War God Supreme

Chapter 2390: Xiangshanjia No. 1880

Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace are two people, and managing citizens of the Empire is very smooth.

After leaving the Imperial Office, the three of them went to Xiangshan Jiadi together. With the last experience, Li Lingtian would never walk hundreds of thousands of miles silly.

Ran a spaceship on the avenue.

"Where do adults need to go."

The spaceship landed in front of Li Lingtian and the door of the spacecraft opened automatically. It was a middle-aged woman with a faint smile on her face.

Watching Li Lingtian enter the spaceship, they asked politely.


Li Lingtian spoke lightly, and immediately became a luxurious chair. Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace's two daughters were beside Li Lingtian. The two were Li Lingtian's wife. After 20 million years together, every move was natural.


When the middle-aged woman heard Xiang Shan Jiadi, her face was amazed, showing an envious look.

Those who can live in Xiangshan Jiadi are either super strong or rich, and their status is very noble. People like this have their own private spaceships. They have the privilege to fly in the Yaoshi Holy City. Few people come to ride. Their spaceship.

After being surprised, hurry and control the spaceship.

Originally, the people in Xiangshan Jiadi didn't need Xingjingjing to take a spaceship, but Li Lingtian didn't have the identity information of Xiangshanjiadi, and could only pay sixty stars.

An hour later, the spacecraft landed in the clouds.

Li Lingtian and others walked out of the spaceship with a happy expression on his face.

Appearing in front of them is a beautiful fairyland, the colorful clouds are floating, and the faint clouds are very beautiful. In the clouds, you can see a magnificent and luxurious white jade palace.

Each palace is a few miles apart, and there will be no disturbance to each other, and the palaces have their own defenses, which will start the defense when attacked.

The place where they settled is a white jade avenue 200 meters wide, which leads directly to Xiangshan Jiadi.

However, there is not one person on the avenue, but there is a door of time and space at each end. If you want to go to Xiangshan Jiadi, you can only pass the door of time and space. Moreover, this door of time and space also has the detection function, not Xiangshan. People in Jiadi cannot enter.

When Li Lingtian was worried about how to pass, a burly middle-aged star with a star rating appeared in the door of time and space. The middle-aged man was wearing silver-white armor.

On the left chest of the armor is embroidered with the special emblem of Xiangshan Jiadi.

Needless to think, this tall star-shaped middle-aged man is the patrol of Xiangshan Jiadi.

"This is Xiangshan Jiadi."

"What's the matter with everyone here?"

When the burly man spoke, the tone was cold.

His eyes glanced at Li Lingtian and his face showed a vigilant look. The people living in Xiangshan Jiadi were all rich, or super powerful, or people with identities in the Holy City.

They patrolling people cannot bring security risks into Xiangshanjiadi.

Therefore, the strangers must be rigorously interrogated and faced with the intentional persons mixed in.

"I am the owner of Xiangshanjia No. 1888."

"Check in today."

Li Lingtian's tone was bland, with no emotional fluctuations, no joy and no worries.



"Please show your identity chip."

The burly middle-aged man was surprised when he heard Li Lingtian's words, and then his face showed unbelief, because no matter how he looked, Li Lingtian could not become the rich man of Xiangshan Jiadi.

However, he did not dare to have the slightest disrespect.

When speaking, a high-end scanning instrument appeared in the hand.

This instrument is the most basic information in Xiangshan Jiadi, as well as the information of people entering and leaving. If Li Lingtian really came in today, he only needs to scan it.

Li Lingtian didn't speak, his mind moved, and the identity chip was suspended in front of him.

The instrument in the hand of the burly man scanned the identity chip, and a dripping sound appeared on the instrument.

"Subordinates are rude."

"In order to ensure the safety of the residents, please forgive me and understand our work."

The look of the burly man's face changed, and he quickly saluted and said politely.

The tone and complexion came with a big change of 360 degrees.

This is for sure. Li Lingtian is now their God. If Li Lingtian is not satisfied, just let them leave from here, even if he is a strong third-order star.


Li Lingtian nodded in satisfaction, with a smile on his face.

For him now, the safer the better.

In this way, you can feel at ease when you live inside, no matter how hard you venture out in the future, but at least when you come back, you can feel a little safe here.

"You please."

The burly middle-aged man saw the look of Li Lingtian, his face showing gratitude.

The more I admire in my heart, the more rich, the more status, the more literate.

Respectfully saluting, made a gesture of invitation, and led Li Lingtian into the door of time and space, and in an instant, appeared on the other end of Baiyu Avenue.

After he came out, Li Lingtian went through some procedures and took the jade token of No. 1888. Only this token can open No. 1888, which represents his identity.

Each cultivating palace has only one jade token, which is unique.

Under the envious eyes of several constant star patrols, Li Lingtian and his three men entered Xiangshan Jiadi and entered Xiangshan Jiadi, completely entering a beautiful little world.

One after another, the cultivation palaces are lined with white jade.

From time to time inside, you can also see human beings with a star rating and a star rating. From their dress, you can see that some things are servants and some are the masters living here.

According to the virtual display above, Xiangshanjia covers an area of ​​eight thousand miles in length and width.

Inside, it is possible to fly, but it is prohibited to fly spaceships, but it can be run on the avenue, but it can only be driven by the service staff of Xiangshan Jiadi~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They will obey the traffic rules here and avoid hitting people .

Moreover, these spaceships are owned by Xiangshanjia and are free to use.

The three people of Li Lingtian rode a spaceship and drove on the avenue. This feeling made Li Lingtian return to the earth 20 million years ago-the car.

After a while, the spacecraft stopped in front of 1888.

Looking at the magnificent palace in Changkuan Wuli, Li Lingtian, Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace Master, all three were very happy, came to the universe, and finally had their own residence.

In the future, this place will accompany them for countless years, even for a lifetime.

Above the palace in Wulong, Wuli, the colorful clouds fluttered, there was nothing strange, but with his powerful and terrifying consciousness, upon glance, the magical defensive formation above the palace was discovered.

This formation is invisible, as long as it is not subject to invasion and attack, it will not appear.

If they are invaded and attacked, powerful and magical defenses will be shown. (To be continued.)

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