War God Supreme

Chapter 2328: Site Selection

   This time, their goal is the heavenly sanctuary.

   The Celestial Pole Sanctuary has the Holy Heaven Temple of the Ten Most Extreme Powers of Heaven, and the former Ice and Snow Palace, but the Ice and Snow Palace has become a thing of the past, and it is no longer the Top Ten Supreme Powers.

   Now that Xiuwei has reached the next deity, the state has also been stabilized.

   But his **** kingdom and world were not established, so he had to deal with the matter of the Holy Temple and started to build his own world and **** kingdom.

   There are still some things about the ice and snow goddess. Although he probably guessed something, it must be said by the ice and snow goddess.

   "The Temple of Heaven will not embarrass us?"

  Flying fast in Shengtian Palace, Li Lingtian and others were inside the palace.

   Li Lingtian wanted to bring his parents together, but their cultivation level was too low, and they were already used to living in Taiyue Shenting and did not want to leave Taiyue Shenting.

  Ling Tiangong's bodyguard and maid, Tang Qingyue and others.

   looked at the outside world, Bei Mingxue asked.

   "Sister Xue rest assured."

"People in the Holy Temple are not fools, and they can be one of the Ten Supreme Powers. It is definitely not simple. With my achievements and talents, the Holy Temple will not mess up. Besides, they dare not be in front of Taiyue God Court. Play tricks."

   "This time, after the matter of the Holy Temple is resolved, the Ice Palace will be dealt with again, and then my **** kingdom will be built."

  Li Lingtian said with a smile, as for the Temple of Heaven, he did not pay attention to it at all.

   Moreover, he will not stay in the Holy Temple.

   "Where is Brother planning to build the Kingdom of God?"

   Xiaobai looked at Li Lingtian curiously.

   Solve the matter of the Holy Heaven Temple, she is not at all concerned, but she is curious about where Li Lingtian built her own kingdom of God. You know, the Kingdom of God is the most important existence of a god, it can be said that it is the second life.

   If the kingdom of God was destroyed by man, it would be equivalent to destroying God’s life. `

   "Brahma World."

  Li Lingtian did not hesitate to build the kingdom of God, he had already thought about it.

  He doesn't need too much world and divine kingdom now, so he can create his own divine kingdom in Brahma world.

  Building the Kingdom of God in Brahma World, he also thought about it for a long time.

There are three reasons. One is that Brahma World is very hidden, and few people can enter. In such a big world, just find a place to build the Kingdom of God. No one knows at all. Besides, the ten palaces of Brahma World are powerful. Even the enemy of his father’s father can’t shake the Brahma World, and certainly can’t shake the ten palaces, and build the kingdom of God in it, safe and secure.

  Second, it is because it is more convenient for him to control the Nine Palace in the Brahma World, and it is more advantageous to practice the Nine Palace Way. In this way, the Nine Palace Way is quickly improved and its strength is more powerful.

   Third, that is, when the Nine Palaces are completed in the future, he can turn the entire Brahma world into his own kingdom of God, and then use the power of the Brahma world to devour other planes and worlds to create an infinite vast world.

   "Brahma World?"

   "Brahma World!"

"Not bad."

   "No one knows that your kingdom of God is in the Brahma world, and naturally cannot threaten you."

   "Even if someone knows that your God's Kingdom is in the Brahma World, no one can deal with your God's Kingdom."

   "At least no one in heaven can shake your **** kingdom."

   "In the future, if there is any danger, we will return directly to the Brahma World."

   Hearing that Li Lingtian was going to build the Kingdom of God in the Brahma World, Tang Qingyue and others were surprised, but they immediately reacted and showed a happy look on his face.

   How powerful is the Brahma World, much stronger than other gods and kingdoms.

  General gods will choose to create the kingdom of God in the heaven or hidden places, but rarely create the kingdom of God in the secret realm, but Li Lingtian does the opposite and builds the kingdom of God in the Brahma world. `

   They also know that Brahma World is Li Lingtian's real hometown and his father's world.


It can be said that Li Lingtian's identity in Brahma World is the young master of Brahma World, which is more honorable than the prince of the Lord of the Heavens. After all, compared with the Brahma World, the entire Heaven Realm differs by 180,000 miles.

   "However, the entrance of Brahma World, I can't change it yet."

   "It would be better if the entrance of Brahma World was changed."

   "At the entrance of Brahma World, there is the Holy Temple, the Ice Palace, and the Demon God Realm, and the Kunlun God Court. It can be said that the entrance of Brahma World is at the center of several major forces."

  Li Lingtian's face was serious. With his strength as a cultivation base, he could not change the entrance of Brahma World.

  He did not know how big the Brahma World was. He could only control the Nine Palaces to know how big the Brahma World was. Now the Brahma World’s exit is the Brahma Land.

   This place of Brahma is said to be a good place and a good place.

  If it is not possible, more people enter the Brahma world, it is inevitable that there will be no accidents.

   "In fact, there is not much problem."

   "At that time, Brother Ling Tian will take control of the Holy Heaven Temple and the Ice Palace, and the Heavenly Sanctuary will be in your hands. If the Kunlun God Court and the Demon God Realm dare to work on the Heavenly Sanctuary, the Heavenly Court will not stand idly by."

