War God Supreme

Chapter 2358: Refine Huangtian Palace

After returning to Heaven Realm, no one thought that there were so many earth-shattering things happening in Heaven Realm.

Each one is related to Li Lingtian's interests. More importantly, among these things, there are Li Lingtian's relatives, masters, and brothers.

Moreover, Heaven Realm does not know how many billions of epochs, and Heaven Court does not unify Heaven Realm. Now that Heaven Court has unified Heaven Realm, it will open its way to Demon Realm, obviously having its own advantages.

Is it possible to achieve the invincible Divine Emperor of Heaven Court?

Even if the invincible Divine Emperor is even more powerful, it will not be able to become the reliance of Heaven Court to attack the Devil Realm.

You know, Heaven Realm and Demon Realm have stalemate for hundreds of millions of epochs, and they can't defeat each other. It can be said that Heaven Realm even has some fears of Demon Realm.

Now, Heaven Realm attacks the Devil Realm on a large scale, it seems that it is willing to destroy the Demon Realm.

"Erase heaven."

Li Lingtian's face was as cold as ice, with no slight expression fluctuations.

From entering martial arts to embarking on Shinto, he rarely angered. Now, his anger has reached an extreme.

Tianting aimed at him, not only to wipe him out, but also to suppress Taiyue Shenting. Bingxue Palace and Shengtian Temple have even been delisted. More importantly, several divine emperors of Taiyue Shenting were attacked by Tianting, Master Brother fell, so that he could no longer suppress the murderous intention and anger in his heart.

"Ling Tian, ​​it's important to control several palaces now."

"After waiting for the control of several palaces, your strength has skyrocketed, and you are expected to deal with the heaven."

"And, your time-space law has reached the seventh level, as long as you reach Divine Emperor, you can make Divine Emperor Lord come back to life, and now cultivation is important, don't mess up your heart."

Tang Qingyue looked at Li Lingtian and knew that Li Lingtian hated heaven.

However, now the entire heaven is heaven, and the strength of heaven is unshakable. With Li Lingtian alone, it is definitely not feasible, and he cannot easily match up with heaven.

At this time, we must deal with it calmly, otherwise it will end in nowhere.

"I know."

"The law of time and space, reversing time and space, can make teachers respect life."

"But now I have to reach Divine Emperor, or even the sevenfold rule of time and space will not work."

"You think about a countermeasure first, and then I will act after I have control over several palaces. At that time, it was the real war in the heavenly realm. Let the heavenly court see how stupid they are."

Li Lingtian calmed his mood, pondered a little, and said lightly.

"Okay, you can practice with confidence."

"Just let us do the rest."

Huangfu Yuyan and others nodded, and now they have all reached the Dzogchen Venerable, only one step away from the Divine Emperor.

These times can just help Li Lingtian manage everything and wait for Li Lingtian to go to Heaven after his cultivation is completed.

By that time, they could think of the whole heaven and blood.

Heaven Realm is about to reshuffle, because they know Li Lingtian's ability, plus the current cultivation strength and the way of the Nine Palaces, no one in Heaven Realm can defeat him, even that invincible Divine Emperor is impossible.

Next, Li Lingtian rested in the Brahma Palace.

The Brahma Palace adjusted its direction and shuttled quickly towards Huang Tiangong.

He reached the sixth floor of the Nine Palaces, and he could control six palaces. Before entering the infinite world, he controlled the Wutian Palace, and the Brahma Palace was only two palaces. Now he wants to refine four palaces.

The Brahma World is vast and no one knows how big the Brahma World is.

All, from the entrance of Brahma World to Huangtian Palace, I don't know how many billions of miles there are. Even if the Brahma Palace is flying, it will take a long time. During this time, Li Lingtian rests in the Brahma Palace.

In the past, he seldom retreat, even if the retreat time is not very long.

But now the practice of retreat is hundreds of years. In the black and white world by the infinite world, one retreat is ten million years, and the imagination is boring.

Therefore, he now has to spend all his time resting.

Time, day by day.

Finally, three years after flying in the Brahma Palace, the Brahma Palace finally came near the Huang Tian Palace. Feeling the powerful atmosphere of the Huang Tian Palace, Li Lingtian was shocked.

At the same time, he also thought of Lord Huang Tian.

Lord Huang Tian has a very high status in his heart, and it is not much different from the father of the Holy Lord in Brahma World. After all, he is brought up by Lord Huang Tian. He also disappeared when he refined the Brahma Palace.

"Huang Tiangong, did not expect to be here so soon."

Li Lingtian looked at Huang Tiangong and said to himself.

Then they greeted Tang Qingyue and they flashed and disappeared into the Brahma Palace. When they appeared again, they were close to Huang Tiangong.

Next, Li Lingtian entered into long-term cultivation.

Refine Huangtian Palace with the Jiugong Tao. While refining Huangtian Palace, his Jiugong Tao is constantly improving, and his original ideas are more harmonious with the Jiugong Tao.

Each palace offsets 10% of human domain rules.

Now he has Brahma Palace and Skyless Palace, which can offset 20% of the domain rules of gods and spirits. If Huang Tiangong is refined and controlled, he can offset 30% of the domain rules of his opponents.

The more palaces you control, the more terrifying the rules of the domain are, and the more palaces, the more terrifying the power.

Imagine that a few trillions of diameters of palaces are exactly the size of a Taiyue Divine Court. Such impact power can make some Divine Emperors disappear.

When Li Lingtian refining and controlling Huang Tiangong, Tang Qingyue and they also began to discuss how to gain a foothold in the heavenly realm.

Discuss how to fight against Heaven, and even thought of how to defeat Heaven.

"Little Master, Great Consummation, and now his cultivation ability, no Divine Emperor can defeat him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If Huang Tiangong and Qingtian Palace, Motian Palace and Chen Tiangong are in control, even the invincible Tianting Divine Emperor could not help him."

"What we have to consider now is the general situation of the heavenly realm. The entire heavenly court is dealing with the demon world. If we go to deal with the heavenly court, then we will push the younger brother to the opposite of human beings. Handle younger brothers without scruples."

"So, now we have to think of a two-way solution, which will not let the younger brother become an enemy of humanity, nor will it make Tianting so pleasant."

Bishui fairy and others were tasting fragrant tea in a garden in the world of Brahma Palace. While tasting tea, they discussed how to deal with the general trend of heaven.

All present were Li Lingtian's wife and relatives.

Therefore, even when discussing matters, there are no worries at all.

Moreover, with Li Lingtian and their strength, as well as their current situation, there is no need to have any scruples. No situation is more difficult than their current situation.

[Get the above news, May 9th is free, and then broke out. 】

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