War God Supreme

Chapter 2657: Exposed

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  In an instant, between heaven and earth, there was a thunder sky rolling, and in cooperation with the celestial killing array, the weaker people were directly bombarded to death.


  Li Lingtian is already angry, completely angry, people don’t bully me, I don’t bully, hundreds of partners want to shoot him, which makes him tolerable.


   After a wave of attacks, the rest of them finally worked together to fight Li Lingtian.


   All the original powers were bombarded towards Tongtianzhu. The common bombardment by nearly a hundred people was naturally not trivial, and Tongtianzhu shattered.


   But today's celestial killing array is also very trivial, with the increase of the law of origin, it is terrifying.


   The broken Tongtianzhu was immediately condensed by Li Lingtian and continued to attack everyone.


   Chu Yu suddenly appeared beside Li Lingtian, holding the Xuan Bing holy fan, Bingfeng shadow appeared, Chu Yu frantically fanned Xuan Bing holy fan, the power of Xuan Bing entered Bingfeng shadow.


  Li Lingtian looked at Chu Yu and said, "I don't need you here, go and pick the flower of flames!"


  Chu Yu let Bingfeng rush to the past, he continued to pick the flower of flame, because he knew that Li Lingtian had not used the big puppet, it means there is no problem.


  Chu Yu immediately continued to pick up the flower of flame, Li Lingtian suddenly felt a familiar breath in the process of suppressing everyone.


   turned out to be a familiar long sword among the hundred people.


  Li Lingtian never forgets, and at a glance he sees the origin of this long sword, which is Leng Shaofeng's weapon.


  Li Lingtian thought that this was not what he expected. Leng Shaofeng and others, in order to leave here quickly, would definitely do the task.


   Coming to the Sea of ​​Flames Hell, sure enough.


  Since Leng Shaofeng and others have appeared, there is nothing to say, and it is bound to choose the attack without spare.


   immediately summoned the big puppet, and rushed into the near-ten killing formation. The ancient puppet was controlled by the ancients, and the invincible golden body immediately broke out and rushed over.


   wings flapped, and thunder bursts, bombarding it.


   Leng Shaofeng was shocked, and he could not recognize Li Lingtian and Chu Yu who had made a facelift, but he still remembered the big puppet, who really impressed him so much.


  Chu Yu felt that the situation was wrong, turned around, and saw Leng Shaofeng's weapon.


   Chu Yu's anger immediately erupted. This was his enemy. The people of his Chu family damaged countless enemies and nearly killed Chu Weiyang.


  Li Lingtian said to Chu Yu: "Take care of the flower of flames first, this guy I will keep it for you, let you handle it!"


  Chu Yu knew that the priority of the matter had reached such a degree that there were many people rushing to the front.


   So now the most important thing is the flower of flame, Chu Yu wholeheartedly extracts the flower of flame, and the speed is fast, which may be the reason for the sense of urgency.


  Because Li Lingtian fought a few people, there were not many people around here, and no one was interfering. Chu Yu quickly picked up enough.


   Of course, this is also counted as the flower of flame in the Li Ling Heavenly Dragon Ring.


   There are enough flowers in flames, and Chu Yu immediately summons the Ruyi black rod,


   Leng Shaofeng, this is sure that this person is really Chu Yu, Chu Yu's strength is not weak, he immediately prepared to run away.


   However, the existence of Li Lingtian's universal killing array does not mean that he can escape if he wants to escape.


  Li Lingtian controlled Leng Shaofeng, the speed of the big puppet broke out with the strength, the power was huge, and the screaming practice became a piece.


   The people around were shocked, Li Lingtian was already very powerful, but he was not so terrified.


At the moment when the big puppet broke out, there were more than a dozen people screaming again and again. Finally, they were bombarded by sky thunder and died.


  Leng Shaofeng had seen the power of big puppet before. The speed and strength coexist, which is really scary.


  Take out the chaotic treasures left by Chu Weiyang and start attacking the Tongtian kill formation.


  Chu Yu rushed towards Leng Shaofeng directly, and the Ruyi Xuanjin rod in his hand exploded with terrifying power.


   "Dragon fights in the wild!"


   Chu Yu shouted, the Ruyi Xuanjin rod turned into a terrifying light, and the dragon soul appeared.


  Li Lingtian cooperated with Chu Yu with Tongtian killing array.


   Leng Shaofeng is also superior in the water among this crowd. Leng Shaofeng feels the power of Chuyu Ruyi's golden rod.


   Around a relatively weak Ruyi black gold rod, Leng Shaofeng grabbed it with one hand and sent it under Chu Yu's rod, immediately preparing to escape.


  Chu Yu looked ugly, this guy was really cruel, and even abandoned his partner's life.


   Chu Yu continued to want Leng Shaofeng to chase the past, Li Lingtian also broke out completely, the big puppet and the Tongtian killing array broke out completely.


  The puppet's lethality is even stronger than that of the Celestial Array. Especially in the Celestial Array, the power is even more terrifying.


   continually shuttled through the sky, and a scream broke out, which was terrifying.


   Qianyan Shengyi appeared, and the wind blade appeared around Li Lingtian. When Li Lingtian made a conscious move, the wind blade immediately struck past.


   is screaming again and again, all of them are strong stars of the ninth order, but at this time, it seems that they are all weak and can't help the wind, and they can't bear Li Lingtian's strength at all.


   "Who is this, how can it be so powerful?"


   "What kind of beast, I don't even know, I can't inquire about intelligence!"


   "This stellar sixth order is really against the sky, and it can even directly hang the stellar ninth order strong ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or hundreds of people."


   "The strong seventh-order star is also very powerful. There is no pressure on the ninth-order star."


   around people, some are still fighting for the flower of flames, some have not grabbed the flower of flames, there is a lot of discussion, analyzing where is the sacred.


  Li Lingtian's mouth showed a sneer, a violent attack, this was just the beginning.


  The overwhelming attack, and the perfect match with the sky-killing array, hundreds of stars of the ninth-rank strong.


   Gradually only 50 people left...40 people...30 people...


  On this continuous reduction, Li Lingtian saw that the people who had been eliminated were almost the same. Let’s take it back, even though there is a law of origin, it is relatively less expensive than the power of the origin.


   But in general, there is still a very large consumption, so the celestial killing array was recovered.


   The remaining thirty stars of the ninth-rank powerhouse, Li Lingtian has no care at all, the big puppet is definitely a terrible killer.


   It is an absolutely devastating blow to the stellar ninth-rank strong. Li Lingtian rushed past with the flame of extinction, and the mysterious fire exploded.


   The horrible firelight shone on Li Lingtian's body, and Li Lingtian looked at only a few stellar ninth-level strongmen left.


   said disdainfully: "The next time is for you to pay for your stupidity!"


   The voice just fell, and the horror killing intention broke out!

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