War God Supreme

Chapter 2431: Mu Family

This can be said from Chu Yukou's super power, then naturally it will be very powerful, but this Mu family is super power, what is this Xuanmen?

Li Lingtian looked at Chu Yu and asked, "This Xuanmen's Xuan Yizi is already so powerful, so Xuanmen's strength should not be weak."

Chu Yushen said intentionally: "This pair, this Xuan Yizi dared to make a right against this Mu family, indicating that Xuanmen should also be a big force with a certain strength, but this is also a sufficient proof, such parchment among them value."

Although this parchment can know his preciousness, it does not know the correct way to open it, otherwise it is still a useless thing.

This Yu Zicang is dead, the scar and the bald head are also dead, and the only people who know this parchment are Xuan Yizi, but Xuan Yizi is thankful if he doesn't find them.

Where dare to find Xuan Yizi yourself, then it is true that heaven has no way to go, and **** has no way to break in.

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu continued to move forward, looking for Ying Leijin, while looking for the person of the Xuanmen. The secret of this parchment is estimated to be known only to Xuanmen.

This journey is half a year. There are many treasures in this spirit world, but Chu Yu and Li Lingtian can be seen by the eyes. That is really too little.

It is almost zero, but the treasures encountered are still collected. After all, what can I say, I can change some stars.

After half a year, Li Lingtian and Chu Yu went to the cave of the Flower of Law together for two days, which is less than a year away from the mature time of the Flower of Law.

In the heavenly world, there are fewer and fewer people that can be seen, but what you see is bound to be the one you live and die in, and the struggle is not endless.

Chu Yu and Li Lingtian did not meet a middle-aged man, nor did they meet the people of the Mu family. The secret of this parchment was still not opened.

This is a million miles away, there is a handsome young man, who seems to be young, but this has the posture of a superior, and in this handsome face, with the vicissitudes of age.

This attack on the white clothes Shengxue, holding a paper fan in his hand, gently flapping between his cheeks.

At this time, a stellar eighth-order strongman bent over and clenched his fists to the young man, and said, "Master, this Murray and Mu Feng have been killed by Xuan Yizi!"

This person is Mu Shaoyun, the master of the Mu family. This Mu Shaoyun heard the news of his servant.

Gujing Wubo, as if he didn't hear half of it, the paper fan in his hand continued to shake, driving less hair.

After a while, Mu Shaoyun asked: "I can find this parchment?"

After hearing this question from his young master, the star's eighth-rank strong man looked at him bitterly and said: "This Yumen Cangmen of the Xuanmen has died, and no one knows who to do it. I have been searching for more than half a year, but I have not found any clues."

Mu Shaoyun's breezy face suddenly exploded with anger. The paper fan folded in his hand and his body moved. This foot kicked out, a phantom flashed, and bombarded the eighth star of that star.

This speed is very fast, this foot is also given a strong impact, this stellar eighth-order strong cannot hide, nor can it hide.

Kicked on the chest, then flew out immediately.

Mu Shaoyun's paper fan fanned again, his face still, but in this tone, it was very cold.

"Parchment hasn't been obtained yet, what are you doing back? Why die?"

The servant of the Mu family fell **** the ground, and a spit of blood spewed out. This was not because he was pretending, but Mu Shaoyun really had such strength.

Mu Family's servant was pale, without blood, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and immediately climbed up without any dignity before Mu Shaoyun.

Pleading: "Master, please give me a chance, I will find this parchment."

Mu Shaoyun smiled evilly at the corner of his mouth, stood upright, looked down at the Mu family servants, and said in a cold voice: "This is your last chance, otherwise you know the consequences!"

The servants of the Mu family naturally knew the consequences Mu Shaoyun said. This was not death, but a consequence of not being able to survive and being unable to seek death.

When I remembered that my heart was overturned, I hurriedly said, "Master, I will trace the parchment's whereabouts as quickly as possible."

Mu Shaoyun's face was bad, and the murderous opportunity revealed: "Isn't that fast?"

The Mu family servants had already felt that Mu Shaoyun's murderous opportunity had emerged, and they were about to leave. At this time, Mu Shaoyun said: "Remember to check the whereabouts of Xuan Yizi. My Mu family dare to kill. It is really rampant."

The position of the Xuan Yizi has been learned by the Mu family's servants, but he was a little afraid of the strength of the Xuan Yizi and did not tell Mu Shaoyun.

But at this time, in order to make up for the merits, he did not have such an idea and said directly to Mu Shaoyun: "Xuan Yizi went to the sea of ​​hell flames to find the flower of flames."

Mu Shaoyun faced the Mu family's servants and waved his palm gently, indicating that he could leave.

At the moment when the Mu's servants just left, Mu Shaoyun's eyes exploded in anger, the surroundings swayed, and the original power in his body exploded indiscriminately.

The strength of Stellar's Tier 9 is unobstructed. If Li Lingtian sees it, he will immediately find that Mu Shaoyun's strength is not much compared with Xuan Yizi's strength.

Mu Shaoyun's body riots, like a meteor chasing the moon, the word Xuan Yizi came out of the whole sky, killing him.

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu walked unpleasantly and slowly, seeing Daguai and Baobao all the way.

This crisis, which was directed at the two of them, has come quietly, but the two are unknowingly.

The Mu family entered this heavenly world, not too many, but they were all the eighth-rank strong stars, and the Mu family servant, named Mu Yongfei, was not alone.

There is also a Mu family in his hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~Mu Yonglin, the eighth-order strong star of the star, the two are brothers.

This time, the parchment was of great importance. Mu Shaoyun was already angry. If he could not find it, then with the temper of Master Mu, there would naturally be no possibility of survival.

So after all, the two of them tried their best to find this parchment. They had contact with this parchment, so as long as they were within a hundred thousand miles, they could sense the existence of parchment.

It's just that the heavenly world is vast and untraceable. If you want to find clues, it's easy, so you can only spread the net.

The two ran around in the heavenly world, chasing whereabouts of this parchment.

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu are not too far away from the flower of this rule, so don't worry.

Only when the two appeared here, they were already stared at by the other two.

These two people are naturally Mu Yongfei and Mu Yonglin. They are finally struggling to find a place with more than one person to find the whereabouts of parchment. Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that they sensed the existence of Chu Yu and Li Lingtian. (To be continued.)

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