War God Supreme

Chapter 2359: Against the heavenly...

"I thought of a way."

While everyone was meditating, Yun Yaoyao spoke.

"any solution?"

Hearing Yun Yaoyao's opening, Tang Qingyue and others looked at it. I don't know what good method Yun Yaoyao thought of, both to deal with Tianting and to prevent Li Lingtian from becoming a human enemy.

"Just let Brother Ling Tian join forces with Demon Realm."

"Attack the heaven with the demon world, erase the heaven, and suppress the demon world."

"At that time, the Three Realms, the Devil Realm, the Heaven Realm, and the Human Realm are all in the hands of Brother Ling Tian."

"Anyway, younger brother Ling Tian has a relationship with the princess of the demon world. Helping the demon world to attack the heavenly court is also helping himself. As for fame and fortune, this kind of war is nothing."

Yun Yaoyao's face appeared complacent, and what he said shocked Tang Qingyue Huangfu Yuyan and others.

They never thought Yun Yaoyao came up with such a method.

"Join with Demon Realm?"

"Worth a try."

"This is a good way to stand up."

"Furthermore, the team of Demon Realm only attacked Heaven, and the people of Heaven Realm would not say anything."

"The strong is the most important, the big fist is the last word. As long as the heaven is defeated, who dares to chew the tongue?"

"This method stays, we think about other methods, now we will wait for the husband to refine the palace to enhance its strength, as long as his strength increases, all problems will be solved."


Although shocking Yun Yaoyao's method, they all accepted what Yun Yaoyao said. After all, Yun Yaoyao's method is feasible.

For a time, they agreed with Yun Yaoyao's approach.

When agreeing with Yun Yaoyao's method, he also thought of other methods. After all, he would not join forces with Demon Realm until he had no choice but, even if Li Lingtian planned to join forces with Demon Realm, Demon Realm might not be able to believe Li Lingtian.

In the event that the Demon Realm defeated the Heaven Court by the time of the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm would not be suppressed by Li Lingtian, and the tail could not be thrown away.

Heaven Court, unifying the entire heavenly realm, with unparalleled strength, attacking the demon realm.

Ready to unify the world that has never been defeated, the war is started, and the Devil Realm and the Heaven Realm are suddenly put into the endless war. Countless Demon Powers are falling every day, and the gods of the Heaven Realm are constantly falling.

If you want to unify the Devil World, it is not such a simple thing at all.

Otherwise, Heaven Realm is in this universe's floods for countless billions of eras, and it has not erased the Devil Realm. On the contrary, the Devil Realm has always become the heart of the Heaven Realm.

However, Tian Ting's attack on Devil Realm also has his advantages and grasp.

One is that there are countless gods in the heavenly court, and the **** emperor has reached a terrifying level. More importantly, there is an invincible **** emperor in heaven, and there are countless gods comparable to the invincible **** emperor.

The ruler of heaven, the emperor of heaven.

After 9 trillion epochs of hard work, it reached a point beyond the imagination of the gods, and it has absolute confidence in the unified demon world.

The war is long.

This is a matter of reason.

Even if the heaven is powerful~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is not a temporary thing to defeat the Devil Realm.

But what made Tian Ting feel ashamed is that Tian Ting issued the oracle to kill Li Lingtian. Everyone in the world knows it, but it hasn't killed Li Lingtian for thousands of years.

Although Li Lingtian has no news in the infinite world, Tianting still knows that Li Lingtian has not fallen.

Li Lingtian's survival made Tianting's face hot.

Therefore, the world once again proclaimed the oracle, killing Li Lingtian, and rewarding a hundred holy domains.

This reward made countless gods in heaven, but few dare to go to Li Lingtian. Only some super **** emperors secretly explored Li Lingtian's news and whereabouts, trying to find Li Lingtian in the infinite world.

[Luohua has said that it broke out in May, and the free time was advanced. Originally, it was free to read all day on May 9th. Today I am looking for the above application. I finally decided to read all day free on May 4th. Yes, and the Supreme God of War has been written to a later stage, write it slower, everyone forgive me, don't be sloppy. 】

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