War God Supreme

Chapter 2330: Over the sky

Above the Holy Temple, a palace was suspended.

A faint radiance radiated from the palace, like a round of blazing sun hanging in the void.

The arrival of the palace suddenly caused the shock of countless powerful halls and gods of the Holy Heaven Temple. The Holy Heaven Hall of the Celestial Sanctuary, the ten supreme forces of the Celestial Realm, were extremely powerful.

Even if it is not as good as the Four Great Courts, it is not far behind.

Moreover, the territory of the Celestial Sanctuary is only a quarter of the size of the Divine Court, and the density of the strong and the gods is extremely terrifying. In the Celestial Sanctuary, there are immense and powerful cultivation treasures everywhere, making countless super powerfuls and gods appear here. .

In the celestial sanctuary of the heavens, the God King and God Lord can be seen everywhere, and even the deity can be seen from time to time.

The Holy City is huge and unmatched. I don’t know how many billions of miles it is.

Here, it is also the most powerful and powerful center of the Heavenly Sanctuary, because it is the base camp of the Holy Heaven Temple, and the Holy Heaven Temple is in the Holy Heaven City.

The city of Holy Heaven has trillions of true gods, 10 billion gods, 100 million gods, eight million gods, and ten thousand gods.

I can imagine how powerful such a super city is.

The stronger the city, the stricter the rules,

Therefore, there must be no flying warships flying within the city of Holy Heaven, only flying in the air.

But did not expect a huge palace to appear above the city of Holy Heaven. The palace is completely ∫长∫风∫文∫学, ww≧w.cf∧wx.n︽et ignored the defensive formation of the Holy City, Directly penetrated the defensive formation and came to the sky above the Holy City.

This situation shocked the powerful and gods of the Holy City.

You should know that the defensive formation of the Holy City is an early formation created by the Supreme Division. Even the Divine Emperor Power and the innate flying warship are still unshakable. This is also the key to the Holy City standing in the long history. one.

But did not expect a palace to enter the city of the Holy Heaven as easily as this.

"Isn't this the Holy Palace in Holy Heaven Realm?"

"How did the Holy Temple become smaller and still appear in the Holy City."

"Could it be that the predecessors of the Holy Heaven Temple brought the Holy Heaven Palace control out of the Holy Heaven Realm."

"This is indeed the Holy Heaven Palace of the Holy Heaven Realm, but it is not controlled by the Holy Heaven Temple, but it is the vehicle that is called the invincible God Venerable of the First God of Heaven Realm.

"Invincible Divine Venerable? Isn't it the Lord Lingtian who defeated the next Divine Emperor with the lower Divine Venerable in the Jiuxiao Tower of Taiyue Shenting."

"Holy Heaven Palace is controlled by Invincible Deity."

"What is he doing here in the city of Holy Heaven? Ignoring the defense of the Holy City in this way. Isn't this against the Holy Temple?"

"Adult Ling Tian is a role model for monks in the realm of heaven."

"This is the car of Lord Invincible God Lord Lingtian, so envious, if I could have such a flying palace, I could go to heaven and earth, even the Divine Emperor might not be afraid."


Inside the Holy City, countless strong monks and genius demon, as well as super gods, looking at the void of the Holy Palace, the endless discussion, so the Holy City was boiling.

However, the holy heaven palace suspended in the void did not mean to leave.

Facing Shengtian Palace is facing Li Lingtian.

There are countless super gods in the city of Holy Heaven, but in front of Li Lingtian, they dare not provoke, and can only watch the empty Holy Heaven Palace, even the countless gods of the Holy Heaven Temple can only stare at the Holy Heaven Palace far away, waiting The super characters of the Holy Temple come.



Within a few moments, several figures appeared in the void.

A total of six figures were suspended in the air, looking at the Holy Temple.

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the entire Holy City was strangely suppressed to the extreme, and all the powerful people and gods were inspired by a strong sense of oppression, which felt breathless.

Seeing the six strong men in the void, the super gods in the Holy City recognized the six.


"Dragon Peak Venerable."

"Aojin Venerable."

"Dong Luo Shen Zun."

"Terrine Deity."

For a time, the superpowers and gods of Holy City exclaimed.

As we all know, the six strongmen who came were all the super gods of the holy heaven temple. It can be said that they were the super elders of the holy temple.

However, five of the six people knew them, but one of the old men in Tsing Yi and White Beard didn't know. Nonetheless, the super gods and strong men of the Holy City did not dare to underestimate this old man.

Being able to be with several super elders in the Holy Temple is definitely not an ordinary person.

Few people in the Holy City know this old man in Tsing Yi and white beard, but it is not that no one knows the old man in white beard.

"Holy Emperor Nanlou Divine Emperor.

A great consummate **** respects the strong, looking at the six strong in the void, the expression on his face is constantly changing, and he says lightly, his voice is not loud, but it is clearly heard by many super strong.

Hearing a Divine Emperor in the air, he was shocked.

"Nanlou Divine Emperor?"

"Emperor Nanlou Divine Emperor of the Holy Heaven Temple."

"Before 100 million epochs, the super demon of the Holy Temple was the Nanlou Divine Emperor! However, after the Nanlou Divine Emperor reached the Divine Emperor before the 100 million epoch, he did not show up. It came out again."

"Five Dzogchen gods at the pinnacle, plus a demon-level **** emperor, a terrifying lineup, in addition to the four great courts and the central heaven, only the Holy Temple has such strength."

"Did they come from the invincible deity of Taiyue Shenting?"

"Five Great Consummation Deities, Peak Spirits and Demon God Emperors, dealing with a lower deity, beyond imagination."


The old man in Tsing Yi and the white beard was shattered by someone's identity, and the Holy City suddenly boiled.

Even if the **** king crawls all over the land, the **** master is flying everywhere, and the gods are everywhere in the heavenly sanctuary, but it is difficult to see a divine emperor, and the divine emperor strong dragon will not see the end.

There are not many Divine Emperor Powerhouses in the entire heavenly realm. Each Divine Emperor Powerhouse has existed for hundreds of millions of epochs. It is simply an undead character and a pillar of humanity.

These people, either for treasure hunting in other mysteries, or to open up territory for humans, or to practice in closed doors, rarely appear in front of the world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now, for Taiyue Shenting, an invincible **** Venerable, the Holy Temple had sent five great fulfillment deity peak spirits and one divine power.

Each of these six people stomping their feet can make the heavens shake.

For a time, the Holy City was boiling.

Tension, expectation, excitement.

On one side are the disciples of the Five Elements Divine Emperor of Taiyue Shenting. Taiyue Shenting is the first super demon in trillions of years.

On the other side is the ruler of the Heavenly Sanctuary, the Tenth Supreme Realm of Heavenly Realm, the Great Sovereign and the Divine Emperor.

If there is a real war, it is impossible to say who will win.

Throughout the air, the atmosphere became more and more strange, and the sense of oppression became stronger and stronger.

However, no strong man had to escape and left, but waited to see the excitement.

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