War God Supreme

Chapter 2357: Leaving the black and white world...

"Ten million, can't prove Divine Emperor."

"It can be seen that if there is no chance, no matter how much practice you can't reach the Divine Emperor Realm."

After returning to Shengtian Palace, Li Lingtian gradually merged into a plain life.

During these three months, he was reunited with his wife and relatives.

I haven’t returned to the Holy Heaven Palace for ten thousand years of cultivation. Now that I’m practicing Dacheng, it’s time to spend more time with my wife and loved ones, so he put aside cultivation.

"Although we got endless original ideas, we did not touch the Divine Emperor's way."

"In other words, it is impossible to become a Divine Emperor in this black and white world."

"Thousands of years have passed, I don't know what happened outside."

Huangfu Yuyan sat not far from Li Lingtian and said.

In the entire main hall, dozens of people were sitting, all of them were Li Lingtian's wife and loved ones.

"The young master has reached the Great Dzogchen Divine Venerable, and the current strength. I believe even the Great Dzogchen Divine Emperor is not your opponent. I don't know what you plan to do now?

"Are you practicing magical powers here, or are you going back to heaven?"

The Bishui Fairy had already fulfilled the Divine Consciousness already. Among these people, she started to be the highest person in the realm, but afterwards, one after another, she succeeded in catching up with her one after another. She can be said to be the slowest person to improve.

However, her practice is slower than that of Tang Qingyue, but the control of the original idea is extremely deep.

Looking at a group of brothers and sisters comparable to the invincible deity, his face showed a happy look.

"Go back to heaven first."

"Thousands of years, I don't know if anything can happen in Heaven."

"There is no need to go to the immeasurable world for a while, this will return to heaven."

Li Lingtian said without serious hesitation.

Let him stop practicing, one of the things in the realm of heaven. At the bottom of my heart, I always feel that I have a bad hunch, but I can’t say it.

In fact, he also understood that Ten Thousand Years ago, Tian Ting had to deal with him, and also designed the Five Elements Divine Emperor and the Thunder God Venerable and the Strong Wind Divine Venerate into the God's Void Land. At that time, Tian Ting began to work. There must be a lot of trouble.

Now that he hasn't practiced, he wants to hurry back to heaven.

"Well, it's okay to go back to Heaven Realm first."

"However, you have to go to Brahma World first."

"Indeed, you now have six floors in the Nine Palaces, and you have six palaces. Even if you are not defeated by Heaven, you will be able to protect yourself. For thousands of years in the black and white world, don't rush to this time."

"Yeah, if you appear in heaven, you will definitely attack you on a large scale. After all, you have disappeared for thousands of years. You were already an invincible **** before tens of thousands of years. You don’t know if you have How strong."

"You have controlled two palaces, and when you reach the sixth floor, you will be able to control six palaces, six palaces, beyond your imagination."


Hearing that Li Lingtian was about to return to heaven, Yun Yaoyao and others began to suggest that Li Lingtian go to Brahma World.

In the past three months, they have a clear understanding of Li Lingtian's strength and cultivation. When they go back to Heaven, they will face the Heavenly Court, so they all suggest that Li Lingtian refine several palaces in Brahma World.

It takes only a hundred years to refine a few palaces. This time is not worth mentioning in front of thousands of years.

"It is indeed time to go to Brahma World first."

Li Lingtian pondered, nodded.

In his opinion, even if only two palaces, plus his current cultivation strength, are enough to fight against all the gods and emperors, but thinking of the strength of the heavenly courts, and for the sake of safety, they still refine several palaces first.

He also wanted to know how powerful he was after taking control of the six palaces.

There is also in his Divine Kingdom, there are some geniuses and outstanding disciples of Shenwu Continent, these disciples practice in his Divine Kingdom, and have no chance to go to the black and white world.

Now it is just time to go to see it, it can be considered to know some of their own kingdom.

During the speech, the divine thought moved, and the Shengtian Palace made a roaring sound, and quickly shuttled through the black and white world. The movement outside the Shengtian Palace was shocking, but there was no slight feeling in the Shengtian Palace.

For half a day, Shengtian Palace left the world of black and white.

Half a month later, Shengtian Palace returned to Shenwu Continent.

After thousands of years of development, the Shenwu Continent has become a magical continent. The true gods are everywhere, the gods are flying everywhere, the **** master is everywhere, and the figure of the **** can occasionally see one.

Although Heaven Court dealt with Li Lingtian and things related to Li Lingtian, it did not deal with Shenwu Continent. After all, Heaven Court has always regarded itself as an official and orthodox point of view, and will not be criticized.

However, there is no longer any statue of Li Lingtian in the entire Shenwu Continent.

With his current practice and strength, he carefully looked at the whole continent with a single idea, and even the movement of an ant could not escape his thought induction.

Seeing the changes in Shenwu Continent, Li Lingtian was happy.

As long as the Shenwu Continent is intact, he is already very pleased, as for any statue, he does not care at all.

