War God Supreme

Chapter 2347: Killing the heavenly god...

"The law of heaven, that you can provoke?"

"Li Lingtian, you are too ignorant."

Four flying palaces form a magical formation.

In the Flying Palace, there are more than ten Divine Emperor Powerhouses, and countless Divine Emperor Powerhouses.

Looking at Li Lingtian, a dozen shocking expressions appeared on the faces of more than ten Divine Emperors and powerful men, but the shock in their hearts flashed in their eyes. In their eyes, Li Lingtian was even a powerful deity.

A deity, naturally dare not be an enemy of Divine Emperor, let alone an enemy of Heaven.

Not to mention Divine Venerable, even the Divine Emperor, even the Ten Great Supreme Forces and the Four Great Divine Courts did not dare to rebel against the Heavenly Court. Between is not a level.

"Can you represent Heavenly Court?"

Li Lingtian's face was calm, and his eyes looked coldly at the **** emperors and strongmen in the four flying palaces.

Facing the God Emperor of Heavenly Court, there is no fear and worry at all, and it is not a performance that a **** can possess at all. It makes the Ten Supreme Powers of Heaven and the gods of the Four Great Divine Courts inspire shock and curiosity.

More is gloating, hoping that Li Lingtian offended Tian Ting, so that Tian Ting can easily wipe Li Ling Tian, ​​they can't deal with Li Ling Tian, ​​but Tian Ting can easily wipe Li Ling Tian.

"This emperor represents heaven."

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"You commit the following, and have great disrespect for heaven."

"Shut down, Heaven Court will punish lightly."

Jade Emperor God Emperor Majesty twined, a high momentum, glanced disdainfully.

A deity in the Taiyue Divine Court, compared with the Heavenly Court, is the ants and dragons.

Not to mention just a deity, even Taiyue Shenting won't look in his eyes.

What comes out of the heavenly court, there is a sense of superiority in the heart and living, just like being born to be higher than other gods and gods of power, like princes and ordinary people.

"You represent heaven."

"Well, this seat tells you that you made those mistakes."

"First, Heaven is not a ruler, not a rule."

"Second, you ignore the life of all creatures and human life."

"Third, you violated the rules because the Taiyue Shenting here."

"Fourth, you met someone you shouldn't."

"So, this seat pronounces you, die!"

Li Lingtian looked at Yuxu Divine Emperor, his face calmed down.

The calmer, the colder the whole person, the sound is like the sound from the Nine Nether Hell.

The body's momentum quickly climbed, and the five-element rule has reached the extreme. The double-element five-element rule, terror and hegemony, is equivalent to the eighty-nine single rule.

Even the Great Emperor Great Emperor, even when he met Li Lingtian's second rule of the Five Elements, was not necessarily able to overcome it.

What's more, the Jade Emperor God Emperor is only a superordinate God Emperor. It is too far away from the Great Emperor God Emperor. There is a heaven between them that can never be crossed.



When the voice fell, a scepter appeared in Li Lingtian's hand.

The Holy Scepter appeared, and the Holy Heaven Palace exploded the power of ruining the heaven and earth, and slammed towards the four palaces.

Before all the strong men had responded, the Holy Palace had hit the four palaces, and there was a loud explosion, the power of destruction spread all over, and countless flying warships were swayed by the power.

The strong men present, including Taiyue Shenting and Shengtian Temple and Bingxue Palace, did not expect Tianting to blatantly suppress Li Lingtian, nor did they expect Li Lingtian to dare to fight against Tianting, or even prosecute Heavenly Court's Jade Emperor.

Li Lingtian's actions made everyone think of it, beyond their imagination.

For a time, countless forces and gods were shocked.

There was a message in my heart that Li Lingtian could not provoke.

Even the Divine Emperor of Heaven Court dared to pronounce hands on it. What else could scare such a character.




Holy Heaven Palace, Super Treasure-level Flying Palace, Holy Treasure's Treasure, the power is shocking, it is not heaven-level General Treasure-level Flying Palace at all.

Under the impact, the four flying palaces fluttered and fluttered.

The **** emperors and powerful men in the four flying palaces did not expect that Li Lingtian not only did not fear the heaven, but on the contrary dared to shoot to the heaven first, completely ignoring the heavenly prestige of the heaven.

They came from heaven, when were they ignored by gods outside heaven.

At this moment, when Li Lingtian was attacked in the face of the entire Celestial Power, it was a terrible shame, but when the Holy Palace was terrifying, powerful, and the four palaces were hit, the constant shock inside it seemed like it was going to be destroyed.

The speed of Shengtian Palace is extremely fast and extremely flexible, just like Li Lingtian's arm, just like whoever hits him.

All of a sudden, the four flying palaces were suspended like sandbags, and the ten bow flying warships quickly evaded, but in front of the Holy Heaven Palace, they could not evade at all. Every time they hit, the flying warships almost disappeared.

Fear the powerful gods in the ten flying bow battleships and the four flying palaces.

