War God Supreme

Chapter 2430: Strength suppression

Li Lingtian's original power has reached the ninth order of the star, and also has the strength to fight against the ordinary ninth order of the star.

But this Xuan Yizi is truly terrifying, and this body is unmatched, and it is so unstoppable without using the original Divine Soldier.

If you use the original source soldiers, the peace will be strengthened, so Li Lingtian and Chu Yu are careful not to show the slightest breath.

Not to mention that they killed Xuan Yizi of the Xuanmen, and all the Xuanling and the parchment were in their hands.

If you find them, it is really unclear.

The scarred man was severely injured by a blow. He fell to the ground, trying to stand up and unable to move.

The face was pale, wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth with his sleeves. At this time, Xuan Yizi grabbed his bald head with a hand like a chicken cub.

After throwing it, it was still in the body of the scarred man. This bald body part has collapsed.

Unbearable, bloody, these eyes are full of despair, the difference in strength is too great, and there is no chance to resist.

Xuan Yizi approached step by step, and came to the two of them, the murderous opportunity emerged, and looked at the Scar Man coldly said: "You say first, where is the parchment?"

The scars are suffering. Although they started chasing Yu Zicang at the beginning, they saw his body before they caught up.

Looking at Xuan Yizi's murderous body, he knew he was dangerous anyway.

"When I saw Yu Zicang's body, the parchment disappeared. This was not our hands."

Scar finally chose to tell the truth, just make up a reason, and this Xuan Yizi would not believe it.

Xuan Yizi's mouth made a sensational voice: "Yu Zicang really died, not the two of you? Will there be others? Give me the parchment, and I will spare you two for a life."

It turned out to be the truth, no one believed, and his heart turned over and over. This Xuan Yizi had locked him. I believe that as long as he was satisfied, he would immediately become scum.

But the scars are wronged, which is not what they call it. Let him take out the parchment, how to take it out?

The stubbornness in my heart gradually rose, and He Xuan Yizi said, "What I said is true, you killed me, and Yu Zicang was not killed by us. The parchment is no longer in our hands. You believe it or not. ."

As soon as the words fell, Xuan Yizi's figure moved, and he immediately reached the scar's side, and slapped it directly on the scar's spirit.

"I do not believe!"

This huge pressure immediately shattered the head of the scar, and the blood mist filled.

This Xuan Yizi was really decisive and decisive, and his bald head was panicked. Sure enough, in front of such a strong man, he really could not have any arrogant intentions. This kills people like a child's play.

Xuan Yizi turned his head to the bald head, and the bald head backed with two hands.

Xuan Yizi said in a cold voice: "You have seen the end of your friend, if you are not afraid of death, you can choose to be silent."

Looking at Xuan Yizi with a bald head, it is useless to know what he is living in. As long as he can't take out the parchment, then everything is useless.

I thought I could only use my lord's prestige to see if I could save my life.

Looking at Xuan Yizi bald and said, "You may not know, my young master is Mu Shaoyun, I believe you Xuan Men should know one or two."

Xuan Yizi did not have any interest in the name said by the bald head, and asked directly: "Are you threatening me?"

This is exactly what bald means, but how can you tell the truth, and who wants to die if you can live.

Hurry to say: "I just tell you, I am a Mu family, Mu family is also a big family, will not deceive you with parchment."

Xuan Yizi had no good temper, and the power of the source exploded, putting pressure on the bald head.

The great power of the origin pressed down on the bald head as if the sky had fallen.

The power of the source is too powerful, which has caused the body of this bald head to be deformed, the facial features are twisted, and the blood is exuding little by little.

Xuan Yizi's lack of patience and cold voice seemed to freeze the world.

"Give you the last chance, hand over the parchment, or die!"

After the bald head, the body's injuries were somewhat restored. Seeing Xuan Yizi killing his heart, his body burst, using his greatest potential, and immediately escaped to the distance.

This is nothing more than a dying struggle. Xuan Yizi's body moved, a phantom flashed, and the power in his hand could control the world.

The bald head was grabbed back with one hand, and there was a roar, and the other hand clenched into a fist, suddenly bombarded the body of the bald head.

Even the opportunity for screaming couldn't be sent out, and the place died tragically.

The two stellar eighth-rank powerhouses are already some of the pinnacle powerhouses in this spiritual world.

But against this Xuan Yizi, it became the general existence of ants.

After Xuan Yizi killed the two, he said to himself: "Trouble!"

Then took out the two people's space ring, explored it and found that there really was no parchment.

Xuan Yizi frowned, thinking that Yu Zicang really did not die in the hands of the two, otherwise he would rather die than hand over the parchment, and he couldn't find it on his body.

Looking at the body of the bald head, Xuan Yizi's eyes revealed a sarcasm: "Mu Family? If this parchment is in the Mu Family, it will certainly kill you seven in seven out."

As soon as the words fell, Xuan Yizi left, and turned into a light and shadow and rushed away.

Before Chu Yu and Li Lingtian did not leave Xuan Yizi, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. After leaving, they were considered relaxed.

Chu Yu sighed while looking at the direction Xuan Yizi left: "It's really abnormal!"

Li Lingtian naturally has this feeling too. Xuan Yizi's strength has changed too much, and the feeling should be comparable to the guardian beast of the flower of this law.

Fortunately, the strength of this Xuan Yizi ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is very close to the domain master, and the power of the original source has evolved according to this original rule, so the flower of the rule is not very useful for him.

Otherwise, this Xuan Yizi shot, who will have the opportunity to get the flower of the law.

Chu Yu was shocked, and told Li Lingtian: "You must keep this parchment, you may really run into bad luck."

Chu Yu didn't care about it before, but now he also cares about it. Li Lingtian chuckled and said, "Why is Chu Shao also interested in parchment?"

Chu Yu looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "Do you know the Mu family?"

Li Lingtian naturally does not know that he knows very little about the spirit star.

Straightforward: "I don't know, is this Mu family very powerful?"

Chu Yu shook his head and said: "It's not powerful, it's very powerful. The Mu family belongs to super powers. Among the heavenly stars, there are very few families that can collide with the Mu family, but I didn't expect this. The young master of the Mu family also came It’s really fun to go to the heavenly world.” (To be continued.)

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