War God Supreme

Chapter 2314: Rescue

Li Lingtian immediately felt that the guardian's momentum seemed to be even better, and immediately began to flee.

The speed of this guardian beast also began to increase. The earthquake mountain shook, and the huge body shook, but the speed was surprisingly fast.

Li Lingtian immediately turned into a shooting star and rushed out of the cave.

Originally, Li Lingtian didn't care about the guardian beast at all, because he had already left the attack range of the guardian beast.

But the plan hasn't changed fast. Just to relax my vigilance, this guardian beast directly crossed this range and continued to attack Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian panicked, this guardian beast's power is not a joke, even if all his low cards broke out.

It is estimated to be nine deaths and one life, which is definitely not his purpose.

God of Destruction. The hurricane immediately exerted its power, increased its speed, and immediately rushed out of the cave.

But this guardian beast should have been stabbed by Li Lingtian's flaming blade, stimulated, like crazy.

Even beyond Li Lingtian's speed, the difference between the original distance has been getting farther and farther.

This huge breath, which kept pressing Li Lingtian, doubled his pressure and could not hide his strength.

The imperial tower was in operation, mobilizing his own consciousness, and drinking lightly: "Control the world!"

The powerful consciousness immediately rushed towards the guardian beast, but when the destructive consciousness reached the guardian beast.

Unable to lift any waves, Li Lingtian immediately felt that such a powerful beast had no consciousness.

Without a little hindrance to the guardian beast, he continued to rush towards Li Lingtian.

The thirty-three-story pagoda of Li Lingtian immediately descended, shrouded in horrible coercion, and the cave collapsed, as if to be destroyed.

When these thirty-three refining **** towers were shrouded in guardian beasts, the cave did not completely collapse.

Li Lingtian immediately began to run away, but a shocking moment finally appeared. This was the chaotic treasure, but the guardian beast gave a roaring earth roar.

These thirty-three refining **** towers immediately detached from the guardian beast and flung towards Li Lingtian.

There was also a huge impact. Li Lingtian was hit hard, and a spit of blood spurted out. He dared not do anything to relieve it.

Putting the pagoda away immediately, the guardian beast seemed to be more angry, and these four hooves were tumbling like clouds and fog.

A huge gasp, listening to the shocking heart, the heat in this mouth has erupted on Li Lingtian's body.

The danger has arrived, there is no choice, and finally the final life-defense battle.

At this time, Li Lingtian felt a strong breath, originally from a distance.

This breath is very familiar, it is Chu Yu, Li Lingtian's side between his breath.

The fifth-order primal **** soldier in his hand immediately exploded into a powerful force, and the golden primordial origin continued to attack the guardian beast.

There is a pair of boots at the foot, Li Lingtian can't see through at a glance, what level of treasure.

But this speed is simply not under his use of extermination. Hurricane Li Lingtian feels that this Chu Yu at this time is really a bit unpredictable.

The attack that broke out was actually as powerful as the attack of God of Destruction.

Chu Yu grabbed Li Lingtian's arm with one hand and hurriedly said, "Run!"

Li Lingtian's firepower is full, and Chu Yu's chance to help this survival is also greater.

The two ran for a while, and Li Lingtian felt that the breath of the guardian beast was getting farther and farther away.

Chu Yu and Li Lingtian stopped the body in tacit agreement, Li Lingtian guessed: "Is it because of your arrival, this guardian beast feels a trace of danger, so he went back?"

The treasures of the two have been collected, just like the two ordinary strongmen.

Chu Yu looked at the direction of the guardian beast and said: "It is estimated that it is also related to the distance. His strength is really beyond expectation."

Li Lingtian looked at Chu Yu with a mysterious smile on his face.

"You are also unexpectedly strong. I just couldn't see what level of treasure it was in the boots just below my feet."

Chu Yu humbly shook his head and said: "You are too exaggerated, but it's just something that escapes, someone who doesn't see you."

Li Lingtian didn't want to say when he saw Chu Yu, so he didn't ask too much. After all, who doesn't have his own secret, including himself.

However, Li Lingtian still expressed his sincere thanks to Chu Yu. After all, if Chu Yu did not appear today, he would be in trouble.

In this world of weak meat and strong food, burning and looting are commonplace, and he can only remember this relationship.

The two walked out of the cave together, Li Lingtian asked: "I think a group of them should be eager for me not to die."

Chu Yu was expressionless, with disdain in his eyes, and said coldly: "They are all people who don't know the general, let alone a few of us in the present situation, even if we double the number of people to deal with this guardian beast It’s all difficult. If we die alone, it means that those who haven’t died have a greater chance of dying."

There was another wave in Li Lingtian's heart. This guardian beast was indeed not something he could deal with, even if the flop came all out.

But he is facing the flower of the law, which is bound to be obtained. Fortunately, there is still a period of time before the flower of the law matures, and he can discuss it for a long time.

The eight people outside the cave are some distance away from the cave. They are not as close as they used to be. They are afraid of hurting the pond fish.

Li Tianyi listened to the loud noise just heard from the cave, and now there is no more sound.

With a sneer: "It's really overwhelming. Follow the group of people in. This time, it's okay, it's all dead."

With that being said, the expression on his face can be easily seen, which is definitely gloating.

Yuan Yunjun sighed and said: "I hope they are safe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Otherwise, this flower of the law, we hope not at all."

Li Tianyi continued to ridicule and said: "They are deserved to die, especially Chu Yu, but also want to succeed hero, it is ridiculous."

Yuan Yunjun looked at Li Tianyi and said with ugly face: "Li Lingtian didn't do it because we didn't fight with Sikong Jiannan and their party, so they just..."

Before speaking, Li Tianyi and Chu Yu both appeared outside the cave.

Li Lingtian looked at Li Tianyi, his body was full of anger, and said coldly: "Who do you deserve?"

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu once again impacted his not-so-strong mind. Before the explosion of huge energy, he could feel it.

Unexpectedly, the two were able to come back or faced Li Lingtian's question and were speechless.

Yuan Yunjun was very excited, and hurriedly greeted the past: "It's great that you are fine."

Chu Yu said bluntly: "If there are just so many people, don't go in and die." (To be continued.)

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