War God Supreme

Chapter 2349: final decision

The oracle of the heavenly court has naturally spread to the ear of Li Lingtian in Dongmu Shengjing.

Li Lingtian's face was calm and there was no slight expression fluctuation, but the millions of super gods present were very worried. They were not worried about Li Lingtian's life and death, but worried that no one would know the infinite world after Li Lingtian's death.

The immeasurable world is a huge opportunity and challenge for the powerful gods of heaven, but only Li Lingtian can know the immeasurable world or only he can find a way to enter the immeasurable world.

"Sister, do you have any suggestions."

In Shengtian Palace, Li Lingtian and Tang Qingyue gathered together.

In this main hall, all are Li Lingtian's closest people.

Encountered such a thing, he naturally wants to listen to everyone's suggestions. Here, the Bishui fairy is the oldest, let alone say, because she is the sister of Li Lingtian, the disciple of the Five Elements Divine Emperor.

This matter is not only related to Taiyue Shenting and Shengtian Temple and Bingxue Palace, but more importantly, it is related to the life and death of Li Lingtian, as well as the safety of the two brothers and master.

"Brother, we still enter the infinite world."

"Brother Gale and Brother Thunder, although trapped, there is a Master, and it is difficult to defeat them. Even if they are defeated, they can only suppress them. As for the Master, very few people in Heaven are him. Your opponent, don’t worry about this."

"You enter the immeasurable world, and strive to improve your cultivation practice. Don't care about the outside things. Heaven will not shoot too many powerful people to come to the immeasurable world. Anyway, at least the immeasurable world is safer than heaven."

The fairy of Bishui naturally knows that his brother is concerned, he is not concerned about his own safety but the safety of his brother and respected master.

At this time, although Li Lingtian is an extraordinary figure, it is obviously impossible to help the **** of the strong wind, the **** of thunder and even the **** of the five elements.

Besides, Heaven Court has an oracle, and it has been directed against Li Lingtian.

Genius Li Ling is the most critical. She doesn’t want Taiyue Shenting’s super demon to be wiped out by Heavenly Court. There is also a situation. Even if Li Lingtian is erased, Heavenly Court won’t let Taiyue Shenting easily.

Therefore, Li Lingtian's only way is to enter the infinite world.

In the immeasurable world, the cultivation practice is improved. Only the stronger the cultivation practice is, the greater the chance to fight against the heaven.

"Yes, Ling Tian, ​​we still enter the infinite world first."

"Your brother and master are powerful deities, even if you encounter a deity, you can only suppress it."

"Leave Qingshan without worry or firewood, as long as you are strong, everything is not in your hands."

Huangfu Yuyan also spoke at this time. At this moment, no matter what she said was selfish or reasonable, she would remind Li Lingtian like this because she knew Li Lingtian's means and talent.

As long as Li Lingtian is not dead, even if the ruler of time and space is against the sky, even if Brother Zun has fallen, he is strong to a certain extent, and he can also make Brother and Master respect live.

"Sister, it's good to talk to Sister Yuyan."

"We still enter the immeasurable world."

"As long as we are in the immeasurable world, even if Tianting wants to deal with you, it will be too long. If you are in the heavens, even if you are maintaining your authority, you will try to destroy Li Lingtian. "

Tang Zimeng nodded, agreeing with the words of Fairy Fairy and Emperor Swift.

However, Li Lingtian neither adopted nor objected to Huangfu Yuyan's proposal.

The whole person was lost in contemplation. In this situation, he did not know how long it had not appeared.

I don't know how long it has passed before the main hall is quiet.

Tang Qingyue they did not speak anymore, because they had already said what they had said. Now it depends on Li Lingtian’s own decision. No matter what Li Lingtian’s decision is, they will stand by Li Lingtian and support him.

"They are right."

"You should enter the infinite world."

"Don't worry about the outside things, even if Tianting is strong, it will not easily deal with Taiyue Shenting and Shengtiandian Ice and Snow Palace. As for the suppression, it is naturally indispensable."

At this moment, a faint, not majestic voice sounded.

When the sound rang, a ghost appeared in the center of the main hall.

Everyone heard the sound and looked at the virtual shadow, and they were all shocked. The people present, although not the core characters of Taiyue Shenting, knew about the existence of this person.

"I've seen Lord Divine Emperor."

"Meet Master."

Tang Qingyue and others bowed to salute, and Li Lingtian and Bishui Fairy rose to salute.

This phantom is exactly the existence of the top beam and pillar of Taiyue Shenting, the Five Elements Divine Emperor.

"Free courtesy."

The ghost image of the Five Elements Divine Emperor glanced at the people present and said lightly.

Everyone can see clearly that the ghost image of the Five Elements Divine Emperor is moving through the endless black hole, and the endless black hole is reduced to fragments in front of the Five Element Divine Emperor.

Needless to say, the Five Elements Divine Emperor is on the way to the land of God's emptiness.

The distance from Taiyue Shenting to the land of God's emptiness is far away. Even the Divine Emperor Powerhouse must use the black hole to shuttle through the space, otherwise it will not reach its destination even if it teleports for tens of thousands of years.

"Master, you used the second avatar!"

"Master, the disciples have brought a crisis to you and Taiyue Shenting."

Bishui Fairy and Li Lingtian spoke at the same time, the former face was shocked, the latter just felt a trace of guilt, and grew up on their own, not only did not bring hope to Taiyue Shenting, but also caused Taiyue Shenting to destroy the disaster.

"Sitting on the Five Elements World for the Master."

"This time I went to the land of God's Deficiency and had two avatars. There should be no problem."

"You did bring a crisis to Heavenly Court, but this is God's will. I hope you can resolve the crisis for Taiyue Shenting, and don't face Heavenly Court before reaching the Great Consummation of God. Wow, wow, wow..."

The ghost of the Five Elements Divine Emperor looked at the Bishui Fairy and said lightly.

Speaking of the back, his eyes looked at Li Lingtian, his tone was dull and solemn.

In the end, the black hole where the Five Elements Divine Emperor was constantly collapsing, and in an instant, the ghost image of the Five Elements Divine Emperor broke down in the cracked and collapsed black hole~www.wuxiaspot.com~ sink.

Because the situation of the Five Elements Divine Emperor was very dangerous at that time, if the general deity had long disappeared.

But even so, Li Lingtian and Bishui Fairy are still worried, worrying that the Five Elements Divine Emperor is in danger.


"Go to the infinite world."

Li Lingtian pondered for a while and then made a decision.

In that dangerous situation, the master came to him with the ghost image, the purpose is to let him enter the immeasurable world, showing how much the Five Elements Divine Emperor expected of him.

Coupled with Tang Qingyue's suggestions, he naturally knew the situation in front of him.

With the strength of the Five Elements Divine Emperor, even if it is sealed, it will not be killed.

In case of being killed, as long as Li Lingtian grows up, the law of time and space will improve, and by then he will be able to perform time and space circulation and let them come back to life.

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