not many people know it at all.

What's more, no one in heaven really dares to use the word invincible as a title.

After understanding the situation of Taiyue Shenting, he is very optimistic about the strength of Taiyue Shenting. After all, Taiyue Shenting's status in the heavenly realm is the four great shrines. Although it is not as good as Kunlun's shrine, it is almost the same.

More importantly, Taiyue Shenting is the most powerful flying warship.

At present, there are ten divine emperors in Taiyue Shenting, and sixteen divine emperors in Kunlun Shenting. Although there are a few differences between divine emperors, there are super figures such as Wuxing Divine Emperor and Taiyue Divine Emperor.

Besides, there are ten other supreme forces in the heavenly realm, and even the supreme heavenly court, the war will never appear.

Therefore, he can also practice with peace of mind.


In a hundred years, in an instant.

Li Lingtian has been in the divine court for a hundred years, specializing in accompanying his relatives and wives and teaching disciples.

From time to time, he preached in the central square and explained his experience to the super genius demon of Shenting. Even some super gods also asked Li Lingtian about cultivation.

Every month, on the first day and the fifteenth day, he preached exclusively to the geniuses and gods of the court.

From the supreme deity to the **** of war.

No one can shake the popularity and status of the shrine.

Moreover, his identity is the pinnacle of Taiyue Shenting, invincible deity, and transcendent status.

More importantly, he is easy-going, whether it is a martial **** or a deity, when asking him questions about cultivation, he will definitely not have the slightest secret, and explain to each other one by one.

In the past 100 years, his state has also been very stable, and cultivation has been rapidly promoted.

However, if there is no great chance, it will take at least tens of thousands of years to improve the breakthrough.

But now he is not in a hurry, because he is a deity, with a 100 million epoch of life, he will not worry at all that the cultivation base cannot be improved, and he now pays more attention to the nine palaces and positions.

Comprehend the way of the Nine Palaces, take control of the Destruction Sword Array, realize the way of life and death, and promote "Control".

On this day, Li Lingtian took the Nangong Mingyue and others to leave the Shenting.

Driving the Holy Heaven Palace and flying towards the sky.

Shengtian Palace is 10,000 li long, 10,000 li wide, and 10,000 li high, magnificent.

However, after Li Lingtian was in control, he turned Shengtian Palace into a hundred miles long, one hundred miles wide and one hundred miles high, which was completely a flying palace.

In the Holy Heaven Palace, it is an endless world.

Li Lingtian and others live in the Holy Heaven Palace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is such a Flying Palace of the Holy Heaven Palace. Even the Divine Emperor would not like to shake the Holy Heaven Palace. The defense and attack of the Holy Heaven Palace is horrible.

With the existence of Shengtian Temple, Li Lingtian can go anywhere in the heaven.

The palace, flying in the void, is extremely fast.

Li Lingtian and others rested and played on the highest floor of Shengtian Palace, admiring the scenery outside, and were able to get a panoramic view of all the scenery outside.

In Shengtian Palace, Tang Qingyue and all of them are on it, as well as all the maids and guards in Lingtian Palace. It can be said that when Li Lingtian came out this time, it was totally a big move.

In Lingtian Palace, there is Li Lingtian's life and death avatar.

However, above Shengtian Palace, there is a deity of Li Lingtian and a avatar of Shenlong.

Life and death avatars understand the way of life and death.

There are two avatars, even Li Lingtian wants to die.

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