War God Supreme

Chapter 2421: Solution

The speed of the eighth-order mixed beast has become even more crazy, with four-hoof running, huge body, and constant vibration.

Without the human shield of the madman king, I suddenly felt a lot more dangerous.

Immediately greeted the water unicorn, jumped into the air, and sat down.

This water unicorn traverses the space continuously in space, very fast, and immediately catches up with Chu Yu.

Chu Yu looked at Li Lingtian on Shui Qilin, slightly surprised in his eyes, and said, "Good guy, there is such a baby!"

Li Lingtian laughed: "Without him, I would be in danger today!"

This again has God Blessing. The blessing of the hurricane has even some signs of surpassing Chu Yu.

It was just that the boots at the foot of Chu Yu burst into red light instantly, and the speed increased again.

The eighth-order mongrel beast, with a group of mongrel beasts behind him, continued to chase without stopping.

You chased me, this group of mongrel beasts chased Li Lingtian and Chu Yu for three days.

During the period, a distance of thousands of kilometers was maintained, but the mongrel beast could never catch up.

But Chu Yu's rapid running for three days in a row has been a little tired, even if it is a water unicorn, it feels more pressure.

Although he is a unicorn, it is far from this mongrel beast. Although his talent is different in speed, it is also a bit stressful for so long.

Li Lingtian looked at it if it continued, and it wouldn't work anymore. He looked at the nearby map with his intelligence.

Only then did I find that the cave with the flower of law was a million miles away.

Li Lingtian has a plan in mind. Isn't this worrying enough to solve this group of beasts?

Although it is impossible to detect the distance of millions of miles, he can imagine how many strong people will condense around the attraction of the flower of law.

Li Lingtian glanced at Chu Yu and said, "Let's go near the cave!"

When Chu Yu heard the word cave, the wise man knew what Li Lingtian meant without knowing more.

Praise: "Good idea!"

As the two of them turned sharply, they rushed towards the cave.

The neighborhood is still deserted, and none of the strong stars have been seen.

It is enough to imagine how much the strong man who entered the heavenly world lost a distance of millions of miles, and no one was found.

With the target, Shui Qilin's speed erupted again, and there was a long scream, and the body immediately disappeared into space.

Chu Yu's combat boots erupted in red light, his arms fought straight into the sky, gliding away.

The beast seems to never know fatigue, continue to pursue, the speed is still the same, the endurance is really powerful.

But behind this, the sixth-order stellar mongrel is far away. After all, their speed is not comparable to that of the eighth-order mashup.

Hundreds of people have gathered near the cave at this time, all of them are the fifth-order stars, the sixth-order stars are strong, and even in trance, they can see the seventh-order stars.

There are also two strong eighth-order stars. These people can be said to be the pinnacle of the heavenly world.

These strong men of about one hundred are basically not familiar with each other, and Li Tianyi is among them.

His face is very ugly, originally thought it was just to call twenty or thirty people.

But he did not expect it to be out of control. Among these people, stronger than him abound, he felt that his hope of getting the flower of law was almost zero.

Although all of them are brought together because of the flower of law, each has his own mind and guards against each other.

At this time, everyone's intelligence, alert.

"Alarm, alarm! A hundred thousand miles away, a large number of mixed beasts appeared!"

It's an alarm for one person, and it's the same for two people.

But for this large group of people, it is their welfare. Neidan, the mixed beast, is one of three items to be evaluated.

I was worried that I couldn't find the mixed beasts. I didn't expect to appear in large quantities. I glanced at the people around me. I don't know how many mixed beasts there are in this so-called large batch.

At this time, a person was riding a water unicorn, running from a distance, the speed is fast, and there is a person beside him wearing a combat boots, the speed is also the same.

"Chu Yu, Li Lingtian!" Li Tian recognized at a glance.

Then the head of mixed beasts appeared behind them, the smoke was filled, and the existence of hills appeared in the sight of everyone.

When Li Lingtian saw that there were nearly one hundred strong people near this mountain, he was relieved that so many strong people would naturally deal with more than twenty mixed beasts.

Li Lingtian shouted, "Friends, I brought you the beasts, and kill Neidan!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Lingtian and Chu Yu immediately rushed into the crowd.

This is all the strong men, immediately heart-warming, there are already some people looking at this mixed beast tiger, hurriedly rushed over with the original source soldier.

I was afraid that someone might have robbed him of Neidan, but this mixed beast is really not enough.

And this most powerful eighth-order mixed beast, as if he could not see many strong men, also followed Li Lingtian and rushed into the crowd.

The strength of this eighth-order mixed beast is really amazing, even the stellar eighth-order strong, dare not easily enemies with it.

The eighth-order mixed beast immediately rushed out of a blood path, while the other mixed beasts were immediately isolated by many powerful men.

Twenty heads of mixed beasts were surrounded in an instant, each staring at the mixed beasts and then bombarded them immediately.

Li Lingtian felt that the most terrified eighth-order mixed beast on the water unicorn, the two of them still chasing, could not leave.

A glance at the side of Chu Yu said: "Are you killing his son!"

"His grandmother!" Chu Yu scolded.

After the eighth-order mixed beast himself, the speed is more violent, and the body seems to be a tornado, and the wind is rising.

Li Lingtian glanced at the beast behind him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A decision had been made in his heart and said to Chu Yu: "Find a quiet place, we will kill it!"

Chu Yu was also a little bit angry, and said: "Well, don't kill him, I think we are bullying."

Both of them actually have their own cards and deal with the eighth-order mixed beasts, and they are still within the range.

It was just because of this group of mongrel beasts. If a single mongrel beast, neither of them was afraid.

Li Lingtian rode a water unicorn, picked a position 200,000 miles away, and rushed past.

At this time, the God Destroyer suit, all appeared on the body, wearing the God Destroyer. Golden crown, wearing God Destroyer. Sky armor, foot God Dominion.

God of Destruction. Galaxy, God of Destruction. Hurricane, God of Destruction. Flames, God of Destruction. Purple electricity, appeared in front of Li Lingtian.

The water unicorn withdraws and destroys the gods. Wuyue lifts Li Lingtian and immediately enters the fighting state. The majesty is majestic and the domineering side leaks.

What Li Lingtian can now reveal is the God-destroying suit. (To be continued.)

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