War God Supreme

Chapter 2393: Blaze Master

The Qibao Auction is the largest auction in Yaoshi Holy City.

The auction is organized by the Universe Bank's Yaoshi Holy City branch. There is no fixed time for this kind of auction, because the treasures that appear in the auction are rare and rare things in the Yaoshi Holy City.

In order to prepare these treasures, the Yoshiki City Branch of the Universe Bank has prepared countless years, so the interval between each auction is different, and each auction has caused a sensation in Yoshiki City.

Moreover, the people participating in this auction are all star customers of Universe Bank, and their net worth is over 10 billion.

Although it is only an auction of the Holy City of the World, it has attracted the arrival of the major Holy City of the Celestial Star and the strong, and even the strong on other planets have also arrived.

According to the rules of the auction house, if a star-rated customer wants to participate in the auction, he has to reply to the invitation message of the Universe Bank, which is also convenient for the auction house to arrange seats.

The seat number obtained by Li Lingtian is 106520.

Seeing this number, Li Lingtian was shocked, because this number represented 106519 people in front of the auction, so how much is behind?

He can't imagine now that an auction will attract hundreds of thousands of star customers.

Customers who can reach one star, at least also are constant stars, or domain master.

After all, the conditions for one-star customers are worth more than 10 billion yuan.

According to his understanding, a strong ninth-ranking powerhouse with millions of stars is normal, and tens of millions are rare. Those with hundreds of millions are scarce, and they can own tens of billions. That is undoubtedly the young master of the super family Or the super demon of super powers.

Not to mention genius, even if it is a strong star, there are very few tens of millions.

Three days later, Li Lingtian greeted the Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace masters, left Xiangshan Jiadi, and flew toward the universe bank in a spaceship.

Thousands of miles away from the Space Bank, the spaceship stopped and suspended in the air.

Because the entire sky is a spaceship, the strong man above the spaceship can only leave the spaceship and choose to go alone.

There are too many powerful people participating in the auction.

Li Lingtian can only walk out of the spaceship, levitate in the air, and rush towards the direction of the universe bank. In front of countless star power stars and star power stars, Li Lingtian has to be careful.

In the face of the sky and stars, the horrible destruction and the power of origin can tear him apart.

Fortunately, there is a stipulation in the Holy City of the World, and no force or coercion should be cast in the Holy City.

After a moment of effort, Li Lingtian came to the front of the Universe Bank, followed casually by a long line, glanced at the knowledge, and found that hundreds of teams had entered the auction house.

Each team can't see the end and don't know how many strong players there are.

However, the strong people who come here are all Star Bank customers and are individuals with identity and status. They will not make trouble on this occasion, and everyone does not know what the other party is, what their background and background are. Backstage, so I dare not easily provoke anyone.

Even if it is a strong star of the ninth order, it is not easy to provoke a strong star of the second or third order.

In case this strong second- and third-ranking star is the young master of the super family, it will cause trouble.

Li Lingtian didn't speak in the team, his face was calm and calm, his hands were on his back, giving people a profound sense of unpredictability, so that the front and back stars would not dare to easily provoke him.

The huge building of the Universe Bank is like a beast that devours the world, and countless powerful people enter it one by one.

Within an hour, Li Lingtian also entered the dedicated channel of the Universe Bank.

Entering the passage, Li Lingtian was shocked.

The seventeenth floor of the entire Universe Bank turned out to be a huge super auction house.

Long hundred miles, wide hundred miles.

Rows of tall seats are luxuriously furnished.

In the middle of the auction site, there is a huge platform with a height of 100 meters. The platform is made of transparent crystal.

Around the auction house, there are magical formations, the power of stars and the power of the source slowly emanating, making the entire auction house like a fairyland.

The entered strongman quickly found his seat.

Li Lingtian also came to seat 106520.

Until now, Li Lingtian has discovered that there are more than tens of thousands of strong people in the auction house. There are probably millions of powerful people here. The whole person is shocked to the extreme.

In the auction house, even if the strong people met, they would simply say hello. Countless strong people were together, and they were not as noisy as expected.

Li Lingtian's expression was plain, but his consciousness glanced quickly.

He found that his cultivation may not be as good as many stars and stars, but his consciousness is several times stronger than other strong ones. So far, no one in the auction house has found his consciousness glancing. .

This situation shocked him.

Your own consciousness is powerful in itself, and after training reaches five levels, the consciousness is even more terrifying.

This discovery made him understand that he also has his own advantages and killer skills.

When I came to the universe, I finally found my advantage, which brought him strong self-confidence.

Of the nearly one million strong people on the auction floor, 80% are star powerhouses, and there are some cultivations that he cannot see through each other as a realm, 10% are planet ninth ranks, and others are cultivations. Not weak.

There are two kinds of people who are the most difficult to provoke.

One is to cultivate very weak, and the other is to cultivate very high.

Cultivation of the weak can come here, indicating that he has a strong and terrible background and background.

The cultivation is very high, of course, needless to say, because they are strong and rich.

In other words, it is better to provoke the cultivator to be higher than to provoke the cultivator to be lower, because there is a strong family and powerful forces behind the cultivator to be low, to provoke a person is to provoke a family.

After two hours of waiting, the strong man who has come has arrived.

One hundred and eight channels of the auction site were closed.

The entire auction house was also quiet at this moment, with a look of anticipation on his face.

"Bang, bang, bang."

A huge, dull sound rang out and reached all strong people's ears.

This sound is just like the footsteps of the strong men stepping on their chests. The countless strong men present, except for a few star stars, there are those who Li Lingtian can't see through, and other people, their faces have become a little bit Ugly.

Fortunately, the voice soon ended.

A tall red-haired man appeared in everyone's eyes.

The man is ten meters tall and his eyebrows are blazing with flames. The whole person is like a flame~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems to melt the whole world.

"Flame Master!"

"Flame Master!"

"Flame Master!"

Seeing this tall red-haired man, Li Lingtian was shocked. He was in front of this red-haired man, and he couldn't even count an ant. It was too powerful.

The power of the source has reached a terrifying level, with a breath and a look, it can make him collapse, and it will never be destroyed.

This is the real powerhouse.

Now, he felt that even if he had the Holy Palace and the Brahma Palace, he could not shake the red-haired man. If this red-haired man had shot, he could guarantee that even if there were the Holy Heaven Palace and the Brahma Palace, he would only disappear. Serving.

For a time, the whole person was completely shocked.

Other strong men, many who knew the red-haired man, could not help but be shocked. (To be continued.)

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