   "Furthermore, it is impossible for anyone in the Demon God Realm to start working in the Brahma Land. The Brahma Palace in Brahma World is in your hands, and every move in the entrance of Brahma World is in your hands. There is no need to worry at all."

  Bei Mingxue said, she had just reached the realm of God, and she didn’t know the **** kingdom and the world of the **** level, but she read a lot of ancient books and knew some things about the **** kingdom.

   "In fact, there is nothing to worry about in the Kingdom of Brahma."

   "Even if there are powerful people present in my kingdom, it will have no effect on the kingdom."

   "By the way, all of your cultivation practices have reached the **** king and lord, do you plan to accept disciples."

  Li Lingtian became relaxed. He also knew that he was too careful. Instead, he made himself helpless and quickly came out of this emotion to change the subject.

   "I don't want to take disciples."

   "This kind of thing just happens."

   Xuanyuan Yingying said, she is the Five Elements Eucharist. Like Li Lingtian, the cultivation practice is the same as Li Lingtian, and she has also reached the lower god. The law is naturally the five elements rule.

  This is the advantage of Shuangxiu. The two are the same five-element Eucharist, which is shared.

After reaching the Divine Venerable, the Five Elements Divine Emperor let Xuanyuan Yingying build the Kingdom of God in the Five Elements World. In Taiyue Shenting, there are Five Elements Divine Emperors sitting in the sky. No one in the heavens can shake the Five Elements World, so this place is also the safest of.

  If even the Five Elements world is not safe, there will be no safer place in Heaven.

   She is a five-element sacred body, and it is the same demon as Li Lingtian. A Li Lingtian demon has gone against the sky, and the Five Elements Divine Emperor naturally does not want anyone to know that besides Li Lingtian and the Five Elements Divine Emperor, there is another demon who cultivates the Five Elements law.

In celestial realm, no one except him, Taiyue Divine Emperor and Ling Xiao Divine Emperor, no one knew about the existence of Xuanyuan Yingying.

The people around Li Lingtian are Xiaobai and Xuanyuan Yingying the most powerful. Xiaobai is already a multicolored divine dragon. With the innate conditions of her dragon clan princess, the multicolored divine dragon is equivalent to the realm of the upper god, even if it is a general upper god, Not necessarily her opponent.

   Xuanyuan Yingying is also the overbearing rule of the five principles of the lower deity. The one-level rule is equivalent to the six-level rule of other deities. It is still weaker than Li Lingtian. After all, Li Lingtian wanders from the edge of life and death.

   "Calculate the time, and you will be in the Heavenly Sanctuary in another year."

   "When the matter of the Heavenly Sanctuary is resolved, we have to go to the infinite world."

"Originally, I thought about the announcement of the infinite world in the shrine that day, but I still thought it was not announced. When the time is right, let the master announce it. Anyway, I have told the master and the uncle Ling Xiao about the infinite world. And Uncle Taiyue."

  Li Lingtian took a glass of fruit wine from Ming Binger and tasted it softly, then said flatly.


When he went to Taiyue Shrine, he originally wanted to announce the matter of the immeasurable world, but he did not announce it later, but only told the five elements of the immeasurable world.

  Nature Bishui fairy also knows, but she did not expect Li Lingtian to announce the infinite world.

  He does everything carefully after careful consideration.

  In the immeasurable world, vast and boundless, I do not know how big it is.

   And the immeasurable world is one of the most miraculous and powerful periods in the cosmic flood. There must be a peak cultivation civilization in it. If you are not prepared, you dare not rush into it.

   Tell the Wuxing Divine Emperor and Lingxiao Divine Emperor and Taiyue Divine Emperor ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to let them prepare.

  With the power of Divine Emperor Ling Xiao, certain magical flying warships or dangerous treasures will be created. In that case, if the strong man of Taiyue Shenting enters, the protection will be greater.

   Another thing is that he wants to improve Xiu firmly, and he has a holistic plan to enter the infinite world.

  When leaving the court, Li Lingtian told the Five Elements Divine Emperor, and after Uncle Ling Xiao created a treasure to deal with the infinite world, he notified him to go to the infinite world.

   Five Elements Divine Emperor, Lingxiao Divine Emperor, Taiyue Divine Emperor, is the oldest Divine Emperor of Taiyue Shenting, and also the most powerful Divine Emperor.

   One guards the world of five elements, one builds a powerful warship, one guards the Taiyue Shenting, and there are three people joining forces. No matter how powerful and powerful the Celestial Realm cannot shake the Taiyue Shenting.

   This is also one of the reasons why Taiyue Shenting is in the heavenly world.

   "At that time we will go to the infinite world together."

   Tang Qingyue said with a smile, now that they have all reached the level of God King and God Lord, they can go anywhere. Of course, some Jedi are afraid to go and there is no need to take risks.

   There is also a peerless demon in Li Lingtian, they don’t need to take risks at all, they just need to upgrade to prolong life.

   However, Li Lingtian now has the Holy Heaven Palace and Brahma Palace. Even if she enters the Jedi, there will not be much danger. Otherwise, she will not say that she will follow Li Lingtian to the infinite world.

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