War God Supreme

Chapter 2378: Emperor Destruction

? The Three Realms, has entered into super cultivation щww{][lā}


   No one has seen Li Lingtian's figure again. Only the Holy Heaven Palace is in Taiyue Shenting. Holy Heaven Palace is the treasure of Supreme Li Lingtian and the place where Supreme Li Lingtian lives.


   Although the Kingdom of the Void Kingdom is not in Taiyue Shrine, the existence of Taiyue Shrine is already a myth.


   time, day by day.


   is another thousand years, which is one thousand years after the establishment of the Nether Kingdom.


In the center of Shengtian Temple, six palaces appeared.


   The six palaces headed by Brahma Palace, Li Lingtian is in the center, suspended in the center, and his face is calm, but he is very excited, because the suppression of the Heavenly Emperor has reached the last moment.


   is him. If other Divine Emperors, even if they suppress the Divine Emperor, it is impossible to completely destroy the Divine Emperor without countless billions of eras.


   However, Li Lingtian is the eternal treasure of time and space. He is in control of the law of time and space. In front of the law of time and in front of the sixth floor of the Road of the Nine Palaces, the emperor's Shouyuan passes quickly.


   Two thousand years of repression, Heavenly Emperor can no longer support it.


   "Tiandi, you said, how long can you support?"


   "Hand over your memory, this seat can also give you a chance to reincarnate, and, for your dozens of emperors and goddesses, this seat will not embarrass them, let you choose a world plane for them."


   "If you think about it yourself, if you don't surrender it yourself, you will have at most ten years to vanish, and you can get what you want, just give you a chance now."


  Li Lingtian's voice reached the Brahma Palace.


  In the Brahma Palace, under the mysterious and powerful power of the Nine Palaces, the Heavenly Emperor is imprisoned in it.


   At this moment, the Emperor of Heaven no longer looks like an Emperor of Heaven. He is no different from an ordinary person. Even the identity of the Son of Heaven no longer exists.


   In front of the Brahma Palace and the Nine Palaces, he could only be suppressed.


   Cultivation as He Shouyuan, the rapid passage, the speed of the passage is frighteningly crazy.


   "Li Lingtian, two thousand years, don't you still give up?"


   "Tell you that you can only stay in the Three Realms forever. If you leave the Three Realms, it will be your day of destruction."


   "You are still a good bear in the Three Realms, don't deliberately leave the Three Realms, want to get the memory of the Emperor, don't dream, you will defeat me, but never let me submit to you, haha."


   Heavenly Emperor's eyes became red.


  He already hated Li Lingtian in his bones.


   If it weren't for Li Lingtian, he had become the Supreme Realm of the Three Realms, and by virtue of his cultivation ability, even if he went to other worlds, he could survive and even have a greater future.


   But all this, but was stolen by Li Lingtian.


  Thinking of other worlds, I look up and fear in my heart.


  I want Li Lingtian to go to those terrifying worlds, but not Li Lingtian.


   Contradictions in my heart, when struggling, he laughed, the soul in his mind quickly burned, the whole person's breath quickly weakened, completely to destroy himself.




  Seeing the situation of Emperor Tian, ​​Li Lingtian naturally understood.


   was shocked in his heart, and his consciousness unfolded. The Nine Palaces violently crushed the Heavenly Emperor. He wanted to prevent the Heavenly Emperor from destroying himself. If the Heavenly Emperor destroyed, the soul and memory would also be destroyed with the burning.






   Inside the Holy Heaven Palace, there were muffled noises.


  In a blink of an eye, Emperor Tian disappeared, leaving only a ray of stars.


  Looking at the stars, Li Lingtian swept through the stars, searched all the stars, and then displayed mysterious spells to fuse the stars together.


   After a moment, Li Lingtian opened his eyes.


  In his eyes, there was disappointment and a trace of anger.


   "It's a pity."


   "Only a piecemeal memory."


  Li Lingtian said to herself.


   He did not expect that Heavenly Emperor burned his soul and memory, and did not give himself a chance of reincarnation, which was beyond his expectations.


  It is difficult to suppress a divine emperor, it is even more difficult to suppress the existence of a transcendent divine emperor. It is even more difficult to kill the transcendent divine emperor. The heavenly emperor self-destructs, and naturally falls instantly, even burning soul and memory.


  In the six palaces of Shengtian Palace, Li Lingtian was the master, but even then, he still could not prevent the Emperor from destroying himself.


   Finally, with powerful and magical means, only a little information was collected.


  However, this information made Li Lingtian more sure about the memory and conjecture of Lord Mo Sheng. There are indeed more powerful existences and worlds outside the Three Realms. The Three Realms are just Ganges and Sand.


   Heavenly Emperor's cultivation is indeed beyond the existence of Divine Emperor.


   The real cultivation is-planetary star, also known as the planetary master.


   Heavenly Emperor's cultivation base has reached the peak of the ninth rank of the travel star, and his strength is extremely terrifying.


   There are no celestial lords. These celestial lords are only three ranks of star rating. Compared with Heavenly Emperor, the difference is not a little bit.


   line star, constant star, domain master level.


Each realm is divided into nine levels, and above the domain master level there are more powerful, or, star and star rating and domain master level, in the powerful world is only the beginning, there is a terrifying world master .


   It is a pity that Li Lingtian can only get fragmented information from the fragmented memory of the Emperor.


   "This is enough."


   "I can suppress Heavenly Emperor, I believe that the strength should also be the top of the ninth rank of the star."


   "Only by breaking through the star rating and reaching the star rating can you enter the vast starry sky and the vast universe. You must work hard. The Three Realms have nothing to do with me in the future."


   Li Lingtian's consciousness moved, and a magical light appeared in Brahma Palace.


   The light appeared instantly, then disappeared again.


   In this world, the Emperor of Heaven no longer exists, and even the chance of reincarnation is gone.




  At this time, Tang Qingyue's voice sounded.




  Li Lingtian calmed down and turned to look at Tang Qingyue, who suddenly couldn't help but show a happy smile. Tang Qingyue followed him for countless years. Instead of aging with time, he became more and more beautiful.


   There are few people like him who can live from old age to old age.


   Tang Qingyue and Tang Zimeng, they are all about the same age as him, and they all came together through countless ups and downs~www.wuxiaspot.com~Naturally, their feelings have not been said.


"How's it going?"


   looked at Li Lingtian, Tang Qingyue asked softly.


   As Li Lingtian's wife, naturally know many, many things.


  Furthermore, she is also a powerful and unmatched Divine Emperor, not a weatherless vase. Seeing the changes in the Holy Heaven Palace, she found that the Emperor had disappeared and asked Li Lingtian curiously.


   "Tiandi burns memory and soul."


   "I got a piecemeal memory and found something."


   "Like Lord Mosheng knows a lot, I found a lot of shocking secrets in the memory of Heavenly Emperor. It seems that we have to go to the white hole, hoping to pass through the white hole."


  Li Lingtian said that he didn't get sick, and said the news from Emperor Tian.


   He has no interest in the Three Realms now and wants to go to a bigger world.


   To adapt to a larger world, and to strengthen his own resurrection master and brother, to avenge the father of the Lord, but it is a little unrealistic to achieve a star rating in the Three Realms, and you can only try it in Baidong.


   "Go to the white hole?"


   Hearing the white hole, Tang Qingyue thought of the horror in the infinite world of black and white world, and he was immediately terrified, and his face became ugly.


  Because the inside of the white hole is scary enough, not to mention the end of the white hole, and the powerful horror world at the end of the white hole, those places are nightmares of the strong.

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