War God Supreme

Chapter 2331: 1 against 5

"Li Lingtian, do you know that this is the city of Holy Heaven.`"

The atmosphere in the void is strangely suppressed. The powerful gods of the Holy City do not dare to breathe, even looking at the sky in shock. In front of this strange and suppressed atmosphere, it is like a small boat in the choppy waves Among them, it may disappear at any time.

At this moment, Sakyamuni took a step forward, one step across the distance of a hundred miles, and came to the inside of the Holy Heaven Palace, staring at the Holy Heaven Palace and speaking loudly.

The look on his face was calm, but he was shocked.

The Holy Heaven Palace is the treasure of Holy Heaven Realm, and even the treasure of His Holy Heaven Temple, but now it falls into the hands of Li Lingtian.

Moreover, Li Lingtian in the palace in front of him, but the existence of the invincible deity, the lower deity, defeated the lower deity, and the power was terrifying. He was also curious about what kind of ability a lower deity can defeat the deity.

Although Li Lingtian was not seen, Li Lingtian's prestige made Sakyamuni Venerable feel great pressure.

"This place naturally knows that this is the city of the Holy Heaven."

The voice came from the Holy Heaven Palace. The dull voice spread throughout the entire Holy City, and all the powerful and gods of the Holy Heaven City felt the spring breeze in front of this voice.

The oppression and oppression just disappeared.

When these powerful gods reacted, a young man in white walked out of the Holy Palace. The young man in white was holding a black and white folding fan in his hand.

However, there is no such thing as a strong man in his body, no style of a strong man, but he is like a handsome family man.

Behind the youth in white, followed by a group of peerless women.

There are forty-eight maids and one hundred guards. After these people came out, they stood in the void in the hundred miles of the Holy Heaven Palace. Their eyes looked into the distance as if they were enjoying the scenery.

Only the young man in white walked step by step into the sky and stopped at a thousand miles from the Holy Heaven Palace.

The world is quiet, there is no sound at all.

The spirits of the billionaires in the Holy City are staring at the void, and the atmosphere dare not take a breath. `

However, looking at the people who walked out of the Great Holy Heaven Palace, the countless class geniuses and class spirits in the city of the Holy Heaven are extremely excited. Although they all know that this person is from the Taiyue Divine Court, they do not violate the river water with the Holy Heaven Temple, but this person It is the object of their worship.

The youth in white who walked out of Shengtian Palace is naturally the invincible deity of Taiyue God's court-level spirit, Li Lingtian.

"Now that I know that this is the city of Holy Heaven, why should I break in?"

"Can the deity see you as provoking the Holy Temple?"

Sakyamuni watched Li Lingtian come out, staring closely at Li Lingtian, and said loudly.

The more the other party is like this, the more frightening it is.

You should know that the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and the title of Li Lingtian's invincible deity are not randomly obtained. If the other party does not have the slightest certainty, he will never dare to easily control the Holy Palace into the Holy City.

Looking at the other party's light and light winds brought him tremendous pressure.

As the **** at the pinnacle of Dzogchen, except the Divine Emperor who put pressure on him, other gods could not give him any pressure at all. This is his power. Now, in front of this lower god, there is such a terrifying pressure.

"Your excellency is Sakyamuni, one of the ten elders of the Holy Temple."

"Provoking the Holy Temple, why come to say it."

"Because this Holy Temple is originally the seat, the entire Holy City, the entire Heavenly Sanctuary, belong to the seat of control, to provoke the Holy Temple, is this seat full of support?"

Li Lingtian took a step forward and suddenly shivered in space. This step was like stepping on the chest of all powerful gods.

From the beginning to the end, Li Lingtian's face was all with a faint smile, Yun Yun's breezy expression made people feel tremendous pressure, the folding fan in his hand waved gently, and he couldn't say it.

The sound rang, and the powerful men of the whole Holy City were shocked and dull.

Not only them, even Sakyamuni and Emperor Nanlou were shocked by Li Lingtian's words.

How exists the Holy Heaven Temple, that is the Ten Greatest Powers of Heaven Realm, although its strength is not as good as Taiyue Shenting, but it is nowhere near. Now, Li Lingtian said with great conviction that the entire Holy Heaven Temple and Heavenly Sanctuary are under his control. 8 novels`

A deity, even the invincible deity does not dare to say this, let alone him, even the Divine Emperor has no such guts.

Li Lingtian's words temporarily stunned the strong in the city of Holy Heaven and blocked Sakyamuni and others. Others didn't know what was going on, but they understood the reason, but they didn't expect to say it now.

"Li Lingtian, invincible deity."

"The deity has to see if you have this strength known as invincible deity."

Sakyamuni looked at Nanlou Divine Emperor, and Nanlou Divine Emperor nodded.

With the permission of the Nanlou Divine Emperor, Sakyamuni said aloud. It was to test Li Lingtian's strength anyway. He was the **** of the pinnacle of the Great Dharma Divine. Li Lingtian had the title of invincible deity, but only the lower deity, He really didn't believe that a lower **** could defeat the Great Dharma King, let alone the Divine Emperor.

