War God Supreme

Chapter 2333: The God of War...

Divine Venerable, Pantheon Supreme. `

Control the magic power and the laws of heaven and earth that ruin the world.

Li Lingtian didn't want to fight in the city of the Holy Heaven, to achieve his strength, and destroy the world with his hand. Even if the Holy City is tough and strong, it is only a city in the heaven.

Heaven and earth can be destroyed, and there is no reason that the city can't be destroyed.

Last time I fought in the Jiuxiao Pagoda, I knew one or two of the horror methods of myself and the Divine Emperor. If you really fight, although you will not destroy the heavens, but a city of holy heaven will be finished.

This time, his strength is stronger and more horrible than before, and his killer has not been shown last time.

Now fighting against Nanlou Divine Emperor, Nanlou Divine Emperor is not a subordinate Divine Emperor, but a terrifying and powerful median Divine Emperor.

Take control of the Five Elements Rule of Heaven and Earth, and the Rule of Time and Space.

For thousands of miles, everything is still.

A moment later, Li Lingtian had reached the edge of the Heavenly Sanctuary, the sky above the sea of ​​flames.

Xianhai, at any time, is the most mysterious.

No matter how powerful the powerful one is, it is very difficult to destroy the heavens and the earth in the battle against the Xianhai. Unless the intention is to destroy this side of the world, otherwise, no one can destroy the Xianhai.

The softness of water can contain everything in the world, and it can destroy everything.

"This is it."

Li Lingtian suspended in the center of the Cangyan Xianhai, looking at the endless sea, his face calm.

Between the words, a destructive power exploded on his body, one-handedly pressed into the fairy sea, and the whole celestial flame suddenly boiled, and the terrible power spread around Li Lingtian.

In front of the power of destruction, all the sea beasts, beasts, and beasts fled away, and the faces of countless hunters were horrified, as if the sky had collapsed. They dared not have the slightest hesitation, and quickly drove the flying warship to escape the sky. Flame Fairy Sea.

However, in front of this power, no fairy beast was destroyed, no human was destroyed, and all creatures were not hurt in the slightest, but even so, all creatures retreated.

Because all creatures above the sea of ​​flames know that the master of this power is just warning them to let them leave the sea of ​​flames. `

"I don't know who the mighty **** is in the sea of ​​flames."

"There is such a terrible law power."

"The deity has reached the deity, but in front of this power, it seems too small."

"This is the power of the Five Elements Law. Among the heavens, there are only a few people who have the Five Elements Law, but these few people rarely come out and walk. Is it the invincible deity of Taiyue God Court."

"Quickly evacuate the Cangyan Xianhai, otherwise it will never end."


Above the Cyan Flame Fairy Sea, countless strong men and creatures are terrified.

Some level gods and level **** beasts can feel a breath of power from the law of destruction, like who is the strong man who is now exerting this power.

Faced with the power of this law, no one and no creature can't retreat.

In just a few moments, the powerful and gods, and all creatures affected by the power of law on the celestial sea, have already retreated, but no one dares to stop, but hastened to escape, if they wait for that power The gods shot, it was impossible to escape.

"The Five Elements Rule."

"The law of space."

A faint voice sounded not far from Li Lingtian.

Although the voice was dull, it could not conceal the shock.

Nanlou Divine Emperor stood in the air above the fairy sea thousands of miles away from Li Lingtian, and his face kept changing. He left the Holy City almost at the same time as Li Lingtian, but he was thrown away by Li Lingtian.

Let him be supernatural, but in front of Li Lingtian's degree, he also seemed powerless.

If he were not familiar with Li Lingtian's breath, he would lose it, and it would be strange not to make people laugh.

While desperately chasing Li Lingtian, the Emperor Nanlou was more and more shocked in his heart. He was shocked by Li Lingtian's law of five elements and shocked Li Lingtian's ability to control space.

Gradually, he began to suspect that Li Lingtian had other horrible laws besides the five elements. `

In the end, he had determined in his heart that Li Lingtian was in control of the law of space. Now this horrifying fact, the Emperor Nanlou was shocked in his heart. He did not expect that Li Lingtian not only controlled the law of the five elements, but also controlled the law of space. Yes.

By the time he catches up with Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian has expelled all creatures above the sea of ​​flames.

Looking at Li Lingtian, he said lightly.

I am sure that Li Lingtian is in charge of the law of space, but when I speak, I stare at Li Lingtian and describe the law of space as the law of space and time. I want to see some changes in Li Lingtian's expression.

"Your South Tower deserves to be the God Emperor."

"This seat does control the Five Elements Rule and the Space-Time Rule."

With a faint smile on Li Lingtian's face, he never expected that Nanlou Divine Emperor was defrauding him, and that he could not blame him, because Divine Emperor's sense of control of heaven, earth and space reached a terrible level, Nanlou God The emperor followed him and was sure to be able to see his breath change.

Anyone in the realm of heaven knows that he controls the laws of space, and that his control of the laws of space and time will be revealed sooner or later. Besides, he has now reached the realm of God. As long as he does not die, the average person is not his opponent at all.

