War God Supreme

Chapter 2334: Take control of the world


The laws of Li Lingtian and Nanlou Divine Emperor were violently roaring, and the sea of ​​flaming flames rose.

The five-element rule has one weight, which is equivalent to the single-system seven-layer rule. Even the eight-fold single-system rule can resist. The Nanlou Divine Emperor is the median divine emperor, the six-fold rule peak, and the three-attribute six-fold peak rule, which is equivalent to the seven-fold rule peak.

For a time, the rules of the two were comparable.

In the void, Li Lingtian and Nanlou Divine Emperor crushed their terrifying laws and wanted to suppress each other.

Only by gaining the upper hand over the law can you overwhelm your opponents, otherwise it is impossible to defeat a god-level god.

The entire Cangyan Xianhai is like a plaything in the hands of two people.

The world is constantly collapsing, and the void is broken into inches and pieces.

"The Five Elements Rule is really tough."

"Compared with the Five Elements Rule of your Master Five Elements Divine Emperor, if the Five Elements Rule reaches five levels and there are no adversaries in the vertical and horizontal realms, come up with your time and space rules to see how powerful you are."

In the past of seconds, the void is continuously destroyed and repaired. The rules of the Nanlou Divine Emperor and Li Lingtian are indistinguishable. In this way, no one can help anyone.

The emperor Nanlou smiled on his face and was shocked.

He said to Li Lingtian aloud that in his heart, he had recognized Li Lingtian's terrifying strength.

The lower deity, on the rule, can be comparable to the median deity. If it reaches the great consummation deity, and reaches the deity, who else in heaven is his opponent.

It should be known that after reaching the deity, the strong respect the law.

The law governs everything. The more powerful the law of the gods, the more terrifying the strength. Any strong creature, in front of the powerful law, everything is the dust of ants.

He Nanlou Divine Emperor is a peerless figure in the world of evil spirits, and he is even more powerful after reaching Divine Emperor.

He is now the median divine emperor, the general median divine emperor can’t even lift his head in front of him, even if he meets the superior divine emperor, he can fight, but he is a proud person, but he didn’t think of a subordinate. Venerable God is like him.

There is such a demon in the Holy Temple, and who else in the Heaven Realm can shake the Holy Temple.

Now, he has recognized the main hall of the Holy Temple, but as a fighting madman, he wants to know whether Li Lingtian really controls the law of space-time at the moment, and in the end how amazing the powerful law of space-time is.

"That's good, Lord Nanlou noticed."

Li Lingtian also knows that it is impossible to suppress the Nanlou Divine Emperor according to the Five Elements Law, unless the Law of Space and Time is integrated.

Since Divine Emperor Nanlou wanted to see the law of time and space, let him have a good look at the power and magic of the law of space and time. Between speeches, time and space worked eternally and quickly.

Time and space are eternal, mysterious treasure, and heart of time and space.


Just when time and space run forever, the law of time and space also bursts out. Suddenly, the void is like a foreign world forcibly torn apart. Within a tens of thousands of miles of the void, it becomes gray at this moment, space is confined, time stops, But in the other places of Nanlou Divine Emperor, time was lost at a rate of one million times, and his life was quick.

With a moment of silence, the difference between them is terrifying.

In the blink of an eye, Shou Yuan lost tens of thousands of years. The look on the face of Nanlou Divine Emperor changed, but he couldn't get out of the imprisoned space and still time. The whole person was first fixed.

"No traces of time and space."

At this moment, Li Lingtian drew an arc of glory with one hand, and the glory struck the Nanlou Divine Emperor.

The Emperor Nanlou flew away, the imprisoned space returned to normal, and the rest time was normally lost.

Cangyan Xianhai, calm as always.

In the void, Li Lingtian and God Emperor Nanlou looked away.

"Sure enough terror."

"In front of the law of time and space, even the emperor can't help it."

"Your law is enough to match the higher divine emperor, and even to resist the rule of the Great Emperor Divine Emperor, but it is not so easy to defeat a divine emperor."

"Use your means to see if you can defeat the emperor with supernatural powers."

The God Emperor of the South Tower, overturned in his heart, could not be calm for a long time.

Thousands of millions of years of mental training have reached the level of the ancient well, but when I saw the law of space and time, my heart was filled with storms and waves. I did not expect that someone in the realm of heaven really controlled the most mysterious law of space and time in the legend.

In front of the law of time and space, he simply did not fight back.

If he is really desperate, his life yuan will have to be lost for tens of millions of years or more, and even so, Li Lingtian, by virtue of the law of five elements and the law of time and space, has the absolute upper hand and is in an invincible position.

Besides, Li Lingtian is only the next deity. There is only one rule. When Li Lingtian reaches the Great Consummation and the rule is four or five, the rule alone is enough to cross the heavens.

"it is good."

"This seat hasn't worked for a long time."

Li Lingtian's fighting intentions soared, one-handed strokes, the God of Destruction suit appeared, the God of Destruction and Flame in his hand fell out, and suddenly, the entire Cangyan Xianhai became the world of flames.

