War God Supreme

Chapter 2429: Genyoko

The bald head and the scar man were surprised at the same time. The strength of the two of them, they knew best, that they could hide some people around without being discovered.

This is either a very strong hiding ability or a super strength.

The bald face forced to remain calm: "Who are you? Why flinch and come out to meet!"

"What qualifications do you have for me to show up? Since I am looking for someone who is my Xuanmen, I must prepare for death."

The ethereal voice appeared again, but this one was full of killing intentions.

The bald and scarred man quickly brainstormed and wondered who in the mysterious door could make this rant.

In the end, the two locked on one person at the same time and said in unison: "Are you Xuanmen Xuan Yizi?"

"Hahe, I didn't expect you two to even know my Xuan Yizi's name, so I'll let you know."

As soon as the voice fell, a dark shadow appeared not far away, and a few crossed the space before reaching the bald head and the scarred male.

This black shadow stopped to see the figure, this thin black robe, covering the whole figure, can not see the face.

This black shadow has just appeared, and he can't feel any fluctuation of strength in his body, which shows that this person has reached a very strong point.

The bald head and the scar man know nothing about Xuanmen, but they know that Xuan Yizi of Xuanmen enters the heavenly world this time, the pinnacle of power.

The strength of Hengxing's ninth rank is unquestionable.

There is no difference in level, there is a world difference, although the two of them are stellar eighth-order strongmen.

However, compared with the stellar ninth-ranked strongman, the difference is so great that the suppression of strength cannot be compensated by one more person.

So when it was determined that it was Xuan Yizi, the two knew that this could not be an offensive, otherwise it could only be a place of death.

The Scarred Man looked at Xuan Yizi and said, "My two people are looking for Brother Xuanmen, there is no evil, just something to discuss."

Xuan Yizi's arms spread out, and the black robe shuddered, bursting into a domineering spirit. Within this body, there was a whirlwind, surging around the body.

Xuan Yizi looked at the Scar Scar and said coldly, "Tell me, where is Yu Zicang?"

The scarred man and his bald head were calm and calm, and his heart was astonishing.

Although Yu Zicang was not killed by the two of them, he was chasing Yu Zicang, and he saw his body again.

If it is true that Yu Zicang is dead, it is not the two of them who did it, then they cannot be separated from them.

Xuan Yizi's infinite killer spread out from his body and shone to the two.

A hoarse voice came out: "I am asking you, do you want to die?"

The bald head hurriedly said: "We haven't seen the brother too, don't know where he is."

Xuan Yizi sneered, with a cold breath in his voice: "Yu Zicang has sent out a message saying that two people are going to hunt him down, get the sheepskin roll in his hand, and ask me to come to help, these two stars Tier 8, it’s just you, tell me you don’t know, is this looking for death?"

The scar and bald head looked at each other, and did not expect such a thing as a sheepskin roll, they would also tell Xuanmen Zhongren, but in this way, they couldn't explain it.

In this case, there is no second way but to run away, and the power of the source erupts instantly, like an arrow from the string, and quickly escapes.

Xuan Yizi was furious, his body lifted into the air, and said in a cold voice: "I felt a little breath from Yu Zicang, and it was really killed by the two of you, let's die!"

The power of this Xuan Yizi erupted, and the strength of the star's ninth order is unobstructed. The star's eighth order is already extremely fast.

But as soon as this Xuan Yizi broke out, the speed was even more amazing. The two who had fled felt the huge pressure from behind between their breaths.

There is also a murderous opportunity to cover them both, this scar and bald head, a fourth-order primal **** soldier in each hand has appeared, ready to fight at any time.

Xuan Yizi shouted, and his body fell like a meteorite at a rapid rate.

The scar felt that Xuan Yizi behind him was getting closer and closer, and his face moved, and he said to the bald head: "The soldiers are divided into two ways!"

The two were in perfect harmony and immediately separated, one to the east and one to the west.

Xuan Yizi didn't care and said, "This way, it just makes it easier for you to die!"

Speaking of the speed of the body increased again on the original basis, the power of the source is overwhelming, such as two big hands, tightly grasping the scar, not letting it move.

The body jumped up, and in the blink of an eye came to the scarred man.

Scared the scared man in his heart, this stellar ninth order is of course tyrannical, but he did not expect how this Xuan Yizi was so abnormal.

Stellar eighth order, he turned out to have no counterattack.

Xuan Yizi aimed at the Scar Scarf, his fists surging and bombarded the past, like the power of a volcanic eruption.

Just listening to a muffled sound, the Scar Scarf flew away, and a spit of blood spurted out, without any resistance.

The scarred man fell to the ground, and Xuan Yizi turned around, as if his bald head was rushing away.

At this time, the bald head has already run a distance, but it has no effect.

Xuan Yizi struck from a distance, and the overwhelming power immediately surprised the bald head.

Originally thought that this Xuan Yizi first dealt with the scar, how to delay the time, then he had time to find their young master.

But this plan never changes fast, and how long this time has actually been chased.

This speed really made him panic, and the original source of the soldiers was ready to go.

Xuan Yizi shouted, "Stop!"

Although this voice is not particularly loud, but the cold power that comes with it, people can't help but fight a cold war.

Shaved his body, and fled again into the distance.

Xuan Yizi rushed directly to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The palm slammed suddenly, and the power of this source condensed into a huge palm, patting his bald head.

The bald head felt the power coming, and wanted to avoid it, but he had more than enough power.

In the hands of the original source warrior, he threw it out in one hand and slammed into the huge slap of Xuan Yizi.

This slap of condensed power, the power of the sky, this palm, the wind screamed, and the space collapsed.

A slap was fiercely shot on the bald head of the original Divine Soldier. This frontal confrontation exploded with a shocking sound.

This is a fourth-order source **** soldier, but it was strongly suppressed by Xuan Yizi's slap and crushed directly.

Slap on the body of the bald head, and immediately flew.

In this scene, Chu Yu and Li Lingtian were completely shocked.

This Xuan Yizi is too powerful. Although this is the strength of the ninth order of the star, it feels that the source power is so powerful, and it is already close to the source rule. (To be continued.)

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