War God Supreme

Chapter 2603: Hole card

   Doesn't break out at this time, when should I wait? Lin Ziwen finally chose desperately, armed with a spear, and broke out in the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Formation.


  The lance was swung, the hurricane appeared, and the world changed.


   The hurricane flashed, and the spear followed the wind. The power of the original erupted into a terrifying power, and the spear shook.


   A wave burst out of it, and drove towards the seven-nine destruction sky sword array.


  The Seven and Nine Destroying Sword Array was in operation, and sixty-three stunned sword swordsmen bombarded Lin Ziwen together.


  Lin Ziwen broke out, caused by the spear, the power of Tao Dao's original source was swept away and fought against the sixty-three extinct **** swords in a crazy confrontation.


  The real explosion of Lin Ziwen finally brought some sense of crisis to Li Lingtian, which is inevitable.


   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"


   The two collided with each other, and the seven-nine-annihilated sword array shook, showing some weakness.


   took advantage, and Lin Ziwen was even more arrogant, shouting: "The guy who has nothing to do with it, this will let you see my strength!"


   seems to be inexhaustible, and the power of the source is continuously output.


   The arm moved, the spear flew into the air, the spear spun rapidly in the air, a whirlwind appeared, as the seven-nine extinct sword array rotated, this whirlwind was more powerful.


   gradually in the sword domain, actually formed a trend, the whirlwind was violent, in the seven-nine extinction sword array, turbulence everywhere.


  Lin Ziwen controlled the whirlwind, and in the Seven and Nine Destroyer Sword Formation, he kept hitting.


   has a strong source of power to support it, and it is indeed extremely powerful. Soon under the continuous bombardment of Lin Ziwen, the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array was somewhat shaky.



   Li Lingtian looked at him, and now that he was seriously injured, his original strength was insufficient, and he was really not Lin Ziwen's opponent at the peak.


   Lin Ziwen was more and more courageous in the Vietnam War. He felt that Li Lingtian was far from the strength he had shown before. Even the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array could not explode the most terrifying strength.


   So giving Lin Ziwen this opportunity, Lin Ziwen is constantly erupting, the current situation can be said to be very delicate.


   As long as he defeats Li Lingtian, it can be said to be a victory. If there is no way to defeat Li Lingtian, then it will be troublesome.


  Lin Ziwen launched a final attack on Li Lingtian in order for the Lin family to reduce some losses.


   jumped into the air, he immediately jumped into the whirlwind, caught the spear, and immediately began to swing wildly, the power of the whirlwind suddenly increased.


   The whirlwind swept through, powerful and terrifying, and the whirlwind's power was able to confront the seven-nine annihilation sword array.


  Li Lingtian finally felt a huge crisis, Lin Ziwen was more anxious and excited, the whirlwind remained, and swept the world.


   Eventually shattered Li Lingtian's Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array. At the moment when the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array was broken, Li Lingtian spit out blood and flew out.


  Lin Ziwen laughed wildly: "Is Li Lingtian just not imposing? Isn't he imposing just now? Tell me what is happening now?"


  Li Lingtian was in the midair, forcibly stabilizing his body, touching his chest, and suddenly another spit of blood spurted out.


   Li Lingtian's mouth twitched, and Lin Ziwen started to go crazy, even though it had some unstoppable meaning, if he continued, he would lose if he wasn't sure.


  Do you really want to use Brahma Palace? This is Li Lingtian's biggest hole card. Normally, he doesn't want to use it at will.



  At this time, Lin Ziwen controlled the whirlwind and bombarded Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian waved the flame of extinction in his hand, and the Halloween Saint Profound Fire appeared.


   A blaze of flames burst out, very strong, but when the blaze of flames hit the whirlwind, it was swept away by the whirlwind immediately.


  Formed the nutrients of the whirlwind, Lin Ziwen shouted loudly: "You don't want to do useless work, now you are definitely not my opponent."


  Li Lingtian gritted his teeth and said coldly: "It's hard to divide the victory and defeat. Now make such an arbitrary decision. I will let you know what the consequences of arrogance!"


   Lin Ziwen is not afraid. Now that he knows Li Lingtian's strength, he has less than 20% of his original power. How can he fight him?


   Hearing Li Lingtian's words, he immediately smiled disdainfully. Lin Ziwen controlled the whirlwind more crazily and swept away to Li Lingtian.


   The huge hurricane is so high, so terrifying, and the place where the hurricane is in shattered.


  Li Lingtian can also feel the powerful force in the hurricane. The flaming sword has no function at all, and ordinary attacks can't be hard.


  Tongtian large array, can only continue to consume the power of the source to defend, but defense is not the way after all.


  It takes too long to defend, and he will really suffer. If Lin Ziwen persists, until his original power is exhausted, then he will be like a fish on the exhibition board.


  Tongtian Killing Array can directly strangle Lin Ziwen, but less than 20% of the original power on his body can't work at all.


  If you want to run the celestial killing array, the most basic thing is the power of more than 50% of the origin.



   Therefore, Li Lingtian had no choice but to give up.


  Ling Ziwen's whirlwind was already in front of him, and the wind was blowing, and Li Lingtian retreated quickly.


   Li Lingtian's mouth sneered, since he was forced to him, then there was only one death!


   The consciousness moved, the Brahma Palace came down from the sky, and the terrifying power suddenly shocked all the people around.


   The immense momentum carried in the Brahma Palace is terrifying, and it is so terrifying.


   The Brahma Palace became so huge that it squeezed away directly against Lin Ziwen. At the moment when Brahma Palace appeared, Lin Ziwen had a bad hunch.


   Chu Yu Liu Banxian~www.wuxiaspot.com~Wan Tianyu, the moment when Chu Weiyang appeared in Brahma Palace, because they could feel it.


   The power that erupted in the Brahma Palace is definitely not something Chaos Treasure can possess, then naturally there is an answer in my heart, that is the World Treasure.


   They all know that Li Lingtian's chaotic treasures can be said to be endless, but did not expect that there will be such treasures as Brahma Palace, which really shocked them.


   But Chu Yu was still a little worried about Li Lingtian, but at this point of view, all the worries are not necessary.


   Li Ling, who has the world's greatest treasure, is already in an undefeated position, so there is nothing to worry about.


   "The treasure of the world!" Lin Ziwen shouted in shock.


  Li Lingtian nodded and said: "Your vision is right, this is the world treasure, today you can die in the hands of the world treasure, do you feel very honored?"


   Lin Ziwen said stunned: "How can you have the world treasure, how can you have the world treasure!"

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