War God Supreme

Chapter 2635: Bloody Soul

Only the black robe was left. The wind blade struck and shot at the black robe. The black robe was injured.


   There is no way to escape, the wind blade cuts the black robe of the black robe.


   The black robe fell off, immediately revealing the appearance of a corpse, the body was already rotten.


  No wonder Li Lingtian feels that he smelled a rotten taste at the beginning.


   The face is binocular, like a dead person, very scary.


   Is this the master of the world? Li Lingtian was a little unbelievable, this is simply a skeleton man, not like a master of the world.


   What is it like to be alive if you are not human or ghost?


  Li Lingtian looked at the black robe and asked in a conditioned reflex: "You might as well die directly."


   The black robe looked at Li Lingtian's teeth and said, "You forced me!"


Li Ling was naively convinced by this guy and said helplessly: "When do I force you? Isn't you plotting against me? Is it that I forced you? Do I have to give up my life to give up? Isn't it forcing you?"


  The man in black robe looked at Li Lingtian and said, "I am Huang Ritian, Venerable Sun, in order to wait for this era from ancient times today, just for this day, you don't want me to be good, you don't want to live, the big difference is to die!"


   "Together?" You will die today, or you will die or I will live!"


  Li Lingtian's voice is not falling, the means of attack is more violent, more crazy.


   has the law of origin, and the power of big puppets has been fully exerted.


   The Heavenly Sovereign was constantly bombarded by Li Lingtian, and without the God of War phantom, the Heavenly Sovereign held a giant axe as if there was no use.


  Li Lingtian looked really good in his condition. It didn't take long, and Venerable Sun was definitely mortal.


   Sun Tianzun's already broken and unsightly body is even more unsightly.


   The original body was left by the ancients. When he died, his body was broken, but only the soul was left.


   So I just found a corpse, and lived on the soul of the gas pipe temporarily.


   And his purpose is to seize Li Lingtian's body, so that he can really be resurrected, because he has prepared the blood of 100,000 people.


  Turn on the blood to return to the soul formation, this is a large evil formation that requires the blood of 100,000 people, and some souls.


   was able to start, and the blood returned to the soul formation, so that he could truly become a living person.


   For this day, he prepared very well, but did not expect to encounter such an accident as Li Lingtian.


   This is what he did not expect. It can be said that he was surprised and excited when he met Li Lingtian.


   is excited that he can become more tyrannical only if he has a good body, but Li Lingtian has been so strong that surprised him.


   Stellar fifth order breakthrough to stellar sixth order is an accident, and the power of the source is also an accident.


   All of these accidents combined, and finally put the Venerable Sun in a weak position.


   Venerable Sun, anger from the heart, watching Li Lingtian was crazy, a jade-colored bottle appeared in the hands of Venerable Sun.


   With a big wave of His Holiness, the Jade Bottle appeared above, and countless blood flowed out of the Jade Bottle.


   Hovering over the sky, Venerable Sun took out a charm and shouted, "The blood returns to the soul formation!"


   The Heavenly Sovereign has broken the cauldron, there is no way, only to break the cauldron, summon the blood to return to the soul formation, and directly capture Li Lingtian.


  The blood of 100,000 people appeared together in the sky, what a spectacular scene.


   Strong **** smell, rippling in the whole space, the spirit symbol lifts into the sky, all the blood begins to form a violent vortex with the rotation of the spirit symbol.


   Eventually slowly formed a human figure, the skull of Venerable Venerable Skeleton, looked at Li Lingtian and said, "You only have this last chance. If you lose, you will not be there!"


   The body moved, ignoring the celestial killing formation, and directly hit the past, the body shattered immediately, and the soul even entered into the blood.


   The Heavenly Venerable entered the pool of blood, and controlled the body formed by the blood, that is, the sky above was the body of the Heavenly Venerable. This is a bit scary.


  Like Heavenly Venerable, the palms bombarded the celestial killing array, the huge arms stirred in the air, and the airflow was chaotic.


  The celestial killing array is running wildly, but the giant hands of Venerable Sun are easy to enter.


   The power of terror immediately began to turn wildly, grasping a sky pillar in one hand, and the palm of his hand moved and immediately broke.


   was followed by another hand, and it turned directly, and the big face of Tiantianzhu was damaged.


   Li Lingtian did not have any accidents, because it could feel the power of the blood return soul array.


   wasn't condensing Tongtianzhu, and immediately collected the Tongtian killing array, because he knew that this was definitely not an opponent, so there was no need to do useless work.


  Xuanjin Tiankai recovered, Li Lingtian jumped to the body of this puppet, and flew to the sky, and the thundering sky and the thunder all took the blood to return to the soul array.


   The celestial lord gave a crazy laugh: "Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"


  The huge palm of blood transfiguration hit Li Lingtian, and the sharp pungent smell of blood made Li Lingtian feel very uncomfortable.


  Huge hands, Li Lingtian immediately controlled the Brahma Palace and bombarded.




   blasted the Brahma Palace with a loud noise.


   Powerful horror, full of power, Li Lingtian's complexion trembles, the blood return to the soul array is indeed terrifying, which contains the blood of 100,000 people.


   which carries the power of the soul, has condensed a terrifying soul, and is in the blood return to the soul formation.


   The Brahma Palace was slapped with a slap and immediately bombarded Li Lingtian.


   His Holiness has a horrible smile~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Eerie horror, the blood-bathing soul formation is an ancient formation, and the power is naturally clear.


  Ownership rules that domain masters can have have no effect and are not opponents at all.


  Li Lingtian looked at Sun Tianzun, and the puppet was invincible. He rushed towards Li Lingtian.


  In front of Li Lingtian, he helped him block the blow, and the big puppet was also fanned out.


   This is the strength that the Lord of the World should have. A terrorist attack is one ring after another, and the big puppet is flying.


   immediately attacked Li Lingtian, and Heavenly Venerable controlled the phantom body, and rushed to Li Lingtian.


   The whole sky turned into a blood-red color. Li Lingtian felt that the situation was not good, and immediately retreated, but his speed was much worse than that of Venerable Sun. He wrapped Li Lingtian overwhelmingly.


  Li Lingtian was pale and sweaty, and he wanted to break free. At that time, he could not do it at all.

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