Everything in the world, turned into a melt in front of the flames.

"It's so cool."

"The Emperor saw the power of the Destroyer Set."

The Nanlou Divine Emperor saw Li Lingtian's blazing flames, and his fighting intentions exploded.

In his view, Li Lingtian's law is against the sky, and no one can be enemies. Even the Divine Emperor must be recognized in front of him, but with combat experience and supernatural power, he is certainly not the opponent of the Divine Emperor. After all, Li Lingtian is only two thousand years old. In the eyes of Divine Emperor, it was just a baby.

During the speech, the magical powers that broke the earth broke out.



"Boom, boom!"

The sky and the sky are constantly destroyed, and two peerless figures are flashing, and each blow can destroy a world.

Sword array, forbidden curse, supernatural power, connect one by one.

Time, seconds passed, the battle between the two seemed like never ending.

Li Lingtian's magical power of destruction is endless.

Emperor Nanlou also exhibited the most powerful killer in his body.

However, it is completely impossible for the two to decide the outcome.



Half an hour passed, and the world was quiet.

The Cyan Flame Fairy Sea is as calm as a lake. On the Fairy Sea, two strong men stand on the water, with a happy smile on their faces.

The two stopped simultaneously and shouted a cool word at the same time.



Between the sky and the sea, hearty laughter resounded through the world.

"Invincible God Venerable, really powerful."

"After a million years, this heaven is yours."

Nanlou Divine Emperor said loudly that at this moment, he was numb to Li Lingtian's intrepidity, and if Li Lingtian had something against him again, he should only take it for granted.

He reached the Divine Venerate in two thousand years, and he could not beat even the Divine Emperor.

If Li Lingtian were given millions of years, no one in this heaven would be Li Lingtian's enemy.

"A million years, it's too late."

"As long as one hundred thousand years, this seat reaches the Great Constellation Divine Venerable, it can crush the entire heaven."

"Because there are four killer skills in this seat that have not been exhibited."

Li Lingtian's face was relaxed and his tone was mad.

But no one can feel his tone mad, because Li Lingtian has this capital and strength.

In this World War, he performed all kinds of magical powers. The Nanlou Divine Emperor couldn't help him, and he couldn't shake the Nanlou Divine Emperor, but his biggest killer did not show it.

If these killers were exhibited, the Nanlou Divine Emperor could only be suppressed.


"In 100,000 years, will you be able to reach the Dharma Sovereign?"

"Even if you have reached the Great Constellation Divine Venerable, and the law has reached five levels, at most it will suppress the Celestial Divine Emperor Powerhouse, but it cannot destroy the Divine Emperor Powerhouse, and the Celestial God Emperor Powerhouse occupies the right place, you are not invincible. "

"Being able to see your killer, the law of space and time is needless to say, if the law of space and time reaches five levels, there is absolutely no problem with the aspect of heaven and earth."

The Emperor Nanlou was stunned when he heard Li Lingtian's words.

From Li Lingtian's strength and means, Li Lingtian's character and personality can be seen.

He naturally would not believe that Li Lingtian would lie and talk big words.

It is already exaggerated and exaggerated to say that Li Lingtian is invincible after a million years. I did not expect Li Lingtian to be as long as 100,000 years. This is too exaggerated.

In 100,000 years, from the lower deity to the great consummation deity, it is unimaginable. Besides, even if the great consummation deity is reached, it cannot be invincible in heaven.

I was curious about Li Lingtian's killer skills. Although he hadn't exhibited it during the war, to what extent was it so powerful that Li Lingtian was so confident.

"Your South Building can look at this."

Li Lingtian had a faint smile on his face, and his expression clouded lightly.

During the talk, the entire Cangyan Xianhai became riotous, and the space formed various scenes.

From the beginning to the end, Li Lingtian did not move.

Seeing this scene, the look of the Emperor Nanlou's face changed as if he had seen ghosts.

"Control the world."

"What a horrible spirit attack."

The Nanlou Divine Emperor exclaimed, although Li Lingtian didn't move, but with his Divine Emperor's knowledge and strength, he naturally saw the horror and domineering.

Only when the spirit attack reaches a terrible level can he do all this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he asked himself, his spirit cannot be compared with it, in front of such a spirit attack, even his median divine emperor, it must be Tao, one accidentally will be attacked and killed by the soul.

The horrible thing is that such a horrible attack on the soul, even if there is a Divine Deity Divine Emperor, can also directly destroy the deity through the Doppelganger.

Legend has it that there was a magician who thought that the sky was heaven. When the **** was in the realm of the realm, a divine emperor was killed by a look, and the deity was also killed by the avatar.

Many super-gods were killed in front of this magician, even without the power to fight back.

In the end, the magician did not know why it disappeared in heaven, and no one had seen the magician again.

Now Li Lingtian also has such a horrible attack on the soul, which is too terrifying. What is even more terrifying is that he once heard the control of the world from the Lord of the Blue Sky. Has reached this level.

It was strange that he was not shocked. Looking at Li Lingtian's eyes was like seeing a monster.

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