War God Supreme

Chapter 2588: Archery Sky Bow

  Millions of long swords appeared in the air, the sword area expanded, and other people were surrounded. Li Lingtian broke out the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array, which was originally intended to carry out group attacks.


   The God of Destruction book appeared, the golden light burst, the power in the God of Destruction book started to work, and the colorful powers were divided into two shares.


   A force enters the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array, and a force works together with the Destroying God Sword, when the energy of the Destroyer Sword enters the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array.


  The seven-nine-annihilated sword array immediately became extremely powerful, and the blood-red phantom enveloped Li Lingtian's seven-nine-annihilated heaven.


  Li Lingtian was extremely fast, and the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array broke out, and the people around him immediately strangled.


   This really angered Mu Shaoyun, Mu Shaoyun looked at Li Lingtian, his eyes blazed with angry flames, shouted: "I want you to die!"


  'S original source of power seemed to be pouring into the long sword, and a more blood-red light erupted from it.


   slammed into the blood red phantom, the power of the blood red phantom doubled, and the magnification was infinite.


   The sky is full of blood red, and thousands of souls burst into the sky, contending with the seven-nine extinct sword array.


  Li Lingtian's body completely exploded. Qianyan Saint Wing hundreds of wind blades bombarded Mu Shaoyun, extremely strong.


  The seven and nine destruction swords and Xuanguang Blood Fierce began a real confrontation.


   Xuanguang Blood Evil, everything that made the world is blood color, Evil Soul erupted with terrible Evil Qi, and both the Heavenly Sword and Xuanguang Blood Evil exploded into a powerful force.


   Xuanguang Blood Fiend is indeed Mu Shaoyun's stunt. The soul of this Xuanguang Blood Fiend is very arrogant. Only sixty-three extinct **** swords can contend with it.


   There are a lot of Hesha souls, so it is still difficult.


   Xuanguang Xuesha erupted with a terrifying light, and the terrifying momentum was unobstructed.


  Li Lingtian immediately ran the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Array, and the Destroyer Sword Array broke out with a strong sword intention, and merged with the sword domain.


   Mu Shaoyun's killing intentions remained the same, and launched a fierce bombardment of Li Lingtian.


   controlled the long sword in his hand, and a horrible swordman's eruption broke out, and he shot at Li Lingtian.


  The seven-nine destruction sky sword array, under the bombardment of Xuanguang Blood Fiend, was finally shaken.


   Mu Shaoyun is indeed terrifying. Li Lingtian has directly used the God of Destruction book, but he can't resist Mu Shaoyun's attack.


   And Mu Shaoyun's attack seems to have just begun, and I don't know when there will be another chaotic treasure in his hand.


   This is a bow and arrow, golden texture, the texture on the bow and arrow is clear, Mu Shaoyun looked at Li Lingtian and said: "Even if you die today, everything is worth it, this is the first time that the archery sky bow is exposed."


  Li Lingtian can feel the power of this archery **** bow, and is a powerful chaotic treasure, he can only be more careful.


   Mu Shaoyun held the arch of the **** of heaven. He put the long sword in his hand on top of the arch of the **** of heaven. The arm pulled the bow and arrow and shot suddenly.


   The archery bow has powerful power itself, and the perfect fusion with Chaos Arcana Long Sword is even more terrifying.


   The moment the long sword flew out, Li Lingtian immediately felt a force of terror to explosion.


   Suddenly felt the crisis, Li Lingtian did not hesitate to take out the Xuanjin Sky Armor directly for defense.


   The long sword broke into air, and the speed was too fast. When Li Lingtian was taking out the Xuanjin Sky Armor, the long sword was near.


  Li Ling Tianfei backed away, the source power entered the Xuanjin Sky Armor, and a golden light erupted on the Xuanjin Sky Armor, forming a huge protective cover.


   But because Li Lingtian was still in a hurry, there was not enough preparation.


  The long sword bombarded the Xuanjin Tiankai, and shattered all the defenses on Xuanjin Tiankai. Li Lingtian felt a force destroying the heavens and blasted him.


  Although the shield shattered, it still had defensive capabilities, and directly drove Li Lingtian back.


   and the long sword turned back to Mu Shaoyun's side. Mu Shaoyun controlled the long sword to control Xuanguang Blood Fierce and attacked the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array.


   wants to break the seven-nine extinct sword array under the condition that Li Lingtian is weak.


  Li Lingtian came out with a sip of blood. This archery sky bow was indeed very powerful and gave him some pressure.


  Li Lingtian looked at Mu Shaoyun, thinking that he could not carelessly, and the darker ones were too powerful.


   had absolutely no time to control his injury. Mu Shaoyun wanted to crack his Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array, which was simply a delusion.


   The current battle situation is a bit subtle. Xuan Yizi is the pinnacle of the strongest. Let Chu Weiyang and Wan Tianyu work together against Xuan Yizi. At first, he can barely deal with it.


   But after a period of time, it gradually became unbearable, and the origin of Xuan Yizi's source was too strong.


   And Chu Yu and Liu Banxian are in good condition. After all, the Dark One does not have the Nine Serenity Array. This difference is quite large.


   And Chu Yu has used Zuo Junyi's Ruyi Xuanjin rod for the sake of stability, although not the best weapon.


   But with the addition of Ruyi Xuanjin rod, it still brought him a lot of advantages.


   The people in the other four forces are still struggling to pay more after the shadow.


  Some people have been seriously injured because they are good at assassination after the absence of space and shadow. The more people, the greater their advantage.


  Because of physical skills, walking around like fish and water is not Li Lingtian's exclusive battle.


   is a fight, especially the shadow behind the shadow, so people have no way, so this time, they are all after the killing of the shadow and nothingness.


   But the cooperation between the two can be said to be very tacit, so for the time being, Li Lingtian feels that the two are the most unpredictable.


  If you let them go on like this, then it is really a little trouble, because I killed a lot of weaker people while I was fighting.


  Li Lingtian calculated the distance during this period~www.wuxiaspot.com~ intends to destroy the empty and harmless shadow first.


  Under both of them are under the control of the peak, the harm to them after the void and the shadow is very great.


   Li Lingtian bombarded Mu Shaoyun, and with a sense of consciousness, he immediately operated the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array.


   The seven-nine destruction sky sword array, under the bombardment of Xuanguang Blood Fiend, has already had some bad signs.


  The thief captures the king first. If he wants to resolve the danger of the seven-nine destroying sky sword array, he still has to start with Mu Shaoyun.


  The hallowed sacred fire is ready, the God of Extinction Hurricane appears, and the Flame of Extinction is in hand.


   The three are united, and the wind and fire are once again blended, and the God of Destruction God erupts with the power of terror, mixed together.


  Li Lingtian's arm waved away, and a blaze of flames blasted away, which carried the power of a hurricane, as well as the Halloween fire, and its terror.


   bombarded Mu Shaoyun with great force, Mu Shaoyun also felt Li Lingtian's bombardment, and Shenshen Tiangong appeared again, his long sword caught, and shot again.

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