War God Supreme

Chapter 2459: Stellar 4th order

Time flies, a year's time, fleeting.

The flower of law has been absorbed by Li Lingtian.

In Dantian, the law of origin is pervasive, but it has not yet been transformed into the law of origin.

The principle of origin that this domain master can only possess is not simple.

However, in this year, Li Lingtian's state has continuously broken through, from the second order of the star to the strong fourth order of the star.

The strength has doubled. If you now play against Lei Yunfei, you will never be so embarrassed.

Although I can't kill easily, I will never wake myself up for a month.

The flower of the law is suspended in mid-air, and has already withered somewhat. This is the precursor of the exhaustion of the original law.

The power of Li Lingtian’s nine sources of speed is running fast, and it is already handy to absorb the rules of the source at this time.

The speed is fast, the flower of the law, and eventually the original law is exhausted after a month.

At this time, Li Lingtian was full of the law of origin in the Dantian, and with the power of the nine origins, they were accompanied by each other, and did not translate into the law of origin.

But it is only one step away. The state of the body is hundreds of times better than before.

Li Lingtian opened his eyes, bursting out of gleaming light, the body's momentum exploded, and the powerful source of power swept through the cave.



The banging sounds kept coming, but in an instant, a huge cave a dozen meters high turned into powder.

Li Lingtian came out of it, and the power of the source flowing in the body was extremely strong.

The burst of the cave shocked Chu Yu and turned to see Li Lingtian out of the gate, already a stellar fourth-order strongman.

Li Lingtian's strong fourth-order stars naturally cannot be compared with ordinary fourth-order stars.

Li Lingtian flew to Chu Yu and smiled, "Work hard!"

"How is it? Can the domain master have the power to fight now?" Chu Yu asked Li Lingtian on the shoulder.

Li Lingtian knew that Chu Yu was a joke, not to mention that the power of the origin has not yet been transformed into the original law, even if it is transformed into the original law, it will never be an opponent of the domain master.

There are qualitative differences during this period, not to say that if you have the law of origin, you can fight against the domain master, which is whimsical.

"Can fight against Xuan Yizi!" Li Lingtian said.

Chu Yu has been very satisfied, this Xuan Yizi is already very powerful, can fight against him, in the heavenly world, has definitely stood at the peak.

Said to Li Lingtian: "Very well, this is in the heavenly spirit world, if you are covered, you can be unscrupulous and domineering!"

Li Lingtian naturally knows that Chu Yu is talking about anything, although Chu Yu's strength is not as good as him.

However, this has the identity of the Chu family of the green leaf holy city, and it has not weak strength. It is enough in the heavenly world.

Li Lingtian retired for more than a year. After leaving the border, the two immediately left here.

Look for the so-called burial sky cliff together. This burial sky cliff is the source of the parchment. This will inevitably have clues. If you can meet the people of the Xuanmen, it would be better.

As long as he didn't meet Xuan Yizi, he could shoot. Chu Yu used the Milky Way to check the location of the burial cliff.

On the screen of the Milky Way, the whole map of the heavenly world appeared immediately, with a red dot marked as a burial cliff.

There are hundreds of millions of miles away from here, and even the speed of Li Lingtian user Chu Yu will take some time.

But the secret of this parchment must be known. Li Lingtian speculates that this is most likely a treasure of the master of the world.

Must have, Li Lingtian has made up his mind, and Chu Yu, march towards the burial cliff.

On this way to the burial ground, after walking for a year, I met countless powerful people, and there are also a hundred thousand, not to mention, all passed in a hurry.

Seeing Li Lingtian is like never seeing it. As usual, the fourth order of the star has absolute temptation for the strong above the fourth order, seeing the weak and the bully.

They don't take action against Li Lingtian and Chu Yu. Li Lingtian is naturally too lazy to reveal his strength. In this divine and celestial world, it is better to keep a low profile.

It was not easy to think of seeing humans in the area where I was before, but there are so many people here.

This is the land after all that leads to the burial cliff, and Li Lingtian is naturally puzzled.

Chu Yu first asked: "Ling Tian, ​​you said that so many humans, going to the burial cliff, should be a violent parchment thing!"

Li Lingtian is also afraid of this matter. If this matter is spread, it will be in trouble.

At this time, a strong man walked by, Chu Yu stepped forward and asked: "Friend, I don't know who went to the funeral cliff?"

The man is nearly three meters tall, with a beard on his face, like an ape, with a huge body and leaking muscles, and a strong eighth-order star.

I saw the interrogator, but for the stellar sixth-order strongman, there was disdain at the corner of his mouth, and he sneered: "Why are you two, still thinking about this burial cliff?"

With such a disdainful tone, listening to it was extremely uncomfortable, Chu Yuzheng had to ask questions.

But Li Lingtian knows that this kind of person is not a good person, no matter how he asks, it is just a laugh.

So Li Lingtian moved, and now, he has not put ordinary star eighth order in his eyes at all, and God of Destruction appears in his hands.

The power of the source erupted, and the speed was extremely fast, and it directly hit out, with the potential of being less than the thunder, the purple electricity strikes, the powerful lightning power, and the light flashes.

With a sudden blow, the strong man was directly picked up against the ground, and one foot was stepped directly on the back.

This strong man didn't even think of Chu Yu, let alone Tan Feng, the fourth-order star, which was even more not in his eyes when he had fallen to the ground.

Also felt that the other party was caused by a sneak attack, shouted: "Good boy, dare to attack grandpa me!"

He said he was about to turn over and attack Li Lingtian, but when he wanted to get up, Li Lingtian's powerful force of nine origins quickly oppressed the strong man.

There is no chance to fight back at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this strong man's heart, such a powerful source of power will appear on the fourth-order star.

In a move, the tip of the gun of the extinct purple electricity was aimed at his neck, and Li Lingtian's consciousness had locked the strong man.

As long as it is moving, it will surely suffer a devastating attack like wind and electricity, it is so powerful.

Li Lingtian's murderous intention emerged, and the brave man dared not move.

Seeing that the strong man was finally honest, Li Lingtian asked coldly, "Why do we have ideas about the burial cliff, can't we?"

At this time, the strong man was like fish on a chopping board, but he didn't dare to say anything. He hurriedly said, "This is a misunderstanding and I can't speak."

Li Lingtian was too lazy to ink with him, and asked directly: "Tell me, do you know that you are going to the funeral cliff?"

"Yes!" The strong man responded quickly without any hesitation this time.

"There are so many people going to the burial cliff, why?" Li Lingtian continued to ask. (To be continued.)

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