War God Supreme

Chapter 2422: Hole card

Chu Yu looked at Li Lingtian in such a state, and was a little shocked in his heart. This fifth-order source **** soldier is nothing.

Many stellar-level powerhouses can own it or buy it with Xingchenjing.

However, this set of ten pieces of the fifth-order original soldiers, with perfect attribute fusion, is definitely not as simple as one plus one.

Chu Yu is also well-informed, but still a little surprised in his heart. This set of fifth-order primitive soldiers definitely has the power of Chaos.

Li Lingtian knew that Chu Yu did not have any hostility towards him. These boots are definitely not mortal and have been exposed to his sight.

So he exposed the suit of extermination, and the power of tearing the world out of his body.

Crazy rushed to one place, followed by Chu Yu.

Soon it was two hundred thousand miles away, Li Lingtian and Chu Yu tacitly separated into two directions.

Sure enough, the moment the two separated, the mixed beast gave up Li Lingtian and continued to pursue Chu Yu.

Li Lingtian held the God of Extermination. Purple electricity, pointing to the sky, the power of the lightning at the tip of the gun burst out, causing the world to move.

A strong wind rose in the sky, dark clouds appeared, and a thunderbolt struck the sky.

A purple thunderbolt, like the thickness of an arm, splits from the air and bursts into a crackling sound.

Li Lingtian rose to the sky and greeted the purple thunderbolt. His arm shook and exterminated. The purple electricity pointed directly at the sky, and the purple thunderbolt immediately merged with the extinct. Purple electricity.

The thunderbolt of the arm was thicker in an instant.


Li Lingtian shouted, and in the midair, his arm controlled the spear, and suddenly bombarded the mongrel beast.

Chu Yu is trembling with the beast, leaving time for Li Lingtian's attack.

Chu Yu's nine days of thunder and thunder changed suddenly and erupted, and a series of primitive swordmans erupted from the fifth-order primitive **** soldiers.

The eighth-order Hundred Beasts are strong and powerful, and they also feel the threat behind them, rushing towards Chu Yu, the horns on his head.

Induced by the power of thunder and lightning, bombarded Chu Yu's sword array.

Compared with the seventh-order mixed beast, the eighth-order mixed beast can be found from the corner.

This is the power of thunder and lightning flashes in the sky, extinguishes the gods. The power of earth and earth explodes in the purple electricity.

The spear rises, the purple thunder changes, and the world is eclipsed.

God of Destruction. Zidian bombarded the beast, and heard a loud noise.

The mongrel beast violently roared, and the fumes billowed between the body, and a scar with a depth of three meters appeared on the back, bloody.

Li Lingtian saw the opportunity, Wushen Wuyue dragged him, rushed over, and Wushen Zidian attacked again.

Lei Xun beast riot, gave up the attack on Chu Yu and turned to Li Lingtian.

The huge body, because of the anger, the speed is even more, and the red light flashes in the eyes, and the two lasers immediately erupted from the eyes.

Li Lingtian immediately felt the power of this laser, and everything it hit was dust.

The body immediately shifted backwards, constantly changing positions in the air, and the mongrel beast attacked with both eyes while attacking, and the power of thunder and lightning at this horn was not idle.

Thousands of lightning powers erupted from the horns, and the overwhelming thunder and lightning formed a grid that enveloped Li Lingtian and prevented him from going.

The laser light erupted in both eyes, shooting Li Lingtian nonstop.

Chu Yu attacked the Beast Behind him. This time Chu Yu already had an extra sword on his body, one left and one right.

Both of these long swords are fifth-order primal warriors, and there are similarities among them. A closer look turns out to be combined warriors.

The two are compatible, the power is doubled, and the nine-day thunder and lightning change broke out again, and the power is really extraordinary.

Mantian Jianmang is compatible with the sword array, destroys the power of the original source, and exerts its strength in the sword array.

Chu Yu's two long swords shot into the air and spun rapidly over the mongrel beast.

At this time, the laser in the eyes of the mixed beast finally struck Chu Yu. The laser of the mixed beast has reached dozens of appearances, full of the atmosphere of destruction.

Li Lingtian was caught off guard and a laser bombarded him in the chest.

God of Destruction. Wuyue instantly helped Li Lingtian to shed some of his power, and God of Destruction. Sky armor masterpiece to defend.


With only a muffled sound, the laser bombarded Li Lingtian's chest, a spit of blood spewed out, and his body milk was broken and flew away like a kite.

The grid formed by this mixed beast is just behind Li Lingtian, and it just hit the grid.

The powerful power of thunder and lightning swept through Li Lingtian's body, and the sound of thunder and thunder was never ceased. Fortunately, there was a **** of destruction. The crown guarded Li Lingtian's most important part.

Hundred beasts are about to make a final bombardment of Li Lingtian who has fallen to the ground. The overwhelming swordmand has bombarded him.

This mongrel has a metallic substance on it and has a strong defense.

However, the power of this sword array is unparalleled, and the two and fifth-order original magic soldiers are integrated with each other, and the power cannot go away at the same time.

The source of destruction is extremely powerful, and the power of this sword array is even more shocking.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The continuous roar sounded on the body wound of the mixed beast, the blood was scattered, and the eighth-order mixed beast suffered such a blow, which was also a bit of a depression.

Li Lingtian stood up from the ground, a little embarrassed, but the anger in his eyes proved that he was really angry.

This does not use real strength, this **** really does not know what is cruel to him.

Qianyan Sheng Wing appeared behind him, a pair of silver-white wings fluttered gently, and a precise wind blade was formed above the wings.

He is indestructible, but nothing can break or even destroy him. For controlling, indestructibility, no trace, is a very powerful killer.

This is one of Li Lingtian's cards. This Qianyan Holy Wing is powerful. The most important thing is that it may be a remnant of a super treasure, but now it is Chaos Treasure~www.wuxiaspot.com~When Li Lingtian Qianyan Sheng Wing appears At the time, Chu Yu's eyes were shocked. This is the real treasure of chaos. It was just the God Destroyer suit, and now it is the treasure of chaos. This is Li Lingtian's identity.

But it is the stellar second-order strength, which has so many treasures.

If it were not for the last resort, Li Lingtian would not use Chaos Treasure, but today he is really irritated.

Qian Yan Shengyi kept flapping behind him, and Li Lingtian flew into the air.

Impressed by the consciousness, the wind blade among the thousand Yan Sheng wings immediately appeared in his body.

As soon as the body moves, the wind blade immediately spreads around, without any trajectory, without any fluctuation

But in the blink of an eye, all the wind blades have attacked the mixed beast from all directions, and the wind blades are extremely fast.

Even Chu Yu could only see a trace of afterimages, all of which bombarded the body of the mixed beast between his breath. (To be continued.)

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