War God Supreme

Chapter 2438: Nangong family

Dongfang Xiaohao said in disbelief: "I believe that with Chu Shao's strength, you should be able to get the flower of the law!"

Chu Yu is only the sixth order of the star. Dongfang Xiaohao's words are obviously compliments.

Chu Yu naturally knew that his eyebrows raised, "If I can't get it, I hope Brother Dongfang can help me!"


Dongfang Xiaohao didn't expect that Chu Yu would say such a thing. He couldn't get the most Chu Yu. He hurriedly said: "It's incumbent!"

Li Lingtianqiang refrained from laughing at this sentence and his words, but the surprise just now was clear, and in a blink of an eye, he vowed to say something.

Sure enough, life depends on acting.

Howling Dongsheng Xiao feared what Chu Yu was saying, he said hello and left.

With a anger in his eyes, Li Tian looked at Chu Yu and Li Lingtian because he did not accept it!

Dongfang Xiaohao went back, and when he passed Li Tianyi, he slapped again, and Li Tianyi immediately felt a whirlwind.

Dongfang Xiaohao said in a cold voice: "What are you looking at blindly? Get your eyes out!"

Chu Yu looked at the back of Dong Xiaohao and said helplessly: "It's really a force!"

Li Lingtian asked curiously: "Chu Shao, what background? Let Dong Xiaohao be so wronged to talk to you?"

Chu Yu knew that his identity was about to be revealed, and there was no need to hide Li Lingtian, saying straightly: "The Chu Family in the Holy City of Green Leaf!"

The family of Li Lingtianyao's holy city is not comprehensive, let alone the family of Aoba.

"Is it great? How does it compare with the Mu family?"

Listening to Li Lingtian's words, Chu Yu asked in shock: "You don't know the Chu Family in the Holy City of Green Leaf?"

Li Lingtian knew that he was short-sighted again, this Chu family should be a relatively powerful existence, very famous.

When Madman Wang saw Chu Yu, and knew Chu Yu's identity, it was like a mouse seeing a cat.

This is also true of Dongfang Xiaohao, which naturally shows the extraordinaryness of Chu's Chu Yu!

I hurriedly explained: "I haven't been to Celestial Star for a long time, so I don't know much about the nine holy cities."

Chu Yu only then received a surprised look, looked at Li Lingtian and said, "This Mu family is the super family of the Holy City of Blasting Clouds. Our Chu family is the largest family in the Holy City of Aoba, and this Oriental family is the middle family of the Holy City of Aoba, So I was in awe of me."

There are countless families in this holy city, and the largest family in this Aoba holy city can be said to be the largest and definitely has super strength.

Among the Chu family, there will definitely be domain master powerhouses, so it is not surprising that Dongfang Xiaohao is in awe.

This domain master is the most pinnacle of the holy city, and he is in awe.

Li Lingtian smiled and said: "There is nothing to hide!"

Chu Yu waved his hand: "Low-key, low-key!"

People went to the empty building, and the surroundings fell into silence again. The strength of these strong men was all calculated by Li Lingtian.

Then discuss the plan with Chu Yu. With so many strong men, it is the next best strategy to win and win, and with these five stars and eighth-rank strong men, the chance is not great.

During the waiting period, there are more and more powerful players, which are increasing.

Three days later, a team of 200 people finally appeared and came near the cave.

The team of two hundred people is quite spectacular, which also surprised everyone's hearts. It was unexpected that someone could form a team of two hundred in the heavenly world. It was terrifying.

In this team of 200 people, the leader is a young man, wearing a black suit, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and holding a fifth-order natural soldier, very high-profile.

The flowers of this waiting rule matured to 150 people and all stood up.

Opposite the man, the mouth smiled evilly, and then looked at the people behind him, laughing: "Unexpectedly, we just encountered a big business when we entered the heavenly world, right!"

Hearing the man’s words, Li Lingtian and others made it clear that this man had just entered the heavenly world.

It can drive so many people, and all of them are very calm, headed by men in black, and have never said much.

It must have prevented the premeditated entry into the heavenly world.

Chu Yu frowned, and said to himself: "Unexpectedly, he came in!"

Li Lingtian looked at him and asked, "Do you know this person?"

Chu Yu nodded and said, "You really don't know anything. This person is the holy city of Cangyun. The master of the Nangong family, Nangong Lingjie, is really generous. He actually took two hundred people directly into this heavenly world."

Li Lingtian's five eighth-rank strongmen voluntarily walked to the forefront. If there are a few scattered people, naturally there is no problem.

But these two hundred people are huge in number and organized. If they are allowed to participate in the competition for the flowers of the law, then the other people will have no chance at all.

A stellar eighth-rank strongman, named Tianzhu Old Man, looked at Nangong Lingjie and said, "We will recuperate and recuperate again and again, and you will soon evacuate here!"

Nangong Lingjie sneered and said, "Old guy, do you think I'm cheating? This is obviously a treasure, otherwise there will be so many people in the heavenly world, gather here?"

Another star eighth-ranked strongman took a step forward and watched Nangong Lingjie said: "Don't know what is going on. Although your numbers are superior, the overall strength is not as good as ours."

Nangong Lingjie's face instantly became cold: "No one has ever dared to be so rampant in front of my Nangong Lingjie. Do you think that there is proud capital in the eighth star?"

Everyone was surprised when they heard the word Nangong Lingjie. They were not Li Lingtian. Naturally, they knew Nangong Lingjie, the largest family in the Cangyun Holy City, and the master of the Nangong family.

This Nangong family may be no more than the pinnacle of other super families in other holy cities, but this number is large.

It can be seen from the appearance of 200 star powerhouses at once~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that this is definitely not what the average family can do.

Ningong Lingjie looked at each other's people, most of them were in shock, thinking that the name "Nangong" still works.

Lengsheng said: "Do you know that you are afraid? I am Ling Jie, Nangong, and not a bully. You have more than a hundred people, and it is not bad for us. Let's take a rest together, haha!"

Dongxiao Xiaohao felt helpless. What the **** happened, Chu Family Chu Yu from the Green Leaf Holy City came, and Ling Jie, the Nangong Family from the Cangyun Holy City, also came.

He would be even more shocked if he knew that Mu Shaoyun, the Mu family of the Holy City of Blasting Cloud, was also here.

The danger of the Nangong family is that most people don’t dare to challenge it, but recently they are crowded.

If Nangong Lingjie is really allowed to join, then they can all leave, so for the flower of law, they must not be afraid of Nangong Lingjie.

Li Lingtian was a little disappointed with this Nangong Lingjie. Relying on family power, it was not challenging at all. (To be continued.)

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