War God Supreme

Chapter 2395: Law of the Holy Crystal

Fifth-order origin soldiers are indeed powerful and unmatched, and are the existence of domain masters robbing.

The competition is fierce, but in the back, the number of people competing is reduced. After all, there are tens of billions of competitions. Not many people have such a fortune to compete. If the stars are not enough, who doesn’t want to get the fifth-order source.

Now, the level of the Tier 4 Primal Divine Soldier is fiercely competitive, compared to that of the Tier 5 Primal Divine Soldier countless times.

In other words, the fourth-order source **** soldier and the grounding gas are more suitable for the strong players present, because the price is a grade different from the fifth-order source soldier.

Soon, there was a fourth-order primal soldier with 3.3 billion stars.

Next, 319 original source soldiers were successively auctioned, with prices ranging from 2.5 billion to 3.8 billion.

Lots of items went out for auction, and Li Lingtian had not participated in the competition. It was not that things were bad or that he did not need them. It was because he had too few stars, and he dared not use them casually.

He wants to use the star crystal where it is most needed, and he can't waste it at all.

The auction of the 136th batch of articles ended and the 137th batch of articles began.

"The Holy Crystal of Law, the Three Hundred Crystal of Law."

"One rule of sacred crystal can have one-third chance to promote one rule of law. A human can use the rule of sacred crystal five times in his life, which is suitable for impacting the use of stars."

"This is a welfare auction aimed at industry stars, with a base price of 100 million yuan, and each price increase must not be less than 10 million."

The Lord of Flames reached out his hand and immediately floated three hundred fist-sized crystals in front of him, but in this crystal, with the power of the law of terror and hegemony, each crystal was like a strong man exerting the law with all his strength.

For a time, the entire auction house was filled with powerful rules.

The law of gold, the law of water, the law of fire, the law of flame, the law of earth, the law of rock, the law of wood, all kinds of laws have power.

There were no movements when I saw the three hundred and sixty ruled crystals and the strong stars above the star level.

However, all the strong stars have a look of excitement on their faces.

This is a rare opportunity.

With the rule of the Holy Crystal, there is a chance to raise the rule by one weight, especially the nine-fold or ten-fold rule of law. They are only one step away from the Great Consummation, but they have not been able to break through.

If there is a rule of the Holy Crystal, there is a chance to impact higher rules, and even a chance to become a star.

"Two hundred million."

"300 million."

"500 million."

"550 million."

"630 million."

The flame domain master's voice just fell, and fierce competition began below.

Ninety-nine percent of competitors are line stars, with only a few constant stars. The constant star competition law Shengjing is, of course, used by their juniors and loved ones.

The fierce competition of Law Shengjing exceeds that of any previous item.

"Law of the Law!"

"There is such a existence, and there is nothing strange in the universe."

"This time, a part of the rule of the Holy Crystal must be photographed."

"There are just so many laws of the Holy Crystal, but there are no laws of the space and no laws of time. It seems that the laws of space and time are the most mysterious and deepest everywhere."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was shocked. He hadn't even thought about the Law Shengjing.

I did not expect that there is such a magical thing in this universe.

Three hundred and sixty ruled crystals have appeared. Naturally, we have to compete for a few. This opportunity cannot be missed. I was still troubled by the cultivation of things in the past two days. Now there is an opportunity. I must definitely seize it. Just fine.

Fortunately, this rule can only be used by the strong stars, that is to say, most people are stars.

Among the stars, his net worth is definitely one of wealth.

"790 million."

"820 million."

"830 million."

"840 million."

"850 million."

In a few moments, the price has reached more than 800 million yuan. The degree of fierce competition is even fiercer than the first, but the number of price increases per time is much more rational.

This is in the hundreds of millions to tens of millions, and the average domain owner has to feel distressed for a long time, not to mention the star rating with limited sources.

"One billion stars."

Li Lingtian also started to increase the price.

However, he did not increase the price with other powerful players, but increased the price by 150 million at a time.

Although there was an increase of 200 million yuan in the past, the price was not high at that time. Now when it is 850 million yuan, it will be increased by 150 million yuan at a time. The price reaches 1 billion. It is indeed a bit shocking.

For a time, let the strong players in the competition shudder.

"Forget it, or wait until the next one to compete."

"One billion stars, one crystal, one rule, holy crystal, overloaded."

"Anyway, there are more than three hundred ruled crystals."

"It seems that the price of the law Shengjing should be around one billion."

In the auction house, competitors never raised their prices again, because Li Lingtian shouted a billion stars at once, which shows Li Lingtian's determination, and even if he competes again, Li Lingtian will desperately compete.

Moreover, this time there are a total of three hundred and sixty crystal holy crystals, and there is no need to die on this one.

"I buy twenty crystals of law."

Li Lingtian spoke again and said the quantity he had purchased.

There are rules in the auction house, and those with the highest price will get the prize. If there are many pieces of the same item, the winner has the right to choose the quantity to buy.

He now has one billion sacred crystals to get a ruled sacred crystal. Of course, he has the right to buy it again at a price of one billion. When he wants to come, the star sacred crystals can be earned, but the ruled sacred crystals are hard to come by.

Missing this village, there is no next store.

He needs the rule of the Holy Crystal, and they also need the Nangong Mingyue.

Opportunities are opportunities, but they cannot be missed.

"Twenty Rules of Holy Crystal?"


"Two billion stars crystal."

"A person can only use the star crystal five times, what can he do with twenty stars."

"Buy twenty star crystals at once, cattle!"

"I don't know if it is the disciple of that super family, so generous."

An uproar in the auction house.

Purchase 20 crystals of the rule at once, that is 20 billion star crystals~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is 5.3 billion more than the fifth-order source **** soldiers, 20 billion, for the domain masters. Say, maybe it can be taken out, but it is also a large sum.

Moreover, the purchase of twenty Holy Crystals at once is equivalent to floating 20 billion yuan.

Even the domain owner cannot do this.

There are now 20 stars in an industry star. You must know that an industry star can only be used five times in a lifetime.

Generally speaking, only when the rule is important will you purchase the ruled crystal to impact the realm. There are very few people who use it five times.

Soon, the shocked auction house quieted down.

Because of the remaining laws, Shengjing started auction again.

Li Lingtian bought 20 crystals of the rule, and the auctioneer naturally agreed with joy.

After glancing at the auction house, Li Lingtian left his seat, walked towards the front of the auction house, and finally entered a separate room of the auction house. Those who successfully competed, the transactions were conducted next to the auction house, which would not affect the normal auction. (To be continued.)

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