Fairies fight, mortals suffer.

The Taiyue Shenting Li Lingtian controls the Shengtian Palace and the four flying palace ten-flying battleships in the sky court to fight in the air, allowing countless flying warships to escape far away.

All creatures and humans on the ground looked at the void with shock.

Heavenly court, that is the unshakable ruler. When it emerged from heaven, heavenly world was ruled by heavenly court. No one or force could shake heavenly court, even the power and powerhouses of the whole heavenly world could not be shaken.

No one dared to challenge the authority of the Heavenly Court, and did not expect that a Li Lingtian would challenge the authority of the Heavenly Court on this day.

A median **** who only practiced for two thousand years, challenged the heavenly court and pressed the four flying palaces and ten bow flying warships.



The banging continued, and the void vanished.

Holy Temple is like a fist bombarding four flying palaces and ten bow flying warships.

The flying palace is extremely powerful in attack and defense. It is not a temporary matter to destroy the flying palace. Moreover, the speed and power of the Holy Palace do not give the four flying palaces a chance to fight back.


After a moment, the Emperor Jade Emperor and other powerful emperors could no longer withstand the shock caused by the impact of the palace, the defense of the law was shattered, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face was pale.

In his heart, he was even more furious. He had been so insulted by the representative of the heavenly court, the **** of the **** emperor level.

"Li Lingtian, you are destined to disappear in the heaven."

The Emperor Yuxu shouted loudly, the sound resounded through the void.

At this moment, he was completely furious, the might of the Divine Emperor skyrocketed, and the power of the law stirred the void.

But he did not dare to leave the flying palace. As soon as he left the flying palace, he would be bombarded by the holy heaven palace. He now knows the domineering of the holy heaven palace. He can't even match the flying palace. As a divine emperor, he can't resist.

"Heaven has rules of heaven."

"But no one provokes the rules of heaven."

"It's you who will destroy this seat as soon as you come up. Do you want to sit still and die?"

"There is no such truth in this world, it can only be said that the big fist is the truth. Since you have provoked this seat, then this seat will wipe you out today, heaven and earth, why not me, haha!"

Li Lingtian stood in the Holy Heaven Palace. The Holy Heaven Scepter exuded majesty and mobilized the Holy Heaven Palace to crush the flying palace and flying warship that hit the heavenly court.

He was not a fool anymore. Heavenly Court made a flying palace plus a dozen of Divine Emperor strongmen, and rushed at him, obviously to erase him. Since the other party wants to erase him, he would naturally not sit still.

If you don’t sit back and wait, you can only resist. As long as you resist, you will be against Heaven.

The end is to be chased and wanted by the court of heaven, his principle is to wipe out the danger in the cradle, and reduce one enemy to reduce one threat.


"Erase the Emperor?"

"Idiot dreams, not to mention the flying palace, even if there is no flying palace, no one can kill the emperor, even if your master comes, not to mention that the emperor is in the flying palace, and you have the ability to erase the emperor. "

Yuxu Divine Emperor laughed loudly and smiled angrily.

It is a joke that a divine deity, who threatened to erase him, was still in the flying palace.

You should know that after reaching Divine Emperor, the power is magical, the means is universal, and you can fight with the strong men of the same rank, even if you can't beat it, you can escape, because the Divine Emperor's Divine Kingdom is terrifying, and you can return to the Divine Kingdom with one idea.

In front of Divine Emperor, God is a ants.

Moreover, the defense of the flying palace is powerful and magical. In the flying palace, it can be said to be invincible.

Now Li Lingtian occupies the power of the Holy Palace, pressing them down, but it is impossible to erase them.

At the same time, all the strong men and gods present were curious. They were curious about Li Lingtian's courage to say such things.

"That seat will give you insight."

Li Lingtian was not wordy. Shengtian Palace slammed into the flying palace where the Jade Emperor God Emperor was located. At the same time, the fourth layer of the Soul of "Control" broke out.

The invisible and soulless spirit attacked the defense of the flying palace and went straight to the Jade Emperor God Emperor.

Shennian ignores the defense~www.wuxiaspot.com~In a blink of an eye, it penetrates the flying palace and enters the eyebrow of the Jade Emperor Emperor.


With a scream, the look of Yuxu Divine Emperor's face was distorted, full of painful expressions.

But after the scream, the Emperor Jade Emperor fell straight down, and there was no chance of fleeing. In a flash, he fell without any vitality.

Although the Divine Emperor is powerful, the fourth layer of Li Lingtian's "Control" is terrifying and silent. The Yuxu Divine Emperor has no precautions and immediately destroys the Yuxu Divine Emperor.

The fall of Jade Emperor Emperor shocked the entire Void Powerful.

The supernatural emperor was inexplicably killed. What a horror this is. There has never been such a thing in heaven.

For a time, all froze.

The Divine Emperor and the Powerful on the four Flying Palaces, and the Spiritual Powerful and Strong on the Ten-Headed Flying Warship, were all stunned. They never expected this to be the end.

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