Between the speeches, waving with one hand, a law of destruction magical power ran over to Li Lingtian.

The war in the void, as long as it is not done intentionally, will not destroy the city below.

Suddenly, the rule of destruction supernatural power tore the void, and the void was no longer intact, and all became fragments.

The horror power of Dzogchen Shrine was fully revealed.

The five-fold rule, which is the ultimate rule of the Great Consummation of the Divine Venerable, plus the terrifying anti-celestial supernatural power.

"Five hundred years ago, this seat may not easily win you."

"But as of today, you are no longer my opponent. Give you a chance to be respected by this seat. Come together, otherwise there will be no chance of returning."

Li Lingtian looked at the magical powers of the destruction and distortion of the void, and his face remained unchanged, with no slight changes.

At the time of speaking, the Destroyer Set has been automatically displayed.

As long as there is a slight threat to Li Lingtian, the full set of God-destroying suits will be deployed at the first time, just like Li Lingtian’s left arm and right arm, which are fully displayed as they please.

The Destroyer suit is unfolded, and the defense is invincible.

The Golden Crown, Wuyue, Life, Domination, and Tianjia's defenses operate at the same time, protecting Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian gently waved the folding fan in his hand, and he did not take this rule of supernatural power into his eyes at all, because such a supernatural power of supernatural power could not shake his defense.

Unless it is the Divine Emperor Strong, even the next Divine Emperor, who exhibits supernatural powers, may not be able to shake the defense of his God Destroying Suit. This is what he tried in the Martian Sky of the Nine Xiao Tower, and his heart is naturally bottomed.


Sure enough, in an instant, the law of Sakyamuni's divine power was bombarded in front of Li Lingtian. The place within 100 meters of Lingtian was resisted by invisible defenses. He couldn't get close to Li Lingtian at all, let alone shake Li Lingtian.

He was right. If the Great Dzogchen deity dealt with him five hundred years ago, he really had to escape.

Even if you don't run away, you won't be able to defeat the Dzogchen deity.

However, that was something that happened five hundred years ago. Five hundred years ago he was the Divine Lord, and now he is the Divine Venerable.

What's more, five hundred years ago, he also killed the Kunlun God Court's celestial **** who controlled the laws of space. Although it was a time and place, the ending was that the celestial **** deceased and completed his Li Lingtian. This is an unchangeable fact.

Reaching the Divine Venerable, his realm becomes a law, a five-element rule of crushing, but a seven-fold rule of crushing, plus a law of time and space, and an eightfold rule of crushing. Naturally, he is not attentive to the law of Sakyamuni.


The powerful gods of the whole Holy City looked at the ending of the Void War and could not help but take a breath.

Everyone knows that Li Lingtian is powerful and unmatched, but he did not expect that Li Lingtian was so powerful that standing in the air and making people bombarded would not move at all. This kind of terrorist defense is too much against the sky.

This is the case with Dzogchen, not to mention other strong men.

Could it be that Li Lingtian's defense could only be shaken by Divine Emperor.

The powerful gods in the city of Holy Heaven were shocked. The gods such as Dongluo God Emperor and Nanlou God Emperor in the air were more shocked. The stronger they were, they could also see Li Lingtian's horror.


"The defense is so strong that it ignores the rules and supernatural powers."

Nan Lou Divine Emperor's face showed excitement, and there was a terrifying war intention all over his body.

I didn’t put the title of invincible deity in the eyes before. In his heart, even the invincible deity is just a deity, and it can’t be compared with the divine emperor. The deity is no less powerful, but in front of the divine emperor, it is just always strong. A little ant, let alone in front of his median Divine Emperor.

Now, seeing Li Lingtian's means and strength, he was excited.

He is a fighting madman, and even a class monster that can't be killed. Now that he has reached the median divine emperor, he still can't change his belligerent character. The stronger Li Lingtian is, the more he stirs up his fighting spirit.

However, he can't do it yet, or it's not worth it.

While speaking, his eyes glanced at the other four Great Constellation Divine Venerables and received the advice of the Nanlou Divine Emperor. Tailin Divine Emperor and Dongluo Divine Emperor glanced at each other, and their strange shapes disappeared, disappeared again. When it appeared, it had appeared around Li Lingtian.

With four people and Sakyamuni, five great consummates surrounded Li Lingtian.

Such a situation forms the prestige of the combined attack~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Five gods of the great consummation of the gods teamed up, the power is terrifying, under the combined attack, the world is destroyed, plus they are all level demon gods Even the ordinary Divine Emperor did not dare to have the slightest care.

At this moment, they play against a young man with the next deity, and the five of them join forces once and for all.

No matter who wins or loses, Li Lingtian is destined to shake the heavens again and make them tremble.

Because, one of the lower gods, who was called the invincible god, forced the five elders of the ten elders of the Holy Temple to join forces. Such a record is absolutely terrifying.



The war has not yet begun, the void has shivered and shattered completely.

Five Dzogchen gods surrounded Li Lingtian. The law of terror burst out, and the world shook. All the strong men of the Holy City looked pale and wanted to escape, but they were suppressed by the law of terror.


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