War God Supreme

Chapter 2338: Coming to Brahma again...


In the Brahma World, the boundless fairy sea, a white figure appeared.

The white figure is chic and elegant, and the whole body exudes supreme coercion. The whole world is integrated with him, as if he is the master of this world.

"The Brahma World, the Brahma Palace is above the Sea of ​​Flames."

"This is the Heavenless Shrine, one of the eight great shrines in Brahma World. Everything here is completely opposite to the flames and the Sea of ​​Flames. "Nine Palaces" has reached the second floor, it is time to refine the Heavenless Temple."

Li Lingtian looked at the endless fairy sea and said to herself.

This white figure is naturally Li Lingtian, the invincible deity Li Lingtian, one of the most powerful characters in the heavenly realm.

After staying in the Ice Palace for three years, Yunhua Shenzun gave a bead to Li Lingtian. This bead was swallowed by the last time that the Heavenly Palace Yunhua God exterminated and killed the Qingtian Lord. The beads gathered the Qingtian Lord The prestige of the mind and laws.

Therefore, for a strong person above the deity, this bead is undoubtedly a peerless treasure.

In three years, Li Lingtian refined this bead, the five elements rule reached the second level, and "Control" reached the fifth level.

The five-element rule reaches the second level, can crush the single-system eight-level rule, and can resist the single-system nine-level rule, plus the refining tower and the Brahma Palace, even if the Great Perfection Divine Emperor is at the peak of the ten-level rule, it cannot be shaken by the rule he.

△Long △Wind △文△学,w♂ww.cfw≈x.ne▲tAfter dealing with the matter in the Ice Palace, he originally wanted to find the Ice and Snow Goddess to understand some things, but the Ice and Snow Goddess practiced in closed doors, Li Lingtian did After leaving the Ice Palace, proceed to Brahma World to build the Kingdom of God and an independent world.


The subtle fluctuations in space, Brahma Palace appeared in the void.

The tens of thousands of miles of Brahma Palace is as powerful as a world.

This is also why he reduced the size of the Brahma Palace after refining it. Otherwise, the Brahma Palace would have a diameter of 9 trillion, so large, almost the size of a Taiyue Divine Court.

The Brahma Palace appeared, and Li Lingtian disappeared strangely.

When he appeared again, he had come to the Brahma Palace.

In the Brahma Palace, Tang Qingyue and they are here, as well as Tang Qingyue's family and some excellent disciples selected from Jiutian God City, these people are all in Shenwu Continent.

The Brahma Palace can be said to be a small kingdom of Li Lingtian. Even if Li Lingtian made it smaller and took it back into his body, the area inside the Brahma Palace and the world will not change at all. This is the skyward of the Brahma Palace.

With Shengtian Palace and Brahma Palace, Li Lingtian can make Tang Qingyue move into Brahma Palace.

Moreover, cultivation in the Brahma Palace is faster than cultivation in the divine court.

"Tian'er, is this the Brahma World?"

Qin Susu saw his son Li Lingtian appearing, with a happy expression on his face, and reached out to stroke Li Lingtian's head. In her eyes, Li Lingtian was a child in front of her.

For the past two thousand years, she has always felt like living in a dream.

After all, with her and Li Suifeng's qualifications, at most it is the Wuwang Realm. Wu Zong is already in the sky. Such cultivation is the realm, which is only a few hundred years at most.

But I did not expect that they have now reached the realm of gods and kings, with a lifetime of one hundred epochs.

And his son has grown from the waste in the eyes of the same door to the supreme deity, standing at the pinnacle of heaven, which can be said to be immortal.

Not only they, but also the Tang family, the Qin family, and the family members of Huangfu Yuyan and Nangong Mingyue, have now broken the shackles of martial arts and become the true gods or gods.

All this is given by Li Lingtian.

In their eyes, Li Lingtian is the invincible strong man who dominates the entire heavenly realm, and is the master of this world. He is unstoppable, immortal, immortal, and destroys the heavens and the earth, and the omnipotent god.

Indeed, with Li Lingtian’s status and ability, even if he encounters waste that cannot be practiced, he can turn it into a true god, because he is a god, a supreme deity, and his strength is comparable to that of the higher Divine Emperor. Not for him.

"Well, mother, this is Brahma World."

"Tianer's origin, this is Tianer's original world."

Li Lingtian took Qin Susu's hand, with a child-like smile on his face. The higher the cultivation level, the longer Shouyuan, the more he cares about his family, because in the long years, it is a luxury to be accompanied by relatives.

Now, no matter what method he uses, no matter what method he uses, he must let his loved ones live.

And for him, all this is not difficult, because he controls the second law of time and space, and can pass time, even if his own loved ones die, he can also pass time back to resurrect them.

"Haha, I can have a son with the most powerful Holy Lord between heaven and earth, and I am also proud of Li Suifeng."

"This heaven, this world, except me Li Suifeng, there is no second person."

When Li Suifeng heard Li Lingtian's words, he froze for a moment and then said with a smile.

Because he and Qin Susu already knew Li Lingtian's true origin and identity. He also knew that Li Lingtian was partly from other worlds, partly from their flesh, and partly from Jiuyang Shengjun of the heavenly realm.

They who have reached the Divine Sovereign have already seen through the reincarnation of life and death, and naturally do not care about it like ordinary mortals.

Besides, they also have a past life and a reincarnation, and Li Lingtian is also the same, but Li Lingtian's identity is different.

"You have this skill."

Nangong Haoming glanced at Li Suifeng and said.

But he is actually very happy, because Li Lingtian is his son-in-law.

He used to be the king of a country, but the country was broken.

In this world, there is not much familiar with a trace of relatives. As time goes on, the two old guys have more time to fight, and it has become a life.

Watching some old guys live a bland practice life in Brahma Palace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian smiled.

Finally, Li Lingtian flew the Brahma Palace and flew in the direction of the Heavenless Palace.

The purpose here is to refine and control the Heavenless Palace and build his own kingdom and independent world. Only by creating the kingdom and independent world can he dare to quickly cultivate and upgrade the realm.

Brahma World, I don't know how big it is, even the Lord Huang Tian, ​​they don't know how big Brahma World is.

Probably, if you know the size of Brahma World, you can only have the Holy Lord alone. Or, you can know more about the size of Brahma World only by controlling more shrines.

After you have control of the Eight Great Shrines, you can reach the strength of the Holy Lord, control the entire Brahma world, contend with the most powerful enemies, control and merge the ten palaces, shake the Heavenly Dao, and even the Heavenly Dao can be erased.

Now, he owns the Brahma Palace and refines the Heavenless Palace, and his strength changes dramatically, reaching a terrifying level.

[The Supreme God of War has come to the end, and it is nearing the end. It is normal to update slowly. Please forgive me! 】

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