War God Supreme

Chapter 2389: 0 billion stars


"Can be switched to: 12776454980 Star Crystal."

The crystal screen shows the number of stars that can be cut into stars. This number shocked Li Lingtian. Even if he had already calculated the approximate number of stars, he was still shocked after the Universe Bank was determined.

The star crystal currency used by the universe is almost the same size as the mahjong of the earth, but it is twice as thick.

One inch long, one inch wide and one inch thick.

This is the size of the star crystal and the rule of the universe. It is impossible to falsify.

"Is it all deposited into an existing account?"

The old man bowed to Li Lingtian and said politely.

A person who can own so many stars is not something he can provoke.

Twelve seven hundred and seventy-six thousand seven hundred and forty-five thousand, is the data he looked up to.

He has worked in the Universe Bank for thousands of years. Not only does he say that there are no stored crystals, but they are not enough. Because of the lack of crystals, his cultivation ability is not high.

In the Celestial Star, ordinary people can earn ten star crystals in a month.

Of course, if you cultivate to a high level of strength, go out to find treasures, hunt down monsters in the sky, and do missions, but these are risking your life, and if you are not good, you will fall.

Like Li Lingtian, who owns more than 10 billion stars, is already a rich man.

At least, in the Yaoshi Holy City, it can be regarded as a rich man.

Ten billion, is already a one-star customer of Universe Bank, enjoying various treatments of Universe Bank.

"All deposited."

Li Lingtian nodded and promised to deposit Xingchenjing into his account.

To use the existing star crystals, he still has a little more than 20,000 in his dragon ring. As long as he does not conduct big transactions, he will not need any existing star crystals. Besides, big transactions will be paid with accounts.

Then, the old man deposited all the star crystals into Li Lingtian's account.


A clear reminder sounded.

Smart Galaxy opened a slap-sized virtual screen, which was displayed in front of Li Lingtian.

The account has transactions, the account balance: 12776454980 Xingchenjing.

Seeing the arrival of Xingchenjing, Li Lingtian nodded with satisfaction, pointed out with one finger, and the virtual screen disappeared.

"Sir, you are now a one-star customer of Universe Bank."

"You can enjoy various treatments of Universe Bank. All transactions on Universe Bank are 10% off."

"Moreover, all kinds of rare treasures and star customers will be given priority to buy."

The old man saluted Li Lingtian and said congratulations.

Now, he must respect Li Lingtian, because Li Lingtian is a one-star customer of Cosmos Bank. This is the rule of Cosmos Bank. Moreover, if Li Lingtian is offended, as long as Li Lingtian complains to him, his job will not be guaranteed.

"Thanks for reminding."

Li Lingtian nodded, then left the warehouse and walked out of the Universe Bank.

Solved one thing, my heart was much easier.

Now, with more than 10 billion in his hands, he is naturally confident, and, according to the wealth of Celestial Star, he is already a rich man.

But it's just a little rich man. Compared with those super families and super powers and super strong men, he is a poor man.

Back to the restaurant, in the room.

A two-meter-long crystal screen opens, the Smart Galaxy will be connected to the communication number, Li Lingtian enters the virtual world, and then searches for the property of Yaoshi Holy City, and suddenly there are countless dense information.

"Tiandu Mountain, a single cultivation palace, two miles long and two miles wide, with a price of 60 million stars and a 100-year property right"

"The Blue Rain River, a detached cultivation palace, is two miles long and one mile wide, with a price of 300 million stars and a 100-year property right."

"Yangcheng Minghai, a single cultivation palace, three miles long and three miles wide, with a price of 1.7 billion and a property right of 150 years."

"There is a tremendous dilemma, a solitary cultivation palace, five miles long and five miles wide, with a price of 1.2 billion and ten years of property rights."


Countless real estate information is displayed on the crystal screen.

The look on Li Lingtian's face kept changing.

In these places, the better the environment, the more expensive the price, and even the best, even reaching 30 billion stars.

Moreover, the duration of property rights is very short.

If you buy forever, the price is simply not affordable for the average person.

Powerful people like them are decades of hard work, maybe a closed-door practice is countless years. Although they will not be closed-door now, he does not want to buy real estate for decades.

After pondering for a long time, Li Lingtian decided.

Finally, I chose Xiangshan Jiadi, a detached cultivation palace with a length of five miles and a width of five miles. The price is 5 billion stars and the property rights are three hundred years. You can enjoy all kinds of the highest treatment of Yaoshi Holy City for free.

And it can give priority to the extension of the years. The entire Xiangshanjiadi, in Yaoshi Holy City, is definitely the rich area of ​​Yaoshi Holy City.

"Xiangshan Jiadi, property number 1888, the price is 5 billion stars."

"Please click to confirm the purchase, please return after giving up."

Li Lingtian's finger clicked on the cultivation palace of Xiangshanjia No. 1888. Suddenly, a prompt sound appeared on the crystal screen.

Looking at the five billion stars, Li Lingtian felt a little pain.

But now, he can only buy.

I could have chosen places like Tiandu Mountain, but the cultivation environment was unsatisfactory and the safety was not guaranteed. In the end, only some extra stars could be purchased to buy a safe.

Xiangshan Jiadi has the highest-end defense of the shining holy city, and there are countless strong stars patrolling.

Immediately, tap lightly on the confirmation.


The sound of the Smart Galaxy reminder sounded, and there was a change in the account on the identity chip.

"The account has a transaction prompt, are you sure about the transaction."

"Beware of deception, please confirm the transaction, please confirm the transaction, please cancel if you give up."

On the identity chip, the prompt sounds.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian smiled on his face. The civilization of the universe is indeed not comparable to the Three Realms. This kind of transaction reminder is similar to that of the Earth Bank, but it is more comprehensive and more humanized.

Li Lingtian did not hesitate~www.wuxiaspot.com~Click OK.

In an instant, the account prompts that the deduction was successful.

"Successful deduction, Universe Bank wishes you all the best."

On the identity chip, information flashes, and then Smart Galaxy closes the identity chip.

Above the crystal screen in the room, the transaction is successful.

Now, Li Lingtian is the owner of Xiangshanjia No. 1888, with a time of three hundred years. He is also a member of the wealth of the Holy World Holy City and enjoys some special treatments of the Holy World Holy City.

After everything is done, Smart Galaxy cuts the crystal screen from the virtual.

Li Lingtian took the Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace masters away from the restaurant and walked towards the imperial office. He is now an imperial citizen and owns real estate in Xiangshan Jiadi, which is considered a rich man.

It is also time for the Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace Master to join the empire and become an empire citizen. (To be continued.)

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