War God Supreme

Chapter 2348: Heavenly Fury



The fall of the Jade Emperor Divine Emperor brought a spiritual impact to all the powerful and gods present.

For a time, all were stunned.

In the short period of stagnation, the strong men above the four flying palaces fell into pieces. In a blink of an eye, the strong men in the four flying palaces, whether they were gods or emperors, all fell.

Immediately after is the ten bow flying warship, the ten bow flying warships are basically divine masters and deities, there is no divine emperor strong, although the number of people is more than the four flying palaces, but the strength and defense are very different, just a moment. All fell.

The first group of powerful gods who came to the Dongmu Holy Realm in the heavenly court were destroyed.

All the fallen heavenly spirits have no scars on their bodies.

"God attack."

"What a terrifying soul."

"A spirit that cannot be resisted even by the Divine Emperor."

"Master Lingtian's spirit attack has reached such a level."

"The spirits are so terrifying that they will kill the emperor."


After the gods of the heavenly court fell, some super-venerable gods and powerful emperors of the gods woke up and looked at the heavenly courtesans in the four flying palaces and the ten large flying warships.

Silently killing these many **** emperors and gods and gods, this method is too scary.

However, the spirit present was not the existence of countless epochs. It is natural to see that the dead spirits were attacked and killed by the spirits, otherwise there would be no scars on the body.


The flying palace and flying warship that have lost their masters are quickly swaying in the void, and may fall at any time.

At this moment, a figure flew out of the Holy Palace, and the figure flew towards the four flying palaces. For a moment, the four flying palaces and ten bow flying warships disappeared.

The strong man in the heavenly court, the menacing, but a moment of effort will destroy the whole army.

"Sir Ling Tian."

"Sir Ling Tian."

"The Lord of the Palace."

"The Lord of the Palace."


In the void, on the earth, after a brief silence, a burst of boiling sound erupted.

Although Li Lingtian did this to offend the heavenly court and make Taiyue Shenting and Shengtiandian opposed to Heavenly Court, Li Lingtian's means and power made all the powerful soldiers of Shengtiandian and Taiyue Shenting excited and worship.

Men, there must be blood.

If there is no blood, it is useless even if it is strong.

Huanggu Shenting, Jiutian Shenting and Kunlun Shenting, as well as other Heavenly Supreme Powers, are gloating in their hearts, but they are even more shocked by Li Lingtian’s powerful hegemony and terror.

"Whether it is Supreme Power or Divine Court, as long as you don't provoke this seat."

"Even if it is not a heavenly court, the principle of this seat is that people do not offend me and I do not offend anyone. If this seat is provoked, even the seat of heaven can be erased."

"This world will not give you the capital and strength to provoke this seat."

Li Lingtian's faint voice sounded, the voice was majestic, like the oracle of Tianwei, spreading throughout the ears of the strong men of Dongmu Shengjing.

He did not pay any attention to the Divine Emperor and the Powerful who had killed Heavenly Court.

In this world, big fists make sense.

Since the court of heaven wants to erase him, no matter whether he takes up or not, the court of heaven will not let him go.

Now even Heavenly Court is in line, then it is even less afraid of the Four Great Divine Courts and the Ten Great Supreme Powers.

His words shocked the minds of all powerful gods.

In Heaven, Li Lingtian is the first to dare to speak like this.

The things of Li Lingtian and Heavenly Court in Dongmu Shengjing exploded like a bomb thrown into the calm lake, and the whole world in less than a day knew about it.

For a time, the heavens were boiling, and the heavens were furious.

Heavenly Court is an irreversible existence of Heavenly Power. No one and force dared to provoke Heavenly Court’s authority. He never dared to challenge the authority of Heavenly Court by thinking of a local deity, and wiped out all the gods sent by Heavenly Court to Dongmu Holy Land.

When provoked in front of the major forces in the heavenly realm, it was completely slapped.

For the heavenly court like Tianwei, it is simply unforgivable.

Under the wrath of heaven, an oracle spread throughout the heavens.

"Taiyue Shenting Li Lingtian, despised the laws of the heavenly courts, and killed the angels of the heavenly courts, the crime was terrible, the oracle: Li Lingtian was wanted, regardless of life and death."

After this oracle spread throughout the heavens, it immediately shook the heavens.

Countless creatures and spirits feel the celestial tremor.

You know, Li Lingtian is a disciple of the Five Elements Divine Emperor of Taiyue Shenting. Taiyue Shenting is the first super demon in trillion years, invincible deity, and its strength is comparable to the upper deity. If it becomes a Divine Emperor, then it is Invincible Divine Emperor and Heavenly Invincible. .

Taiyue Shenting will certainly not let Tianting kill Li Lingtian.

But the existence of Heavenly Court cannot be resisted by Taiyue Shenting, so there must be something wrong between Heavenly Court and Taiyue Shenting.

There is also the Ice Palace and the Holy Heaven Temple. Although the Ice Palace is not one of the Ten Supreme Powers of the Heaven Realm, but the Ice Palace is close to the Demon God Realm, and its status is transcendent. The Heavenly Court has to deal with the Ice Palace. It is just a matter of fingertips, but it has to care for the Heaven Realm. public opinion.

I don’t want to talk about the Ice Palace. The Temple of Holy Heaven is not so annoying. As the ten supreme forces of Heaven, although it is not as good as the Taiyue God Court, it is not as good as the Heavenly Court, but it really needs to fight. If the temple is erased, the heaven will also suffer a great loss.

With Taiyue Shenting and Bingxue Palace, then the heavens entered the war.

The existence of Li Lingtian makes Taiyue Shenting, Shengtian Temple and Bingxue Palace form an invisible alliance. This can be seen as long as it is not a fool. Therefore, when Tianting punished Li Lingtian, it only targeted Li Lingtian alone, and did not target Shengling Temple and Shengtian Temple. Taiyue Shenting and Bingxue Palace will not do this at least on the bright side.

As for the secret, it is strange that Heaven does not do anything.

People in Heaven Realm know that Li Lingtian’s future is the most threatening to Heavenly Court. Regardless of whether Li Lingtian has exterminated the God of Heavenly Court, Heavenly Court will find an opportunity to secretly erase it.

"The heavenly court oracle punishes Li Lingtian, and heaven may enter war."

"Invincible God Sovereign is going to heaven and has a good show."

"Heavenly Court is too powerful. Invincible Divine Venerable cannot be the opponent of Heavenly Court, unfortunately."

"However, the invincible deity is comparable to the upper divine emperor, plus the power behind him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is not so easy to deal with him. If the invincible deity becomes a divine emperor, no one in heaven will dare to move him Now."

"Taiyue Shenting and Shengtian Temple dare not help Li Lingtian, because Tianting is waiting for this reason and excuse, as long as Taiyue Shenting and Shengtian Temple start, Tianting will send troops directly to Taiyue Shenting and Shengtian Temple."

"Now, the only way is to hide the invincible deity to practice, to improve the virtue, to improve the virtue to the Great Constellation deity and even the Divine Emperor.

"This is obviously a conspiracy of Heavenly Court, otherwise how could the God of Heavenly Court directly target Lord Lingtian, Lord Lingtian is self-defense."


In the heavenly realm, since the oracle passed down from the heavenly court, it began to boil.

The war did not come, but public opinion was full of enthusiasm. The entire heaven was about Heaven and Li Lingtian, and there was nothing in the infinite world. But no matter what, no matter what topic, it was inseparable from the invincible deity Li Lingtian.

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