War God Supreme

Chapter 2439: Dogfight

After all, the peak fighting power of the Nangong family is not here, although these two hundred people seem to be a lot.

But the average combat strength is definitely not as good as their one hundred and fifty.

Chu Yu is also a member of the super family. Why is it so low-key? Sure enough, the gap between people is huge.

There was a lot of discussion among the elderly. Tianzhu old man, of course, had heard it clearly, his waist was straight, and he said coldly: "Since you don't step back, then there is only one battle!"

On the side of Nangong Lingjie, there are three strong eighth-order stars, ten strong seventh-order stars, and the rest are all sixth-order stars and fifth-order stars.

Nangong Lingjie shouted: "I am the holy city of Cangyun, the master of the Nangong family, if you want to be an enemy of our Nangong family, then you can fight."

This threat is useful for the average star powerhouse, but for this one hundred and fifty people, it has no effect at all.

Most of them are strong above the sixth order of the star. The fifth order of the star is already very few. The second order of the star, but Li Lingtian is a wonderful thing.

In the heavenly world, for many years, there are countless people killed, and it is normal to kill people and win treasures.

If you let them fight against the Nangong family alone, it will not, but this group of people, why not fear it!

He even mocked Ningong Lingjie directly.

"The Nangong family, the weakest of the nine super families, are so proud."

"Nangong Family, I'm yuck!"

"It's ridiculous, the stellar is only seventh order. What's the use of carrying more people?"

Nangong Lingjie naturally heard it clearly, his face was angry and his eyes were flushed.

Looking at the crowd, the murderous cold voice said: "Do you know what price you have to pay to insult my Nangong family?"

Tianzhu old man frowned, and looked at the other four star eighth-order strongmen, and immediately noticed.

The five stars of the eighth-order strongman, directly to the Nangong Lingjie, rushed past.

The battle was on the verge, and Nangong Lingjie was furious. Today, he was really hitting his face. Looking at the people behind him, he shouted, "Don’t embarrass our Nangong family, come on!"

All the people who guarded the law of flowers rushed up, and the original soldiers in their hands danced.

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu are also among them. Both of them are using superficial strength. Chu Yu has not yet used the boots, and Li Lingtian just took out the flames of extinction.

On these two sides, a battle of more than 300 people escalated in an instant, the sword and sword, and the space collapsed.

Behind this, there was someone who was watching everything in front of him, silently, and no one had ever discovered his existence.

There was a sneer on the face, and there was no wave in his eyes. This person was the person Li Lingtian took after the flower of flames, and followed him closely, Lei Yunfei.

Although this person is an eighth-order strong star, there is a magical power in his body that cannot be seen through.

There is no gap for everyone. How Nangong Lingjie was brought here, why both sides will quickly enter a fighting state, it is estimated that only Lei Yunfei knows.

Watching the people fighting, they whispered: "The flower of the law, very good!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person disappeared again, and no trace was found.

And everyone in the battle has no gap, this battle is in deep water.

At the beginning, the Nangong Lingjie side had a slight advantage. After all, there were many people, but soon afterwards, the stellar eighth-order strongman immediately cleared up, and the Nangong Lingjie side had several strongmen.

The situation reversed in an instant, and Li Lingtian was safe, intending to keep a low profile and be as hands-free as possible.

However, the second order of the star is very attractive to the people of the Nangong family. It is rare in the heavenly world.

So Li Lingtian was quickly stared at by a stellar sixth-order powerhouse. Looking at Li Lingtian, he smiled evilly on his face: "Stellar second-order, I am in luck today!"

The God of Destruction. Lie Zidian in Li Lingtian's hands is ready to go. He is despised once a day and has long been used to it.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth. He liked it the most, and let those who despised him die in shock.

The God of Destruction in his hand. Zidian rushed directly towards the stellar sixth-order strongman. The point of the gun triggered a thunderstorm. Above the gun body, lightning flashed.

Stellar sixth-order lighter's original magic soldier is a glove, a glove of ice, full of confidence.

Among the gloves, there is the power of ice, and the ice is three feet away where it is skipped.

Shocked directly at Li Lingtian, looking at the God of Extermination. Zidian is a fifth-order source soldier, envied in his heart.

Thinking of a stellar second-order, he has a fifth-order primal soldier, and as a stellar sixth-order strongman, he just has a third-order primordial soldier, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

However, he felt that his luck had arrived. As long as Li Lingtian was killed, he could win the Tier 5 Original Soldier, but he could not use it himself, and he would naturally be able to shoot a good price.

The speed soared, and there was greed in both eyes, shouting out loudly: "This fifth-order source **** soldier is mine!"

With both hands dancing, icy thorns shot from his hands and rushed towards Li Lingtian's facade.

Li Lingtian extinguishes God in his hand. Purple electricity comes into play instantly. The spear rises, the purple thunder changes, and the power of thunder and lightning bursts out from the point of the gun, blasting away with the ice thorn.

The power of the source exploded, and the figure moved, and ran towards the stellar sixth-order strongman.

The stellar sixth-order powerhouse felt the fullness of Li Lingtian's body and was shocked in his heart. Is this still the strength of a stellar second-order?

The power of the source surged, and huge thorns of ice were ejected from the hands. The thorns of ice contained the power of the source, and the power of ice fell from the sky.

A hundred meters round, the world is frozen, and the space is frozen. In the frozen world, ice thorns are like fish.

This power is not small, but it is a bit of a joke to use this against Li Lingtian.

The power of Li Lingtian's original source broke out, exterminating God. Purple electricity, a spear burst into the sky, the sky was dim and dark in an instant, purple electricity was over the sky, and the dark clouds shrouded.

The purple thunder falls from the sky, the spear rises, the purple electricity melts, the arm is waving, the power of thunder and lightning with the thickness of the arm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is like an arrow, shooting straight away.

This tremendous thunder and lightning, beyond the space, ice thorns strike, lightning strikes.



A head-on collision, the ice thorns shattered instantly, and several lightnings continued to bombard the sixth-order star of the star.

The stellar sixth-order strongman immediately felt dangerous. He wanted to find the weakest one, fighting easily and less dangerous.

But I didn't expect to hit the muzzle. The skin of the second-order star is beyond the strength of the sixth-order star.

Seeing the thunder of the thunder, the original soldier of the hand broke out again, his hands were tiled in the air, and an ice shield appeared immediately.

This ice shield has a strong defense on it, defending his body.

But the power of thunder and lightning, with destructive power, bombarded on the ice shield, breaking the surface, and the ice shield immediately shattered. (To be continued.)

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