War God Supreme

Chapter 2458: Flower of Absorption Law

Chu Yu looked at the mess in the ground, just a huge shock, it will certainly alarm the powerful in a million miles.

He has the flower of law in his hand, and Li Lingtian has so many treasures.

He hurriedly carried Li Lingtian and left here quickly, but when he left, he saw the chaotic treasures not far from Lei Yunfei and the wind sword.

Put it directly into the space ring, which is about to leave, you can feel the breath of several strong men.

Chu Yu immediately took Li Lingtian and found a place to hide. He did not dare to act arbitrarily. Now he must act carefully.

Soon there will be three strong stars of the eighth order, and five strong stars of the seventh order will appear one after another.

"Just shocked so much that no one was there."

A stellar seventh-order strongman, originally intended to see what happened, saw that there was only one corpse left, and left.

Another stellar eighth-order strongman was shocked when he saw such a scene, because he could barely recognize this person as Lei Yunfei.

It is exactly looking at each other, knowing that Lei Yunfei's means, even the ordinary Stellar Rank 9, is not his opponent, and he will be bombed to death.

Moreover, he felt turbulent from a distance of 900,000 miles, and then he came. From a distance of one hundred thousand miles, he could also feel the turmoil. The battle he just had was beyond imagination.

I hurriedly looked around for a week and saw no one, immediately turned into a meteor and rushed away.

The last person to appear was Mu Shaoyun, his face was calm, and his brows were frowning as he watched the mess of the world.

He said to himself: "Who is this person, can actually burst out, so ruinous power."

I was shocked secretly in my heart, because I felt a trace of pressure when I saw this scene, and the smoke that had never been completely dispelled.

At this moment, the consciousness moved and felt a light and shadow flash out. Mu Shaoyun's eyes erupted with a shimmer, and shouted: "Xuan Yizi, where to run!"

The voice didn't fall, and it turned into a shooting star, and Chu Yu could only see a residual image.

When we were ushered in, five or six waves of people, Chu Yu acted carefully, and waited for three hours before taking Li Lingtian away.

Finding a quiet place to repair Li Lingtian's injuries, this coma is a month, this time the overdraft is too much.

Li Lingtian finally woke up, still feeling a little dizzy at this time, looking at Chu Yu in front of his eyes, making a hoarse voice in his throat.

Chu Yu heard Li Lingtian's voice and immediately got up, hurriedly looking for Li Lingtian to find some water to drink.

This Li Lingtian was better. Looking at Chu Yu, he secretly saw that he was not wrong.

At that time, as soon as the syncope passed, it was equivalent to dying from the world. This world is weak and strong, and can kill each other for treasures.

After Li Lingtian fainted, he did not have any counterattack power. There are many treasures in this body. Chu Yu can completely kill people and go beyond the merchandise, and directly leaves with the flower of the law.

In this case, God didn't know it, but Chu Yu didn't do it, and she took Chu Yu more seriously in her heart.

Li Lingtian did not speak. It has been a month since the last war, but his physical condition is extremely poor, and he has recovered after three days.

With the help of the Destroyer suit, this recovered only five out of ten and stood up.

Looking at Chu Yu, he said, "Brother, thanks a lot this time!"

Chu Yu shook his head and expressed disapproval. He smiled and said, "You are fighting in the blood in front of you. It is natural for me to clean the battlefield and take care of the wounded."

Chu Yu knew that what Li Lingtian was grateful for was a feeling of brotherhood.

Chu is also a human being, with seven emotions and six desires. Li Lingtian is like a treasure trove of walking. Chaos is the treasure, and the world's treasure is everything.

One thing can make your heart greedy, not to mention a variety of treasures.

Chu Yu looked at Li Lingtian who was in a comatose state, and there were some rising and falling thoughts in his heart, but it just passed by. For him, the treasure is precious, but after life and death, the brotherhood that is inseparable is even more precious.

Chu Yu took out the Chaos Treasure, the long sword of the wind system, which he had picked up from Lei Yunfei.

Li Lingtian did not take it, looked at Chu Yu and said: "How to say is also the treasure of chaos, how can it be more powerful than your fifth-order original source soldier, you just keep it!"

"This is what you desperately obtained, I can't stay!" Chu Yu directly rejected, Li Lingtian's gift.

Li Lingtian pushed the long sword and said: "Take me as a brother, you will stay, and you know that there are not many treasures in my hands."

Chu Yu had to resign, but when he saw that Li Lingtian could not refuse, he took the wind sword, and Li Lingtian was right.

He is missing a long sword of Chaos Treasure. Although the boots are Chaos Treasure, but only the increase in speed, the combat power is king.

Chu Yu took out the flower of the law and handed it to Li Lingtian's hands. This is the natural treasure he dreamed of.

Li Lingtian took over the flower of the law. Among the flowers of the law, there are powerful laws of origin.

The colorful laws of the law represent a variety of origin laws, and the origin laws endowed by them can be very helpful to Li Lingtian.

In this battle, I feel that I am still very small, and a star of the eighth order will almost kill his life.

If it is the real strongman of the ninth order of the star, such as Xuan Yizi, it will be so powerful without using the original source magic soldier, if it is the original source magic soldier, or the chaotic treasure.

Even if he had all the cards in the bottom, he might not be his opponent. If this time it did not inspire the seven-nine destroyer sword array, whoever wins and who loses, who lives and who died, I am afraid it will be converted.

This time I want to become stronger, the flower of this law can definitely play an absolute role, if you can let the power of the source be transformed into the law of the source.

Then even Xuan Yizi and Mu Shaoyun are not afraid.

In a hidden cave, Li Lingtian was going to retreat and Chu Yu helped protect the Fa.

Stellar Second Order~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The power of the nine origins has not been satisfied!

In this way, Li Lingtian began to absorb the flowers of the law, and the power of the nine roots appeared in Dantian, which was already very solid.

The power of the source rotates and the flower of the law is a treasure of heaven and earth. The law of the source bred in it is very powerful.

If it is forcibly absorbed, it may explode, so Li Lingtian can only slowly pull the flower of the law and begin to absorb it gradually.

A trace of the original power was absorbed into Li Tian by Li Lingtian, and began to merge with the power of the Nine Dao.

This felt the power of the law of origin, Li Lingtian's heart was happy, only in this way can make him strong.

Li Lingtian's breath is stable, the power of the nine origins runs, and the speed of the absorbed origins gradually increases.

The power of the origin is gradually being generalized by the law of origin, but it is still very slow.

Chu Yu felt the rising weather of Li Ling's weather outside and was also happy for it. Li Lingtian was strong and he was safe. (To be continued.)

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