Shengtian Palace did not stay in the slightest, directly pierced the void, penetrated the space and entered the space-time tunnel, a moment of kung fu, Shengtian Palace entered the heaven, Dongmu Shengjing.

This place is Li Lingtian's favorite place.

Because when he came to heaven, the first foothold was here.

For him, it can be regarded as a heavenly avenue of heaven and Shenwu Continent.

Back in the heavenly realm, Li Lingtian put away the holy heaven palace and walked alone in the Dongmu holy land, inquiring about what happened in the heavenly world for ten million years.

"Huh, you're out of luck."

Dongmu Holy Land, because of things that happened tens of thousands of years ago, has made this poor and remote place a holy land, and countless super powerful gods and gods have come here to travel to the infinite world.

It used to be difficult to see a prince here, but now the deity can easily see it.

Li Lingtian appeared in Dongmu Square, his eyes swept, and his eyes fell on a middle-aged black-colored god.

Because he found that this black deity is also a subordinate deity, with ordinary strength, and also carries the unique breath of the heavenly deity. This breath is used to distinguish the heavenly deity from other power gods.

It is like an identity token, except that this identity is not a token, but a breath. The token can be faked and can be robbed by others, but the breath cannot be taken away and faked.

Looking at the **** in black, after waiting for the **** in black to leave the square, Li Lingtian appeared strangely in front of the **** in black.

"Your Excellency..."

The **** in black saw the young man in white suddenly, and he was shocked.

His eyes looked toward the white-clothed youth, but when he saw the white-clothed youth's eyes, the whole person's mind fell, the consciousness seemed to be swallowed, and then he lost consciousness.

Li Lingtian's "Control" reaches eight levels, even if you don't use control, the magical and powerful **** consciousness can destroy ordinary gods with a look. This black **** can't resist his eyes.

With a wave of one hand, the black **** disappeared.

At the same time, his figure disappeared, as if he had never been here before.

Ten minutes later, Li Lingtian's figure appeared again.

However, the **** in black never appeared again, the look on Li Lingtian's face became ugly, and if a trace of murderous intention emanated out, to achieve his cultivation strength, nothing would be bad, but Now it makes him angry.

It turned out that he used the magical search technique to filter out the memory of the gods in black and get all the things that have happened in the heavens for ten million years. Almost all of these happenings are related to him.

What makes him unacceptable is that his master Five Elements Divine Emperor has fallen.

All this came against him.

The master of all this is naturally heaven.

The instantaneous killing intention disappeared invisible.

Li Lingtian's figure disappeared, and he had left Dongmu Shengjing.

After half a month of effort, Li Lingtian appeared in Brahma World.

In the past half a month, he saw everything in Taiyue Shenting, the core layer of the entire Taiyue Shenting was replaced, and the entire heaven was completely changed. It is no longer the heaven of tens of thousands of years ago.

Moreover, the entire Celestial Realm is in full battle with the Demon Realm, and the Celestial Realm and the Demon Realm enter the endless battle of the gods and demons.

"how about it?"

Back to the Brahma world, for Li Lingtian, it was really home.

The entire Brahma world is his home, and there is no place more secure than here.

The Holy Temple was unfolded. Tang Qingyue and others walked out of the Holy Temple and all entered the Brahma Palace, flying in the Brahma World. Naturally, it is best and safest to use the Brahma Palace.

Although the expression on Li Lingtian's face was dull, Tang Zimeng still saw the change in Li Ling's heart during the day, which was completely different from that in the black and white world. It must have been a lot of bad things in Heaven during this time.

"The heavens have changed."

"The Four Great Divine Courts and the Ten Great Supreme Powers were all swept away by the Heaven Court. The Masters fell. Brothers also fell and imprisoned. The Holy Temple and the Ice Palace disappeared."

"Tianting takes the entire heavenly realm with the demon world war."

Li Lingtian said lightly, his face remained the same, but everyone knows that Li Lingtian is uncomfortable.

Because the Five Elements Divine Emperor and Taiyue Shenting are so important to Li Lingtian.

The same is true of the Holy Temple and the Ice Palace. A series of movements of the Heavenly Court are basically related to him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And now the entire Heavenly Realm is attacking the Demon Realm, although the Heavenly Realm is not targeting Li Lingtian, but the Heavenly Court wants to unify the Three Realms , But there are people in the devil world who care about Li Lingtian.

"Master has fallen?"

"The Holy Temple and Ice Palace are gone?"

"How could it be like this?"

"It's awful, Heaven Court slams Heaven and Devil together."


Hearing Li Lingtian's words, everyone was stunned, his face full of horror and unbelief.

They never imagined that Heaven Realm had become like this for thousands of years, nor did they think that the Five Elements Divine Emperor and Thunder God Venerable would fall. Almost every thing that happened in Heaven Realm was related to Li Lingtian.

For Li Lingtian and them, it was definitely an unprecedented blow.

For a time, the entire Brahma Palace was silent, shocked by what happened in the heavenly realm.

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