War God Supreme

Chapter 2589: Beidou 7 Star Sword Array

The explosive force of terror exploded from it, striking towards the flames of the flames, and it was very powerful. ?www?w?. ??


   Li Lingtian's flaming sword awn quickly collided with Mu Shaoyun's long sword.




   exploded with a loud noise, and the two collided with each other, and Li Lingtian felt a certain amount of pressure.


   The interaction of the two Chaos Treasures is indeed terrifying. Even his current flames are a bit weak.


  Li Lingtian followed by another blaze of flames, all bombarded away.


  Houhou and Kongwu no longer know when they will be around. The two are fighting, but with an eye contact, they know what the other party is going to do.


   The two immediately separated, and the soldiers divided into two ways, bombarded Li Lingtian and attacked at the same time.


  Although Li Lingtian is still fighting Mu Shaoyun, the appearance of the shadow and the void is still felt with his sensitivity.


  Wanted to wait for them for a long time, and the reason why the large array did not break out was that they did not want to be exposed too early.


   But if you can control the shadow behind together, and Mu Shaoyun is in it, then all this is worth it.


  Li Lingtian, while fighting Mu Shaoyun, insisted on paying attention to this empty and dark form.


   Finally the two appeared in Li Lingtian's sight. Although the speed was very fast, Li Lingtian still felt it.


   Quickly took out the Xuanjin Sky Armor, threw it directly, and the Great Sky appeared immediately.


  One hundred and eight celestial pillars appeared, and after leaving the shadowless, Mu Shaoyun was all enveloped in the celestial formation.


  Li Lingtian was waiting for this opportunity. An opportunity to wipe out the three of them in a single net. Seven and nine destroying the sky sword formation, they immediately broke away from the Xuanguang blood evil and merged with the Tongtian formation.


  Tongtian Great Defensive Array is mainly to contain opponents, but it is still not possible to use Tongtian Great Array to kill.


   The moment when Tongtian's Great Formation appeared, whether it was empty, behind the shadow, or the most powerful Mu Shaoyun, was a little surprised.


  Because the power of the horror that erupted from the massive array has exceeded their expectations.


  Li Lingtian's Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array is already terrifying. I didn't expect there will be a big constellation.


   The seven-nine destroying sword array exploded with horrible swordmans, which merged with the Tongtong great array, and the defensive array was able to defend.


  Xuanguang blood blasted towards the Great Sky Array, and so did the shadow behind and the void. He could feel the power of the Great Sky Array, and 108 Tongtian Columns were running wildly.


   When Xuanguang Xuesha bombarded Tongtianzhu, Tongtianzhu was indeed unable to withstand Mu Shaoyun's Menglie attack.


   However, after a tongtianzhu was broken, the broken tiantianzhu immediately re-condensed, and the tongtian large array continued to operate.


   Mu Shaoyun didn't feel right at this time, his brows were frowning, and he thought that the whole world would have such a terrible regeneration ability.


   So does it mean that his attack has no effect on Tongtian?


   Li Lingtian's mouth sneered. Now is the time when he really should attack. Seven and nine destroys the sword array, and works together with the Tongtian array.


   The power erupted in the God of Destruction book is instilled in it.


  The celestial constellation is running crazy, each celestial pillar is fast, and it constantly attacks the people. The speed is terrifying, and the power is even more terrifying.


   Mu Shaoyun said to Wuwu Heying: "Work together to break this large array, otherwise we will be in trouble if we are all trapped inside."


  If it was really troublesome to be trapped inside, Li Lingtian did not think that he could hang all three of them together.


  As long as all three of them are controlled here, and he controls the three pinnacles alone, it is very beneficial to those who are fighting outside.


   Li Lingtian shouted: "It's a good time, hurry up, kill the pinnacle of the strong, the dark one!"


   The Dark Nine Terror Array is broken, so it is the weakest one among the remaining top powerhouses, and it is a matter of course that he is the first to take action against him.


  The leaders of the four forces immediately began to work with Chu Yu and Liu Banxian together to deal with the dark ones.


   Xuan Yizi felt that something was wrong. If it goes on like this, the dark one will die, the shadow will be empty, and Mu Shaoyun can't control it.


   Then it is equivalent to the rest of the people, they are all going to shoot him, even if he is strong, so many people fighting against one person, it is a bit impossible.


   For his own sake, or for this whole battle, the most powerful strength must be erupted.


   Opposite is Wan Tianyu and Chu Weiyang. Chu Weiyang also holds a Chaos Treasure in his hands. This is when the battle is about to start.


   Chu Yu gave Chu Weiyang, which also gave Chu Weiyang a stronger attack power. Wan Tianyu's Jiutian Town Pagoda has been used.


  The two of them dealt with Xuan Yizi and slowly became weak, but they were able to persist for a while.


   Xuan Yizi wanted to rescue the dark one, but the dark one was already surrounded by him. Chu Weiyang and Wan Tianyu didn't give him this opportunity.


   So Xuan Yizi was finally angry, and an angry flame erupted in his eyes, staring at Wan Tianyu and Chu Weiyang closely.


   broke out with a strong killing intent, the sword in his hand was clear, and Xuan Yizi said in a cold voice: "It's time for you to die!"


  Wan Tianyu's voice just fell, the long sword waved instantly, and a horrible light burst out from it.


   appeared on the sword, seven lights, linked together, is the Big Dipper.


  Xuan Yizi's original power instilled into the long sword, his arm moved, the horror light was divided into two, and divided into three, until seven swordsmans appeared.


   The sword's intention was extinguished on the sword's awn, and the light spot on the sword flew out, forming the Big Dipper Seven Star Array in the high altitude.


  The seven swordsmands rose up at the same time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ belonged to the Beidou Seven Star Array. The formation was the same as the swordsmand and the power was stronger.


   Xuan Yizi's body moved, the original power exploded, and all the light shone towards Chu Weiyang and Wan Tianyu.


   Wan Tianyu and Chu Weiyang, with a complexion of faces, could feel the strength of the Beidou Qixing Sword Array, the space was turbulent, and the sword intentions broke through.


   The two of them have self-knowledge, knowing that they are not Xuan Yizi's opponents. In this case, the only way to avoid it is to hit the stone with an egg if they touch hard.


  Wan Tianyu and Chu Weiyang said at the same time: "Scatter!"


  The two men fought together, and some tacit understanding already existed, so they immediately separated into two directions.


   Xuan Yizi's murderous intention broke out, extremely terrifying, sneered: "Do you think that if you spread out, you can escape a death? That is a big mistake, just to make you die faster."


   Xuan Yizi's words are very straightforward, but it does have such terrible strength. (To be continued...)

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