What's more, Nanlou Divine Emperor is the elder of the Holy Temple.

If you want to enter the Holy Temple, you must trust the people in the Holy Temple, and you will show the powerful and overbearing side, and things will be smoother.

"No wonder."

"Those who are strong enough to meet you, in front of the Five Elements Law and the Law of Space and Time, are just looking for death."

Nanlou Divine Emperor's heart turned upside down and began to defraud Li Lingtian, but did not expect that the other party really controlled the law of time and space. This time, he was looking for abuse himself. If he did not know that the other party controlled the law of time and space, he would not be so shocked.

As a Divine Emperor, standing at the pinnacle of heaven, naturally knowing how terrifying and magical the law of space and time is.

Time and space are the most mysterious and mysterious existences between the universe and the vastness of the world. They are invisible and intangible, but they exist, and no one can control them.

There are only a few characters who are against the sky and control a little space law.

But no one will ever be in touch with time. Not to mention the laws of time, even the realm of time cannot be touched.

However, Li Lingtian, who is in front of him, is in control of the law of space and time. The law of space and time is more powerful and magical than the law of space or time.

Controlling the law of time and space, completely dominates the world and the creatures.

Space, time, there is no, there is no absolute.

The law of space only controls a trace of fur, as does the law of time.

It is the most terrifying and magical that only has two laws.

Just like the five-element rule, a single attribute is compared with the five-element great consummation. I don't know how many worlds are different.

Now, Nanlou Divine Emperor finally understands that those strong men who are a few realms higher than Li Lingtian have no ability to fight back in front of Li Lingtian. It turns out that it is because of the Five Elements rule and the more magical time and space rule.

"My Excellency, South Tower, I don't need time and space to fight you."

"Furthermore, this seat has shown the law of space and time in front of you. I believe it is of little use to you. Naturally, if this seat wants to kill a person, the law of space and time is enough."

Li Lingtian looked at the change in the look of Nanlou God Emperor's face and already knew that he had been scammed.

However, he did not care at all, as long as he was careful.

Between the words, the fighting intent soared.

It is rare to encounter a strong man who is not an enemy, and he cannot be missed.

If this Nanlou Divine Emperor is an enemy, he is really careful, or does not directly fight the other party. At this moment, the Nanlou Divine Emperor is not an enemy, but a good opponent.

"Then let you see the real power of Divine Emperor."

The Emperor Nanlou heard Li Lingtian's words, and was a little angry, and also had some regrets.

But he also understands that if Li Lingtian is really applying the law of time and space, even if it is just a single law of time and space, he can change many things, and he is not sure to retreat in front of the law of space and time.

Since the opponent will not play the law of time and space, but the five elements rule is enough to fight him.

The divine power of the whole body works, the law forms a world.

The Nanlou Divine Emperor is the **** of evil against evil in the three series of gold, fire and earth.

The gold system and the fire system are the main attacks, and the power is terrifying. The earth system is the most powerful defense. It can be said that although the five elements are not completed, they control the three most terrifying attributes of the five elements.

Suddenly, the Golden Rule of the Sixth Peak, the Fire Rule of the Sixth Peak, and the Earth Rule of the Sixth Peak exploded at this moment.

The power of the Divine Emperor, the median Divine Emperor, caused the entire Cangyan Fairy Sea to boil. This world, all controlled by the Divine Emperor Nanlou, felt the horror power of the Divine Emperor Nanlou, and Li Lingtian was shocked.

The Nanlou Divine Emperor in front of him, although not as good as the Five Elements Divine Emperor, is not far from the Dragon Blood Divine Emperor. It does not know how many times stronger than the next Divine Emperor in the Jiuxiao Tower.

It can be said that among the divine emperors he has seen, the Nanlou divine emperor can be regarded as a top-notch existence.

Naturally, except the Five Elements Divine Emperor and Taiyue Divine Court and Lingxiao Divine Emperor.

He finally realized that the first-level evil spirits of the Heavenly Celestial Temple in the countless epochs before the Divine Emperor were even more terrifying after reaching the Divine Emperor.


The power of the three laws of ruining the heavens and the earth is crushed towards Li Lingtian.

The law of the six-fold peak, fused together, is powerful enough to be comparable to the law of the seven-fold peak~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if it encounters the single-system eight-fold rule, it can resist one or two.

"The Five Elements Rule."

Li Lingtian sipped softly, screaming Longyong, rushing to Jiu Xiao.

The entire Cangyan Xianhai was tumbling, and the waves were high.

One-handed void strokes, the five-element rule explodes, and the five-element rule becomes its own world.

When the Five Elements Rule appeared, Li Lingtian's Five Elements Rule World competed with the Nanlou Divine Emperor's rule world for the control of the heaven and earth of this side. The God Emperor Divine Emperor battled and seized the heaven and earth's control.

Who can control the greater and greater world power, the greater the advantage.

For a time, the world occupied by the two people was up and down, one million miles, ten million miles...

Until the entire Cangyan Fairy Sea was controlled by two people, Cangyan Fairy Sea became the private territory of Li Lingtian and Nanlou Divine Emperor, and everything here was a matter of life and death.


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