War God Supreme

Chapter 2415: Diffusion News

As soon as Li Tian heard this, he immediately fought back: "If you are timid and afraid of something, just go on your own and don't fan the flames."

Li Lingtian said coldly: "This guardian beast has been strong to a certain extent. Even if the seven of us went together before, it was just a annihilation of the whole army."

They can speak as far as they can. They can understand what Li Lingtian said.

The fifth order of five stars and the seventh order of a star are all destroyed. If they are ten, how strong will they be?

Li Tianyi also frowned, thinking about what Li Lingtian said. These people are really difficult to deal with this guardian beast.

Yuan Yunjun looked at Li Lingtian and Chu Yu and said, "The two of them entered the cave together and came out safe and sound. It is supposed to be the strongest existence among us. I don't know what can be done?"

Hearing Yuan Yunjun's words, Li Tianyi didn't like to listen first, but he had to admit that he didn't say anything.

Li Lingtian is the most intuitive person who has faced the guardian beast among the living people, and naturally knows how powerful it is.

If there were not many treasures, he would not be able to survive, and he said to everyone: "We are absolutely not enough for ten of us. If we want a little hope for the flower of the law, we must increase the number of people and then deal with the guardian beast."

These ten people have already felt a large number for each of them. If someone comes over, the chance will be even smaller.

Chu Yu saw that they could not make a decision, and had a playful smile on his face: "If you want to die all in the cave, then I will not accompany you."

Yuan Yunjun was ruthless and knew that if the two had left, there would be no hope.

Looking at Chu Yu and Li Lingtian said, "What do you say should be done?"

"Spread the news of the flower of law, and try to let the people below the seventh order of the star know that if it is too strong, it will become unbalanced with us, then we still have no chance." Chu Yu immediately said in his heart idea.

Li Lingtian also agreed: "Chu Yu is right. If you still have a little hope and don't want to die, just do it."

"it is good!"

The other seven said together, after all, they are different from Li Tianyi, and they still have self-knowledge about their own strength.

There is no other way but this method in front of us.

Even if Li Tian didn't say a word, he had already defaulted.

The flower of the law is not yet mature, and it takes about three years before the group will part ways and begin to spread the flower of the law.

Li Lingtian intended to act alone, but Chu Yu followed.

If it was someone else, Li Lingtian, who was naturally unhappy, but Chu Yu was kind to him, he said nothing.

Everyone's speed is very fast, and it took less than a month. The matter of this law has already spread in the heavenly world.

But most people know that it is the strongman of the sixth order of the star.

The stellar seventh-order strongmen are known by very few people. Everyone has a mind, no one wants to make their future competitors too strong.

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu traveled in the heavenly world and spread a lot of news.

Some people knew the news and went directly to the address they left.

And some people, seeing that Li Lingtian's strength is not particularly strong, they made a killing intention, including some strong stars of the seventh order.

But they were all killed by Li Lingtian and Chu Yu.

The strength of the two is indeed better than that of one person. With the help of Chu Yu, the gain is even greater.

The space ring harvested during this period is no longer a minority, and the two are directly divided in half.

The longer the belt with Chu Yu, the more you can feel the mystery in him and the treasures in his hands are endless.

Li Lingtian did not expose much, but when Chu Yu was in the cave, he had already seen part of his hidden strength.

Finally, the two again bombarded a stellar seventh-order strongman, and the two split half.

Chu Yu looked at the space ring that had just been seized in his hand and said with some dissatisfaction: "How are they all so poor? I really don't know how to cultivate to the seventh order of the star."

Li Lingtian also found that Chu Yu had a high horizon, which was beyond his expectations.

Tentatively asked: "Brother Chu, I have seen you dismissive of many treasures in these days."

An evil smile appeared at the corner of Chu Yu's mouth, saying: "It's good, even if it is the flower of the law, I just appreciate it, I can't talk about it."

Chu Yu has seen that Li Lingtian pays special attention to the flower of this law, so he speaks quickly and speaks directly.

Li Lingtian was slightly shocked. The flower of this rule was not a mere mortal. Recently, he regarded Chu Yu as a friend and also his biggest opponent.

Because if you want to compete for the flower of the law, you will definitely turn your face, then you will be embarrassed, but hearing Chu Yu's words seems to be avoidable.

Li Lingtian continued to ask tentatively: "The flower of this law can be described as a treasure of heaven and earth. I don't know why Brother Chu is?"

Chu Yu did not conceal, in order to let Li Lingtian rest assured, he said straightly: "The flower of this law is mainly the original law. If you absorb the original law, you can have the origin that only the strong domain master can have in the star rating. Law, right?"

Chu Yu's words were exactly what Li Lingtian thought, and nodded and said yes!

Chu Yu continued: "But just want to have the original law in the star rating. If it reaches the domain master level, then what is the use of this law of flowers?"

Chu Yu said that Li Lingtian was powerless to refute, and said facts, but the masters in this domain are very few.

The breakout of the stellar star to the main level of the domain requires great opportunity and effort. How many people have a very poor life can't touch the law of origin.

As Chu Yu said, there is great self-confidence in himself, and he can become a strong domain master~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian is in a good mood, and he is not hiding. He said directly: "Brother Chu said so, I still It’s really reduced the pressure. I’m not hiding from you that the flower of this law is something I must get.”

"I have known for a long time that compared with the flower of the law, I prefer to make friends, especially your mysterious and powerful friends." Chu Yu laughed broadly.

Li Lingtian was about to speak, and Chu Yu continued: "More than that, I can help you fight for the flowers of the law."

Li Lingtian was not excited by Chu Yu’s generosity, he knew that there must be cause and effect in everything.

In this world of weak meat and strong food, how could there be such a person? I have swindled a lot, and I have rarely asked for help.

Li Lingtian was still indifferent and left an incomprehensible knot to Chu Yu.

Chu Yu turned into a meteor, rushed to another location, his voice came from behind.

"Ling Tian, ​​don't have to think about it, I just want to make a friend with a person who has many magic weapons." (To be continued.)

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