War God Supreme

Chapter 2636: Puppet evolution

Li Lingtian felt his blood was assimilated, and his soul seemed to be torn apart.


   As if Heavenly Venerable was by his side, he was always ready to give him a fatal blow.


  The Heavenly Sovereign was in the blood return to the soul formation, and said coldly: "You escape, you escape."


  Li Lingtian runs the law of origin, but any effect, the power of the whole body, is like being sealed.


   Seeing that the time is ripe, Heavenly Venerable is finally ready to take the rebirth.


  The blood rejuvenation formation has begun to transform. All blood undergoes differentiation and there are nine hundred ninety-one **** waterfalls, which surround Li Lingtian.


   and the soul of Venerable Sun was above, immediately bombarded Li Lingtian with supernatural power, which was extremely powerful.


  Li Lingtian's body and the law of origin have no effect at all, but the consciousness can still be used.


   Faced with the Divine Consciousness attack of the Sun Heaven Sovereign, the Divine Consciousness moved, and the Yellow Pole Tower descended from the sky.


   "Control the world!"


   Li Lingtian’s consciousness opened an absolute attack, and the Supreme Master of Heaven did not expect Li Lingtian’s consciousness, but it could be so powerful, unexpectedly.


  Li Lingtian knows his chance, it is really good, continue to use his consciousness, began to attack.


  Controlling the world is a technique used by those who control it. With the yellow pole tower, the power is doubled.


   In the face of the power of Divine Consciousness of Sun Tianzun, it should not fall.


   But the good times don't last long. Venerable Sun Wei encircles Wei to save Zhao and draws the power of the soul to attack Li Lingtian.


   The power of the soul of the Heavenly Venerable is itself a very strong existence, otherwise it cannot rely on the power of the soul alone, and it has gone from the ancient to the present, waiting for the opportunity to rebirth.


   Finally under the double attack, Li Lingtian was finally unable to support it, and the consciousness retreated.


   The Heavenly Sovereign was hotly chased, and was immediately ready to take the rebirth. The soul and the consciousness entered the body of Li Lingtian together.


   Li Lingtian’s death is not terrible. The most feared thing is that he will be taken away and reborn by Venerable Sun. Once he succeeds, his secret will be known by Venerable Sun.


   If Heavenly Venerable knew the existence of the Three Realms, he would definitely not let go.


   So he would rather die than let the Heavenly Venerable win the rebirth.


  Li Lingtian was ready to explode, but was discovered by the Heavenly Sovereign, and the blood returned to the soul formation, a wave of shaking, a force of soul, anesthetized Li Lingtian's nerves.


   Want to explode, is already overwhelmed and lack of strength.


  The sneer of the Heavenly Sovereign disdain: "In this blood-bathing soul formation, you still want to explode, are you too naive?"


  The consciousness of the Heavenly Sovereign, against Li Lingtian's last attack, he is very excited now.


  As long as he can take the rebirth, then he has the experience of the former master of the world, and Li Lingtian's horror talent.


  He believes that in this era, he can become the pinnacle of a generation, and his wishes in the ancient times can be realized.


   Invading the soul of Heavenly Sovereign and wanted to destroy Li Lingtian's soul.


  Li Lingtian insists, he has his own perseverance, he would rather die than let the Heavenly Venerable take the rebirth.


   "Control the world!"


   Li Lingtian fought his life again, and launched the consciousness attack again. His Holiness Lord did not expect Li Lingtian at this time to be able to counterattack.


   The Divine Consciousness of the Heavenly Sovereign suddenly attacked Li Lingtian and the soul took the next step of encroachment.


  Li Lingtian's soul immediately began to gather together, Li Lingtian's body has been encroached, but Li Lingtian is in the body.


   is now competing for control of this body. As long as Venerable Sun can control Li Lingtian's body first, then Li Lingtian will be defeated.


   But Li Lingtian insisted on his family, so he would not give up easily. Li Lingtian's soul, in the blood-spirit return to the soul formation, behaved a bit weak, but Li Lingtian was still insisting.


  Heavenly Venerable has already thought of the moment when he can reach the peak of his life, so he also has what he insists on.


   This time he prepared too long, he has forgotten the time for a long time, in the heavenly world, are ordinary star powerhouses.


   But how can an ordinary star powerhouse withstand his power? This is impossible.


   So he had to wait. It was really not easy to wait until Li Lingtian appeared. Once he gave up, he did not know how many years to wait.




  Heavenly Sovereign made a roaring sound, and the consciousness rolled towards Li Lingtian.


   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"


  The constant consciousness attacks have caused Li Lingtian's consciousness to be hit hard, and his soul has also been greatly harmed.


   is the master of the world. The so-called thin dead camel is bigger than the horse. Even the master of the falling world is much stronger than him.


   In fact, Li Lingtian is not wrong, because Venerable Sun is the lord of the ninth-order world, but not the ordinary lord of the first-order world, so it is natural to be powerful.


   The endless attack of Heavenly Venerable Sun has already made Li Lingtian desperate.


   But when he was desperate, he saw hope again, because part of his consciousness was on the big puppet.


   So he can feel that the big puppet is evolving.


   is still the talented skill of the colorful sky python is evolving. The talent level of the colorful sky python is the wheel of illusion and belongs to the attack of consciousness.


   So once the evolution is successful, with the help of the environment wheel of the colorful sky python, he can’t be sure that he can really beat the Venerable Sun.


   Seeing hope, you must persevere, and you can never watch the opportunity pass by.


  Li Lingtian went all out to deal with Sun Tianzun, and spared no effort to give Sun Tianzun any chance to break through.


   The Heavenly Sovereign didn’t expect that Li Lingtian was able to persist for such a long time in the blood mortal formation, which is indeed incredible.


   After all, his strength gap with Li Lingtian is there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It can be said to be a world apart.


   Even if Li Lingtian is a little stronger, it is impossible to deal with the blood rejuvenation array. It has reached such a terrible level that he believes that even ordinary domain masters cannot fight him.


   This is his confidence in himself, but this confidence really broke Li Lingtian.


  Li Lingtian is nothing more than a last resort, otherwise he may not be able to persevere while he is in the evil spirits formation.


   has a heart, he can not be reborn, Li Lingtian finally insisted.


   I feel that the big puppet is evolving. I believe that the time will not be too long, so Li Lingtian has to insist.


  Li Lingtian looked at the puppet puppet, his consciousness turned, and continued to fight hard with the consciousness of Venerable Sun, as well as his soul.


  Heavenly Sovereign controlled the blood return to the soul formation, and finally began a more violent attack.

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