War God Supreme

Chapter 2420: Hundred Beast Army

Chu Yu Shen Sheng asked: "Did you forget your vows at that time? You are bullying and weak, you must not die!"

Hearing this, the madman Wang was shocked, and his eyes were full of horror.

In my heart, the river has turned over, the brain storm, and crazy memories of Chu Yu's existence that night.

At this time, the intelligence of the three people sounded the alarm, and the Milky Way departed.

"Alarm, alarm! A hundred thousand miles away, a large number of mixed beasts appeared!"

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu looked at each other and immediately started to run away. The two mixed beasts were still able to deal with them. Even if the large number of mixed beasts were exhausted, there was no good result.

Madman Wang also has no time to think about Chu Yu's identity.

Immediately began to run away, and the distance of 100,000 miles, just a few breathing things, he also felt that there is a star of the eighth order.

He who was bullying and afraid of surviving in the world, he immediately began to flee for him who never shot at the same level.

It hasn't been long since a stellar eighth-order beast has appeared not far from the three.

The huge body, with which it had just killed it, was more than three times larger. The power erupted in the body was simply unbearable.

Behind him were also five-star stellar seventh-order mongrel beasts, each of which was comparable to the one just killed.

Li Lingtian immediately launched Meishen. The speed of the hurricane increased madly, without any hesitation, rushing in one direction.

There is already an extra boots on Chu Yu's feet. The speed at the moment the boots appeared, this is the boots that escaped the guardian beast of the flower of law in the cave.

The direction in which the three escaped is the same, and the strongest superficial strength is the strength of the Madman King, the eighth-order star.

But the ridiculous thing is that the slowest is now the madman king, then Li Lingtian, and the front is Chu Yu.

Li Lingtian has the **** of extermination. The blessing of the hurricane doubles its speed, but that's it, it is not as good as Chu Yu's boots.

Tan Feng even suspected that these boots were not a fifth-order origin soldier, but a chaotic treasure.

Chu Yu turned around at the front and sneered at the madman king: "Isn't this killing madman? Why are you so strong, you are up?"

Madman Wang has some doubts about Chu Yu's identity. There were no ordinary people in that night, although he forgot who Chu Yu was.

But it is definitely not an ordinary person, and also noticed that the boots on Chu Yu's feet are extremely fast, and he has abused his stellar eighth order.

Therefore, there are still certain fears, and he did not speak in the face of Chu Yu's radical act.

Chu Yu continued: "Aren't you just going to mix the beast's inner pill? Now there is a pile of mixed puppies' inner pill waiting for you to choose, how do you love the animals?"

The eighth-order stellar beast has a huge body speed like a gust of wind. It crushes everything wherever it goes. Any strange rocks it encounters become powder under its feet.

Only one step away from the madman king, the mongrel behind him is also hotly pursued, and behind this there are dozens of stellar sixth-order mongrels.

Each mongrel beast is like a hill, and now it seems that two dozen mountains are chasing three people.

Every step moves the mountain and shakes, every roar, and the world is shaking.

The sweat on the face of the madman king is left. Although the speed has reached his limit, how can he sweat like this.

There is only one reason, that is scary.

He could feel the tremendous pressure from the eighth-order mongrel behind him.

Without a footstep, it was like stepping on his heart. The stellar seventh-order mongrel beast, he was confident to deal with it.

But this stellar eighth-order beast, he can only look up.

And his guts did not allow him to stop, the sound of the wind in his ears had already come.

He was wronged in his heart, and there was obviously a strong second-order star and a strong sixth-order star.

His strength is not as good as him, but this body has this powerful original soldier, which makes him the slowest one.

Li Lingtian is accustomed to this speed. After all, this stellar eighth-order mongrel beast is stronger, can it be comparable to the stellar nineth-order guardian beast?

After the baptism of the guardian beast, it can be said that he can now say that his face does not change color.

Chu Yu turned to look at Li Lingtian and asked, “Although we are temporarily safe, our physical strength will definitely not be better than that of the Hungry Beast. What should we do?”

Chu Yu is talking about things. Humble beasts are born beasts, and their endurance is really incomparable.

Therefore, if you want to keep the inventory, you must solve these mongrel beasts. These mongrel beasts are hotly chasing them. It is estimated that they are closely related to the mongrel beast that you just killed.

This should have locked the hatred on Chu Yu, so this madman king is also a disaster for innocence, and he does not run away alone, but also follows them.

It is not easy to solve all of these twenty mixed beasts. The eighth-order mixed beasts are enough for both of them to drink a pot.

The speed of this mixed beast was even faster during the running, the four hooves emptied into the air, as if the clouds were foggy, and I didn't know how to do such a big body.

The eighth-order mixed beast is already behind the madman king, and they are only a few steps away.

The madman's heart already had the determination to die, and it seemed that he could not escape.

It was a long whip, waving in his hand, and suddenly waved towards the mongrel beast.

With only a loud noise, the long whip lashed against the eighth-order mixed beast, which did not play any role at all.

But it angered the mixed beasts, with a long roar, straight to the sky, the shocking Li Lingtian and Chu Yu's brain numb.

The madman king is even more so, under such shock, the seven qiao bleeding.

At this moment, the mixed beast jumped up, and this huge body flew into the air, just like the same warship, landed violently.

The madman king immediately felt the shadows appearing above him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A powerful gang wind pressed his body.

The madman's face was fierce, and he exerted his speed to the extreme. He had completely given up his resistance and only knew to escape.

But his strength is not enough, the speed is not enough, his body is unbearable, his heart is exhausted, and the body of the mixed beast is huge. The speed of this madman king is still fast, and he still cannot escape.

And the shadow in front of him is getting bigger and bigger, and the pressure is getting stronger and stronger.

"I don't want to die!"

The madman king's eyes were red, his face was horrible, and he roared like a beast, but the mixed beast would not have any sympathy.

The huge body was suddenly pressed against the madman king, only to hear a huge shock, Li Lingtian and Chu Yu could not feel the madman king's breath.

After crushing the madman king, the eighth-order mixed beast continued to chase Chu Yu and Li Lingtian away.

The madman king has been crushed by the beasts, turned into blood mist, and dissipated in the space. (To be continued.)

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