War God Supreme

Chapter 2394: Tier 5 Primal Soldier

I never imagined that the person who hosted the Qibao auction turned out to be a powerful domain owner.

Moreover, it is not a general domain master, it is the existence of the infinitely close to the master of the world. Such a person will preside over it. One is to show the influence of the auction, and the other is to use the flame domain master to suppress the field.

With the presence of the Blaze Master, no one dared to make trouble.

"Welcome to the Qibao auction site."

"I will accompany you at this auction, I wish you all a happy time and a full return."

The Lord of Flames stepped onto the crystal platform step by step, his eyes flashing like thunder, and scanned the audience.

Everyone looked down wherever they looked.

The strong men present felt tremendous pressure, just like the destruction of thunder and lightning bombarded in front of them, they might disappear at any time, when the eyes left, the pressure gradually.

Immediately, the Lord of Flames said loudly.

The sound was thunderous and spread throughout the auction, everyone heard clearly.

"Now, I announce the official start of the auction."

"The auction will take place in three days."

"The rules of the auction, the one with the highest price, rigorously arguing and arguing in the venue."

"There are now dedicated masters in the Qibao auction. If they lack star crystals, they can be replaced with Qibao. Of course, the Qibao auction only accepts treasures of more than three ranks."

"Our auction site, the first item to be auctioned, is a fifth-order source **** soldier Xuan Kong Slash, with a base price of 1 billion yuan, and each increase of 100 million yuan."

The Blaze Master announced the start of the auction.

I repeated the rules of the auction house, and then, reaching out, a black sword appeared in front of me.

The long knife has a horrible origin. The entire auction house is shrouded under the long sword's origin, and the space is slightly shaken, as if it is about to be destroyed at any time.

Looking at the long sword, listening to the words of the master of the flame domain, the audience was shocked.

The first item is the fifth-order source magic soldier, but the following items may not be simple.

The Tier 5 Primal Divine Soldier, even the domain master, has to fight for it. There is a Tier 5 Primal Divine Soldier who can maximize his strength and greatly enhance his strength.

Moreover, the fifth-order source of magical soldiers has no price but no market, but it is hard to come by.

Generally speaking, the strong stars use the first-order source soldiers, the constant-star use the second-order source soldiers, and the domain master use the third-order source soldiers. Fortunately, the Fifth-Order Original Soldier can only be the existence of looking up.

Now, the fifth-order source soldiers appeared at once.

The reserve price is only equivalent to the third-order source magic soldier.

"1.1 billion stars."

"1.2 billion stars."

"1.3 billion stars."

"1.4 billion stars."


When the voice of the Lord of Flames fell, fierce competition began.

The price is soaring like crazy, the star crystal is as valuable as it fell from the sky, or, at the moment, the strong men have only a fifth-order source soldier in their eyes, and the star crystal is nothing.

Li Lingtian looked at Xuan Kongcho above the crystal tower, his face surprised.

Compared with the chaotic treasures of the fifth order, the fifth-order origin soldier is very different.

According to the comparison, the fifth-order primal weapon should be as powerful as the original artifact, and the fourth-order primal weapon is equivalent to the primitive artifact. Now I think that the treasures of the three realms are still very rich.

In the Three Realms, reaching the Divine Emperor and above, basically all have the original artifact, that is, the fifth-order original source soldier.

Reaching the invincible Divine Emperor, or the Realm Lord, or the Heavenly Emperor, basically has Chaos Arcana.

However, in the universe, Celestial Star only has a star or domain master level, it is possible to have a fifth-order origin soldier, like Li Lingtian is a newcomer in the universe, but there are many chaotic treasures.

I knew in my heart that the Three Realms are closed planes. Something must have happened before, but in the end, they were sealed by dust, leaving only some powerful treasures.

"Until now, apart from owning a few Chaos Arcana, I don't have a source magical soldier in my hand."

Li Lingtian looked at the fierce competition of countless powerhouses and couldn't help thinking that he was empty-handed now.

Except for a few Chaos Treasures, there is no longer a Divine Soldier.

When I left the Three Realms, all the treasures were left, and I only brought my most important treasures. Where did I think that Chaos treasures are also super treasures in the universe.

My current cultivation is very low, but there are many treasures.

This is very unfavorable to oneself. If you start a war and show your chaos, you will undoubtedly let countless domain masters chase and rob.

"Seven hundred and eighty billion stars."

"Eight billion stars."

"8.1 billion star crystals."

"8.5 billion stars."

Prices continue to soar, but competitors have significantly reduced.

After all, there are not many people who can come up with billions of people, and people who come here to participate in auctions also have their own approximate goals, retaining wealth to compete for what they need most.

The Tier 5 Primal Divine Soldier is too precious to buy at all.

Seeing that the price soared to 1 billion, Li Lingtian felt more poor. With less than 8 billion stars in his body, he simply lost the qualification to compete for the fifth-order origin.

Of course, if he really needs this piece of fifth-order origin of the magic weapon, he will participate in the competition.

Because, in case of failure, he sold the Chaos Treasure from the Heavenly Emperor. The Heavenly Emperor destroyed, and all other treasures were destroyed, but the Chaos Treasure was retained, but only a little damage.

For a moment of kung fu, the fifth-order source **** soldier Xuankong cut, the price reached 14.7 billion stars.

It was bought by a domain owner hidden in the auction house.

This domain owner, Li Lingtian glanced with his consciousness. He couldn't see the other party's cultivation behavior. In his heart, he already estimated that the other party was a domain owner. Now that he has bought Xuan Kong Sect, he is even more certain that this person is the domain owner.

It's just that it's much different than the main flame zone.

With 14.7 billion stars, it is definitely the highest-ranking rich man in the shining holy city.

After receiving the fifth-order primitive **** soldier, the domain master's face showed a happy smile. The fifth-order primordial **** soldier, for the domain master, is also a powerful weapon, which can increase his strength when fighting.

In the auction house, the quality and strength of the first item indicates the preciousness of the items in the entire auction house.

The better the first item, the more precious the item that appears at the back of the auction, because the first item is the opening~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The last item is the finale, and the middle item is the target of most people's competition .

"Fifth Tier Original Spirit Soldier, congratulations to Lord 980067 on your acquisition."

"Next, we will officially auction the first batch of items."

"The first batch of items to be auctioned are also the original source soldiers. The fourth-level original source soldiers are a total of 320 pieces. Each original source soldier is the one with the highest price, with a base price of 100 million yuan and a price increase of 10 million yuan each time."

There is a smile on the face of the Lord of Flames.

Of course, the Fifth Tier Original Soldier sold a good price and was naturally happy.

After announcing the winner of the Tier 5 Primal Divine Soldier, the auction continued. The first item was the opening. The real auction had to start with the first batch of items.

The first batch of auctioned items turned out to be the original source soldiers. Although they were not fifth-order source soldiers, they were also fourth-order ones. It was also a great treasure for the star and domain master.

And there are still 320 pieces, which is really shocking. (To be continued.)

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