War God Supreme

Chapter 2416: Mixed beast

Chu Yu really wasn't a simple character, he saw through Li Lingtian's mind at a glance, Li Lingtian saw that Chu Yu had already said so.

There is no longer any entanglement, no matter what the purpose is, as long as there is no malice, it is better there, and it rushed into the cave to save him. Such kindness will be remembered in the heart.

As soon as the body moved, the speed exploded, and as Chu Yu left, he chased it.

The two found a group of people and were preparing to spread the smile of the flower of the law. They heard that group of people was discussing the flower of the law.

It seems to be preparing to go to the location of the cave together to find the flower of the law.

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu smiled at each other, and then left the place, a thousand miles away in their breath.

The two of them suddenly felt that there was a strong breath not far away, and Li Lingtian immediately ordered the Galaxy Smart Query.

"Hundreds of beasts appeared five thousand miles away!"

It is one of the three items evaluated, Neidan, a mixed beast, has been in the heavenly world for a long time.

I just got the flower of flames, and today I finally waited for the beast.

Chu Yu took out his intelligence, obviously higher than the Galaxy.

"How many people showed up in the circle of 200,000 miles?"

Soon Chu Yu's can only give him feedback. Three red dots are displayed on his intelligence, which represents the number of people.

The mixed beast machine is indispensable and not to be missed. The speed of the two exploded. One of the others started first to be strong. The two rushed over at the fastest speed.

The distance of fifty thousand miles can be said to be nothing, and the two soon reached the humble beast.

I also felt that the breath of mixed beasts is getting closer and closer, but unexpectedly, one person has already taken the lead.

Fighting with the Hundred Beasts already started, Chu Yu and Li Lingtian did not go forward, hiding and watching.

The volume of this mixed beast is very large, like a hill, larger than the guardian beast of the flower of law.

It's just that the strength is a little smaller. This beast is just the strength of the seventh-order star.

And there is no unique power of guardian beast.

However, it is very difficult to fight against the man who started with this beast, because that man has only the strength of the sixth order of the star.

There is only a first-order origin soldier, and there is a big gap compared with the stellar seventh-order mongrel beast.

The attack of the mixed beasts is wide open and wide, and every blow to the ground shakes, as if to destroy the sky.

The four hooves are also very strong, and the body is covered with a layer of heavy metal, as if it were armor.

The head of the mixed beast has three horns, which can release a powerful attack at a very fast speed.

Li Lingtian looked at Chu Yu and said: "Brother Chu doesn't know, which of the three items you evaluated, what kind of thing did you get?"

Chu Yuzhi said: "I only have the flower of flames in my hands. I got it in the sea of ​​flames of hell. After waiting so long, the mongrel beast finally appeared."

Li Lingtian looked at the Hundred Beasts and said: "This man's stellar sixth-order strength should not be an opponent of the Hundred Beasts, we can shoot."

Chu Yu's temperament is also relatively stable, saying: "Wait a minute, even if we deal with this mongrel beast, we have to put some effort into it. Let's first see what unique attack this mongrel beast has. Then we can Prevent it."

Li Lingtian felt that what Chu Yu said was not unreasonable. In the heavenly spirit world, everything has to be careful. There are too many strong ones. Only with caution can they survive.

This mongrel is really powerful. It is an absolute crit to the strongman of the sixth order of the star. The attack of this mongrel also feels comfortable.

Li Lingtian Galaxy checked it. Within a hundred thousand miles, there are still two people who are already attacking in this direction.

And the strongman of the sixth order of the star, obviously unable to bear the attack on the mongrel beast, immediately began to flee, the speed is fast, but the mongrel beast is faster.

The four hooves jumped into the air and attacked at the three horns together.

This is a beast with spirituality. If he angers him, he will be counterattacked by him desperately.

This strong star of the sixth order, the strength is not enough, and the greedy Nedan, who is greedy and haunted by beasts, finally eats his own evil.

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu glanced at each other, and the two immediately dispatched, and their speed exploded, rushing towards the beast like a meteor.

Without any hesitation, Chu Yu, holding a fifth-order root force soldier, immediately launched a strong attack, and the power of the root burst instantly.

There are still two strong men within a hundred thousand miles. The best thing is to solve the mixed beast before the two come, otherwise it will cause disputes.

God of Destruction. Flames appeared in Li Lingtian's hands, aimed at the **** beast, and burst into a powerful attack.

The flaming sword burst and burst out, burning the world, fragmenting the space, driving hundreds of millions of fire creatures, and bombarding the mixed beasts.

The fire blew into the sky, and there was a loud noise.

Chu Yu's fifth-order primal **** soldier also exerted a powerful force and bombarded the mixed beast with Li Lingtian.

Only a huge roar, a hill-like body, collapsed three meters high in place, and a bright red liquid came out of the body.

The flaming sword awn is a spike to the sixth order of the star, but for this mongrel beast, it can only open the skin, which is a skin trauma.

However, the pain of the flames still played a certain role on the mixed beast, and now it has been furious under the attack of the two.

The strongman of the sixth order of the star just fought against it, it was tepid, but now it is unusual.

The stellar sixth-order strongman, seeing Chu Yu and Li Lingtian suddenly appeared, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and he could finally escape from birth.

However, his purpose was Neidan, a mixed beast, so instead of leaving, he hid a place and sat on a hill to watch tigers.

I plan to take the power of the fisherman~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But this person is the strength of the sixth order of the star, one person is the strength of the second order of the star, but the attack is surprisingly powerful.

The most important thing is that both of them have a fifth-order source magic soldier, so that he will move, as if both sides are injured, then he does not know that he can get the Nedan of the mixed beast.

You can also get two fifth-order primal **** soldiers, so he can change his shotgun to a cannon and fly into the sky.

The mixed beast was already in a state of rage, and immediately rushed to Li Lingtian. The hill-like body drove a strong wind.

The three horns exploded with the power of thunder and lightning, blasted into the sky, and when they fell again, like the silver falling for nine days, the overwhelming power of thunder and lightning crisscrossed.

Just like a power grid, Li Lingtian was shrouded in it, hiding a powerful destructive power.

Li Lingtian knows that as long as he hits this trick, he can definitely be injured, physically rioted and retreated.

Chu Yu followed, and when the Hmong Beast focused on attacking Li Lingtian, he began to critically attack the Hmong Beast. (To be continued.)

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