War God Supreme

Chapter 2379: Into the white hole

"Well, good. [Update fast&nbp;&nbp;Please search //ia/u///】"

"Just go to the white hole."

Li Lingtian nodded and repeated the side again.

He naturally knew the horror inside the white hole and knew more about the destruction and horror at the end of the white hole, but there was something he needed inside the white hole, and the end of the white hole might be a bigger world.

Moreover, many things in the Three Realms are a mystery.

If you want to solve these mysteries, I am afraid it will not work in the Three Realms.

So, now he has to enter the white hole and go to another world.

"In the white hole, there is the original idea and the power of the original source."

"Even if the Divine Emperor goes, it may fall, and in the world at the end of the White Cave, it must be more terrifying. How much assurance can you have just reached the Divine Emperor?"

Tang Qingyue looked at Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian is doing things, she is silently behind her support, never opposed.

But advice is indispensable, because it is related to Li Lingtian's life and death.

"Among the white holes, I should be able to adapt now."

"Moreover, I feel that other worlds and starry sky all have original ideas and the power of the source. The real strongmen adapt to the original ideas and the power of the source, and turn the original ideas and the power of the source into their own strength."

"I sensed the power of the origin in the Heavenly Emperor. He must have cultivated the power of the origin. The Lord of Heaven was killed in the Holy Heaven Palace, which may also be related to the power of the origin."

"Entering the white hole, I have the ability to protect myself, but before entering the white hole, I will make some preparations in the Three Realms."

Li Lingtian gently hugged Tang Qingyue, his face showing a gentle color, and said seriously.

He does things, thinks twice, and plans to move.

Therefore, even if it is sure to survive in the white hole, it will still leave behind in the Three Realms.

The first is to leave avatars and natal blood in the Three Realms.

Even if it is destroyed in other worlds, as long as the soul is not destroyed, the avatar in the Three Realms will become the deity, and Li Lingtian will not really fall. Of course, the premise is that the deity's soul is not destroyed.

If the soul is destroyed, all the avatars and the kingdom of God will disappear in an instant.

"This time you go to Baidong."

"Who are you going to take?"

Tang Qingyue looked at Li Lingtian seriously and finally asked.

"I'm taking Mingyue and Sister II."

Li Lingtian pondered for a while, and finally spoke out her decision.

Nangong Mingyue knows everything and is capable.

The second sister, Shuangshuang Palace, is cold and high-definition.

Both of them are his wives, the husband and wife share the same heart, and they will not do anything to do things. As for the other people, they will not stay in the Three Realms, but decide to arrange them in the Brahma World.

This place is his base camp and his **** kingdom.

There is the Nine Palace in Brahma World, and no one can shake it.

Otherwise, the Nine Palace has existed in the Brahma World for hundreds of millions of years, and no one can get it away. So, the place where he can rest assured and feel the most safe is the Nine Palace of Brahma World.


"Let's discuss with them and see their opinions."

Tang Qingyue agreed with Li Lingtian's decision and smiled.

Immediately, the two entered the depths of the Brahma Palace and said his decision.

Although everyone was a little bit reluctant, they did not stop Li Lingtian.

Next, Li Lingtian began to quietly act in the Three Realms, to do some backhand to prevent some accidents, this is his base camp, naturally do not want to let something happen here.

A hundred years later, Li Lingtian handled all the things in the Three Realms.

At the same time, I sorted out my treasures.

Brahma Palace, Holy Heaven Palace, Five Elements World, Emperor Pole Tower, Heart of Starry Sky, Ruler of Chaos, Thirty-three Refining Pagoda, Refining Pagoda, Dragon Ring, Time and Space Eternal and God Destroyer Set, these are his most Precious baby.

Of course, there are also precious treasures such as the Mingshen Ring and the Shenfeng Ring, which he all left to Tang Qingyue and them.

It can be said that apart from a few of the most important treasures, everything else is left behind.

The exercises, the nine changes of the dragon, the way of the ninth house, the control, and the unrivaled starry sky.

Cultivation for strength has hit him to such a degree that some exercises are no longer helpful. More time is spent on enlightenment rules and self-created exercises. The exercises in the three realms can no longer satisfy his current state.

Dealing with everything, Li Lingtian arranged Tang Qingyue and others in Brahma World.

Finally, with the two daughters of Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace, they went to the Shenwu Continent and entered the infinite world, but they did not enter the infinite world, but directly entered the black and white world.

"Holy Temple, open."

Li Lingtian looked at the black and white world, his face showing excitement and anticipation.

Immediately, with one hand stretched out, Shengtian Palace appeared in front of him.

Shengtian Palace, the largest can reach tens of millions of miles, the smallest can be turned into fist-sized crystal carving.

After summoning the Holy Heaven Palace, Li Lingtian turned to look at Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace Master.

"Moon Moon, Sister, you enter the Dragon Ring."

"Kirin also went in, and I entered here alone."

Li Lingtian spoke lightly.

In order to go through this black and white world, other than him, everyone has no certainty, even if Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace Master have reached the level of Divine Emperor, and they have also got a trace of original ideas and original power.

The same is true for the water unicorn. The current water unicorn has also reached the level of the original holy beast, and its strength is even stronger than that of Lord Mo Sheng, which is definitely his great combat power.

This time, after leaving the Three Realms, he brought the Nangong Mingyue and the Frost Palace Master, as well as the mount water unicorn.

Divine Supreme Divine Mountain guards the demon world, and Divine Dragon guards the brahma world. The two avatars are not far apart. They are waiting for the demon world and the brahma world. With his cultivation strength, he has created a space channel between the demon world and the brahma world.

Tang Qingyue and Xiaobai were partly in the Supreme God Mountain and partly in Brahma World.

Of course, Xiaobai can't leave the demon world. She must always be near the Supreme God Mountain, because the Supreme God Mountain is Li Lingtian's avatar. If Li Lingtian is destroyed in other worlds, she must protect Li Lingtian's natal blood and Supreme God Mountain in the first time.

"Be careful yourself."

Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace nodded, then disappeared with the water unicorn, and entered the dragon ring.

The sky above the world of black and white ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ time and space are disordered, Li Lingtian is suspended on it, with a faint smile on his face, then disappears in a flash, and appears in the Holy Heaven Palace.

The Holy Temple is now ten miles in size.


With a muffled sound, Shengtian Palace turned into a streamer, and it directly impacted on the black and white world of time and space. In a blink of an eye, Shengtian Palace disappeared into the black and white world.

The black and white world is the entrance to the infinite world and the place to enter the white hole.

However, in the entire Three Realms, except Li Lingtian, no one has the ability to enter the white hole, and it is impossible to find the position of the white hole in the black and white world.

Feeling the original idea and the power of the original source, Li Lingtian is increasingly convinced that there is a world outside the white hole.

Regardless of the rapid advancement of Shengtian Palace, Li Lingtian is like a statue looking at the black and white world. The time and space outside are disordered. In front of his law of time and space, it has no effect at all.

(To be continued.)

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