War God Supreme

Chapter 2604: Kill

   Li Lingtian's murderous intention broke out and sneered: "Why can't I have the world's treasures? You can die under the world's treasures, I believe it's also a place to die."


   Brahma Palace exploded with terrifying coercion and supreme momentum.


  After Li Lingtian absorbed the flower of the law and became a fifth-order star of the star, the Brahma Palace will erupt even more terrifying power.


  The Brahma Palace is only a few steps away from Lin Ziwen. Li Lingtian is still in a state of syncope.


   A world treasure is a relatively legendary existence for them. It is important to know that they entered the Tianlong Temple this time, this is for the treasure of the world treasure.


   And the most sought-after is the world treasure of the Lord of the World. I didn’t expect Li Lingtian to have it, which is simply incredible.


   And the most terrible thing is that this is his opponent. When the Brahma Palace appeared, he was a bit desperate.


   But there is no way. At this time, it is too late to kneel and beg for mercy.


  Since this is the case, only the final resistance can be carried out. The power of terror's origin erupts from it, and the whirlwind is more powerful, sweeping between the whole world.


   The Brahma Palace appeared, and Lin Ziwen, who was terrified, rolled away.


  Lin Ziwen waved a spear in his hand, and erupted a force of terror, and a series of terror attacks bombarded the Brahma Palace.






   A huge burst of sound erupted from it, and its power was extremely powerful, but it had no effect on the Brahma Palace.


  The Brahma Palace is immobile, facing such a tyrannical attack, it can be said that there is no response, and it continues to crush Lin Ziwen.


   The closer the distance, Lin Ziwen can feel the immense power carried in the Brahma Palace.


   was very anxious in his heart, Brahma Palace finally arrived, and huge pressure erupted above Lin Ziwen's head.


  Li Lingtian's murderous intention broke out, volleying, struck Lin Ziwen, took control of Brahma Palace, shouted: "Suppress!"


   Brahma Palace was suppressed by Lin Ziwen, and the terrifying power was unobstructed.


  Lin Ziwen is struggling for the last time, but it is of no use. His strength is not as good as the shadow, without the strength of the top strong.


   was able to jump around Li Lingtian because Li Lingtian was seriously injured and lacked the power of the original source, otherwise the casual Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array was not something he could bear.


   In the face of Mu Shaoyun and Xuan Yizi, Li Lingtian did not explode the Brahma Palace, but in the face of such a relatively weak person, he revealed his hand.


   But Lin Ziwen was able to die under the Brahma Palace and was not wronged.


   Brahma Palace, landed strongly, attacked Lin Ziwen, and the huge Brahma Palace suddenly slammed into Lin Ziwen.


   Lin Ziwen's lance must be, the force of the hurricane bombarded the Brahma Palace, the body retreated quickly, the speed was very fast.


   But there is no effect, Li Lingtian is already very strong, Brahma Palace is unstoppable, directly turning the hurricane into powder.


   is extremely fast. Lin Ziwen's backward speed is too slow compared to it.


   The Brahma Palace was hit **** Lin Ziwen's body. Lin Ziwen flew out immediately. His intact body immediately became **** and bloody.


   was briefly hit by Brahma Palace, and was immediately seriously injured. Li Lingtian's mouth sneered, controlling Brahma Palace, and bombarded it again.


   Lin Zi's face was bloodless. He looked at the arrival of Brahma Palace, as if he saw his destiny.


   was badly wounded and wanted to retreat backwards, but this was obviously no longer possible. The Brahma Palace fell like a king, directly pressing on Lin Ziwen.


  Lin Ziwen looked towards the sky, dimly, a huge sense of oppression came, and then a scream came from it.


   Lin Ziwen instantly a cloud of blood mist floated in the air and spread outward.


  As soon as Lin Ziwen died, it meant that the battle was over. Li Lingtian took back the Brahma Palace, and the Brahma Palace consumed too much.


   The battle has reached such a point that more than one third of the Lin family's deaths and injuries, after Li Lingtian took back the Brahma Palace.


   did not recover anymore and immediately joined the battle group. As soon as Lin Ziwen died, the Lin family was depressed and the Chu family's fighting will was high. There was a sharp contrast between the two.


  Even the Lin family planned to escape, but the Chu family would not give them this opportunity.


   Especially Li Lingtian, the world treasure has been exposed, and no one can leave or leave, otherwise his troubles will be endless.


   Li Lingtian's explosive power is even more terrifying. Soon, all the Lin family members perished, and there was no one to live.


   This is war. Only one side wins, while the other side is completely destroyed. The Chu family lost few people, and the other two forces lost a lot.


   The characters were halved again. After this battle, they were even more alarmed.


  The previous two forces may be superimposed together with Li Lingtian and others.


   But it is different now. The number of the two forces together does not exceed 100. The gap during this period is indeed too large.


  After the battle is over, first clean up the battlefield~www.wuxiaspot.com~ All the seized resources are piled together, Chu Yu allocates it, and distributes it according to the merits of the individual battle.


   The overall loot is divided into three parts, Li Lingtian owns one third, the Chu family is one third, and the rest are the remaining one third.


The distribution of    is also quite reasonable. Li Lingtian is the most powerful and has the most credit. Without Li Lingtian, the outcome is unknown.


  The Chu family is relatively large, and it is also the main role, so it is divided into one-third.


  The remaining Liu Banxian and Wan Tianyu did not care too much about this, nor did they have too precious things. After all, Chaos Zhibao could not get them from Lin Ziwen.


   Even Li Lingtian didn't ask for it, so even if they gave it to them, they wouldn't ask for it. They clearly knew that they meant something under the fence.


   is no longer the time for the first five people. After the allocation, Li Lingtian and Chu Yu gave the other two forces peace of mind.


  Li Lingtian said directly: "You can rest assured that since we are fighting with us to help us defend against foreign enemies, although we are not friends, we are also partners. We can't do anything about killing donkeys."


  Li Lingtian's words are still a bit weighty, and Li Lingtian's strength is too horrible. Although he has never said what his identity is, but people with the world's greatest treasures, this identity is really confusing.


  Li Lingtian continued: "But in this dragon temple, although there are treasure maps, it does not mean there is no danger inside!"

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