War God Supreme

Chapter 2337: Celestial vibration

"Ice Palace.`"

Li Lingtian said slowly that when he left Taiyue Shenting, he already had plans.

This way, he only needs to go according to his own plan, but even so, it is not a temporary solution, after all, he has too much to do.

After a little deep thought, he continued: "Ice Snow Palace used to be one of the Ten Supreme Powers of Celestial Realm, but after the ancestor of Ice Snow Palace fell, Ice Snow Palace did not fall. Now, we take down the Blood Moon Tower and the Taiyin Hall, and let the two forces Merged in the Ice Palace, so even if the Ice Palace cannot become the top ten supreme forces, it is only a matter of time."


Nangong Mingyue heard Li Lingtian's words and nodded, agreeing with Li Lingtian's plan.

"In fact, with the strength and status of the husband, the merger of the Ice Palace is not difficult."

"The main thing is to balance the Ice Palace and the Temple of Heaven into one piece."

Shun Meier said, now that all the forces and gods in the Heaven Realm know Li Lingtian's power, naturally they dare not easily provoke it. The Blood Moon Tower and the Taiyin Hall are themselves branches of the Ice and Snow Palace. As long as Li Lingtian speaks, it is not difficult to merge together.

As long as the Ice Palace is operated and connected with the Holy Temple, the Brahma Land is safer.

"I naturally don't care about the Ice Palace and the Holy Temple."

"What I want to do is the Brahma land and the immeasurable world, solve the things in the Brahma world, and then go to the immeasurable world. These two places are solved. Even if the heaven comes, I can only return without merit.`"

Li Lingtian smiled and smiled. His current strength has already stood at the top of the Celestial Realm. As long as he does not encounter the strong men such as the Great Emperor Divine Emperor and the Realm Lord, there is no one in the Celestial Realm who can threaten him.

Naturally, if the matter in the Brahma world is resolved, his strength will be even more terrifying. Even if the heaven is to deal with him, he will not have the slightest fear.

Besides, his gaze is not heaven, but walks out of heaven to the vast starry sky.

"So, we are leaving the Holy Temple."

Xuanyuan Qingqing looked at Li Lingtian, very mischievous.

She is now a **** of the ranks, even if the general lower **** is not her opponent, but in front of Li Lingtian, it is still the same as when she was a child, it seems that she has not grown up.

In her heart, Li Lingtian is still the uncle who loves her, and she is also the little girl of a few years old.


"Not bad."

Li Lingtian nodded, and Xuanyuan Qingqing guessed right, they did leave the Temple of Heaven.

He wants to solve some common things, and then concentrate on cultivation. `

When Li Lingtian and others were talking in the forbidden ground of the Holy Heaven Temple, the Holy Heaven Temple had spread the news that Li Lingtian became the Lord of the Holy Heaven Temple. The city of Holy Heaven was boiling, and the news spread like wings.

In less than two days, the entire celestial realm knew that Li Lingtian had become the lord of the Holy Temple.

Some level gods and level forces also seem to see something.

You know, Li Lingtian is the first level of evil spirits in the trillion years of Taiyue Shenting. The disciples of the Five Elements Divine Emperor reached the deity in just two thousand years and became the invincible deity.

I didn't think of his identity and status, and he became the hallmaster of the Holy Heaven Temple, one of the ten supreme forces in Heaven. He controlled the Holy Heaven Temple. In this way, the Holy Heaven Temple is undoubtedly standing in a line with Taiyue Shenting. Above.

"Invincible Divine Venerable, has become the lord of the Holy Temple."

"Li Lingtian, a disciple of the Five Elements Divine Emperor of Taiyue Shenting, enters the Holy Temple."

"Taiyue Divine Court has become the first level of evil in hundreds of millions of years.

"Unexpectedly, in just two thousand years, from an ordinary warrior, to the point of invincible deity, standing on the peak of heaven, not only a disciple of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, but also the hallmaster of the Holy Heaven Temple, in the entire heaven, One of the few people at the peak of power."

"With one hand in control of the Holy Heaven Temple, on one side there is the Taiyue Shenting, plus that invincible strength, Li Lingtian has become the most legendary figure in the entire heaven."

"It is said that Nanlou Divine Emperor and Li Lingtian had a tie, but from the current situation, Li Lingtian must have defeated Nanlou Divine Emperor, and he was the inheritor of the Holy Heaven Palace Lord Naturally."

"The lower god, has defeated the most terrifying median **** emperor, so in this way, no one in heaven is his opponent."


The sky is boiling, countless forces, shocked.

Kunlun Shenting, Jiutian Shenting, Huanggu Shenting, Central Tianting and the Ten Great Supreme Forces all secretly guarded against Li Lingtian, worrying that Li Lingtian would be pitted.

In the past, there were absolutely no forces and gods who would think that Li Lingtian could threaten them, but now, no one dares to despise Li Lingtian anymore, even the Four Great Divine Courts and the Ten Great Supreme Forces dare not.

After all, Li Lingtian is no longer a genius, but a horror **** comparable to the upper divine emperor. He is not a person, but an overlord level with Taiyue Divine Court and Shengtian Temple.

Some small strength, secretly sent people to Shengtian Temple and Taiyue Shenting Tao Xi.

Gradually leaned towards the Holy Temple and Taiyue Shenting.

However, less than a month after the boiling of the Celestial Realm, the news that shocked the Celestial Realm came out.

That is, after Li Lingtian became the invincible deity, after becoming the main hall of the Holy Heaven Temple, the Ice Palace and the Blood Moon Tower and the Taiyin Temple merged into the Ice Palace. The former Snow Palace, the top ten supreme forces, is now more powerful than Not the top ten supreme forces, but also a giant existence.

The combination of the three forces is not the most shocking.

It was Li Lingtian who became the elder of the ice and snow palace guest Qingqing.

Bingxue Palace announced: Bingxue Palace and the Holy Temple are peacefully spread, guarding the Brahma Land and the demon **** realm outside the nine days of ice and snow.

Although there is no reason for the merger of the Ice Palace in the news, the gods and powers of the Celestial Realm do not have to think about it and know that it is Li Lingtian’s attention. The person behind the scene is Li Lingtian.

Where there is Li Lingtian ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ there will definitely be no other people and other forces dare to intervene.

Besides, Li Lingtian and Bingxue Palace have always had a close relationship.

Now that Li Lingtian became the lord of the Holy Temple, he appeared in the Ice Palace, then the Ice Palace merged, and then Li Lingtian became the elder of the Ice Palace, and even a fool can see why it happened.

Bingxue Palace, one of the top ten supreme forces in heaven.

Holy Heaven Temple, one of the ten supreme forces in heaven.

Taiyue Divine Court, the Four Great Divine Courts of Heaven.

The three forces called the Big Mac, although there is no alliance directly, but there is an invincible deity Li Lingtian in the middle. Li Lingtian is like a chain of laws that pulls the three Big Mac forces together.

For a time, the heavens shook, and the major forces secretly collected their own forces, and regarded Li Lingtian as the most powerful opponent, just like Li Lingtian was able to destroy their power.


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