War God Supreme

Chapter 2336: Lord of the Holy Temple

In the main hall of the Holy Temple, all the powerful gods were shocked. In the face of horrible coercion, they could not move their hands and feet. At this moment, these gods knew how far they were from Li Lingtian.

The same as the deity, but in front of Li Lingtian's next deity, it seemed so weak.

At this time, Li Lingtian stretched out his hand, and the Holy Scepter appeared in front of him, suspended in the air.

The golden light is like a blazing sun, shining on the Holy Temple.

The holy scepter appeared, and the holy sacred palace also appeared. The slap-sized holy sacred palace, printed with the holy scepter, exerted a terrifying power. Although the power is still, all gods are aware that if this power If it can explode, it will destroy the world.

At this moment, all the spirits have accepted Li Lingtian as the master of the palace.

Besides, Li Lingtian has already said that he is the person of Taiyue Shenting and also the person of Shengtian Temple. He led Shengtian Temple and Taiyue Shenting to the top of heaven and became the master of heaven.

Dare to say such a thing, he is definitely the first person in the entire heaven.

You should know that there are four great courts and ten supreme forces in the entire heaven, as well as the central heaven.

The power of Central Heaven is beyond everyone's imagination.

If you want to be the master of heaven, you will definitely challenge heaven.

The four great courts and the ten supreme powers, together, cannot compete with the central heavenly court.

There must be a demon in a vision, and Li Lingtian is this demon.

Since the appearance of Heaven Realm, Heaven Court has been the ruler of Heaven Realm. No one can change and shake. Although Li Lingtian is not a Divine Emperor, he is very evil and may have a glimmer of hope.

Immersed in the heavens of countless trillions of eras, there should be real blood.

Unable to help, there were 6,666 gods and deities in the main hall, as well as six elders and elders, and the heart was gradually burning with blood, a kind of blood in the war against heaven.

"Meet the Lord of the Temple, Lord of the Temple."

"Meet the Lord of the Temple, Lord of the Temple."

"Meet the Lord of the Temple, Lord of the Temple."

For a moment, all the gods worshiped Li Lingtian respectfully and respectfully.

For a time, the gods in the entire main hall surrendered to Li Lingtian.

"This seat is the lord of the Holy Temple, and it is the heritage of the former lord."

"In its place, seeking its own affairs, this seat will naturally honor the glory of the Holy Temple for itself."

"However, this seat is only the next deity, mainly in cultivation, so the six elders still need to do things in the Holy Temple. After a while, this seat will choose a deputy hall master in the Holy Temple. The business of the Holy Temple."

Looking at all the strong men in front of him, he is regarded as the Lord of the Holy Temple, that is to say, he is now the master of the Holy Heaven Temple, the ten most powerful force in the heaven.

As the lord of the Holy Temple, it is natural to think about the Holy Temple.

However, he will not delay the practice for some common things.

Therefore, the matter of the Holy Temple is still to be dealt with by the elders of the six great elders, and some minor matters are dealt with by the elders below. As for the major things, he will appear.

Recapture of the Holy Temple is the fulfillment of the wish of the former Lord of the Holy Temple, which is now complete.

During the speech, step by step the pilgrimage hall of the gods walked, and finally sat down on the seats of the gods.

"Comply with the order of the Lord of the Palace."

All the gods respectfully salute and have no dissatisfaction with Li Lingtian's arrangement.

People who do not understand Li Lingtian also see Li Lingtian's original intention at this moment. Knowing that Li Lingtian is not plotting the Holy Heaven Temple, a super evil character, he will care about some power.

"Master, do you want to announce this?"

Yunqing Divine Emperor opened his mouth and asked Li Lingtian above the throne.

In the main hall of the Holy Temple, the seat of the elders is the seat of the Taishang elders. The Taishang elders are the elders of the Shengtian temple, and are admired by the people and gods of the Shengtian temple.

Even Li Lingtian would not easily offend these elders.

After all, in terms of seniority, the six elder-level elders are his predecessors.

"You arrange these things."

"Unless something happens in the Holy Temple of Heaven, this seat will not handle some common things."

"There are two things to say here in this seat. One is not to be hostile to Taiyue Shenting and Bingxue Palace, because in the future, Shengtian Temple and Bingxue Palace and Taiyue Shenting will stand on the united front."

"The second is to urge the disciples and disciples below to work hard to strengthen the Holy Temple."

Li Lingtian pondered for a while when he heard Yunqing Divine Emperor.

He didn’t know the rules of the Holy Temple, and he wouldn’t come to a conclusion. These things naturally let several elders to deal with it. Yunqing Divine Emperor is the peak of the superior Divine Emperor, only one step away from the Great Emperor Divine Emperor. Blood God Emperor is comparable.

"Strictly follow the order of the temple master."

All the gods reverently answered. By the time these gods saluted, Li Lingtian's figure had disappeared, and he had left the main hall of the Holy Temple.

Li Lingtian handled the matter of the Holy Temple and returned to the palace at the center of the Holy Temple.

The palace here is also a forbidden place for the Holy Temple. Only the elders of the six great emperors and the master can enter. The elders of the six emperors live in the other half of the forbidden independent world, and the master inhabits the other half of the independent small world.

Now here, Li Lingtian is the lord of the Holy Temple and lives in the Forbidden Independence Small World.

One person occupies an area of ​​a million miles.

Naturally, Tang Qingyue and they also live here and are protected by the Holy Heaven Palace. Even the Divine Emperor cannot threaten them. Besides, this place is the forbidden place of the Holy Heaven Temple. There is no **** who can enter the Heaven Realm indifferently.

"Congratulations to Master to be the lord of the Holy Temple."

Seeing Li Lingtian coming back, Wang Xiaoman saluted Li Lingtian respectfully and said joy.

At the same time, everyone else was happy to Li Lingtian, with a happy look on each face.

Although they knew that Li Lingtian didn't like power, being able to become the lord of the Holy Temple was also a symbol of strength, which would be more helpful to Li Lingtian's future path.

You know, the Holy Heaven Temple is one of the ten supreme forces in the heavenly realm.

That is to say, Li Lingtian has now become the top core figure in the heavenly realm, controlling 6,666 titled deities, the six great emperors and powerful people ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and countless deities and super Gods.

There are also dozens of trillions of people in the Heavenly Sanctuary. This right is not comparable to a strong man. He is an enemy with Li Lingtian, an enemy with tens of trillions of people, or an enemy with tens of thousands of gods.

In one sentence, he can make the heavens shake three times.

Moreover, Li Lingtian is also a super character of Taiyue Shenting among the four great courts. A person has the resources and contacts of the sky.

"Ling Tian, ​​what are your plans next?"

"Will you practice in the Holy Temple for a while, or go to the Ice Palace."

After everyone was seated, Tang Qingyue asked Li Lingtian.

Hearing Tang Qingyue's question, Nangong Mingyue also looked at Li Lingtian curiously, not knowing Li Lingtian's decisions and arrangements.

[Refer a friend of one God as the Friends of the book shortage of books can go and see, Author: Nine Regardless of good. Title: "Super Caring Master". Resume: Living with a group of savage women, ambiguous hilarious stories everywhere! 】

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