War God Supreme

Chapter 2658: Horror Thunder Pool

All the horrific attacks, targeting at the remaining thirty people, carried out crazy attacks, very horrible. r?a??nw?en?w?w?w?. ?r?a?n?w?e?n`n?e?t?


   Chu Yu rushed towards Leng Shaofeng, and finally the crowd of Leng's family appeared. Hundreds of people immediately helped Leng Shaofeng against Chu Yu.


  Li Lingtian saw this scene and immediately rushed over. The puppet was still the leader, and the killing methods were very violent.


  The attack of the stellar ninth-order strongmen has no effect on the big puppet. This is where the big puppet lies. Li Lingtian's mouth sneered.


  Although I didn’t see the Ye family, the Leng family seemed to be really there. In this case, it would be suitable for the entire network.


  The big puppet rushed away, very fast, and the invincible golden body had exploded.


   The talent of the Cangshui Dragon King has also exploded. The innocent water rushed towards the crowd. The big puppets flapped their wings. The thunder and lightning gathered, and the thunder rolled down from the sky.


  Water conductivity is an eternal principle since ancient times, even the traceless water cannot be avoided.


  Fusionless water merges with Tianlei, and the whole world is instantly transformed into a field of thunder.


   The fusion of the seamless water and Tianlei makes Tianlei everywhere. In this area, everyone can feel the powerful power of Li Lingtian.


   Thunderbolt's bombing power is not trivial, which has its terrible destructive power.


   The original thirty people, plus hundreds of recognitions from the cold home, all the tricks, the terrifying sky thunder attack, and the combination of innocent water.


   Who can resist this terrifying power?


  Li Lingtian's mouth showed a sneer, now is the time for real murder.


   Leng Shaofeng looked shocked, but he did not expect that the big puppet was able to erupt such a mighty power, which was shocking.


   Li Lingtian has a new flame of extinction, which is already very powerful and terrifying.


   A blaze of flames exploded and bombarded the crowd. The power of the sky thunder could directly injure the weak.


   is also paralyzing enough for the strong, that is, no one can escape wherever the flaming sword is.


   Leng Shaofeng felt that the situation was not good and wanted to avoid it, but he was in the thunder pool and it was as simple as imagined.


   Was rushing past Ruyi Xuanjin rod, Chu Yu Lingkong stood on the back of the big puppet with a leap.


   Otherwise in this Lei Chi, even he would be difficult to act.


  Li Lingtian used Qianyan Holy Wing to fly in the Lei Chi, waving the flames of extermination in his hand, and a blaze of flames burst out from it.


   The people trapped in Lei Chi screamed again and again, and the death toll has become a whole.


  Li Lingtian's strength has frightened everyone. Under Li Lingtian's order, the ancients have obeyed Chu Yu's order.


   The two rushed over together, and Leng Shaofeng revealed panic, and there were people from Leng's family protecting him.


   There are countless casualties among Leng's family, and there are not many people anymore.


  Chu Yu looked at Leng Shaofeng and said: "The hatred of the Chu family and the Leng family, but just at the beginning, today you are regarded as interest!"


   Chu Yu's eyes burst into anger, and he clearly remembered how Chu Weiyang was seriously injured.


   and his Chu family died, every body appeared in front of him.


   Leng Shaofeng shivered. He regretted it now. He should not directly wipe out the Ye family, otherwise it would definitely be a real cannon fodder.


  Chu Yu rushed over and shouted on the back of the big puppet: "Big! Big! Big!"


   The Ruyi Xuanjin rod immediately became larger and rushed towards Leng Shaofeng


   Leng Shaofeng immediately felt his life seemed to be under great threat.


   This was a threat to his life, and finally came down hard. There was no other way. When his mind moved, he went the opposite way and rushed towards Chu Yu.


  Li Lingtian felt something was wrong, what is the situation, Leng Shaofeng is definitely not Chu Yu's opponent, not to mention the existence of big puppets.


  Chu Yu dared to rush past in such a blatant way, which is almost incredible.


  Chu Yu was also a little shocked, but a wishful black rod in his hand was still waved out without hesitation, the speed was very fast.


   The huge wishful black rod made the whole void turbulent, and suddenly Leng Shaofeng's face suddenly showed a hint of bad intentions.


  When Chu Yu's Ruyi Xuanjin rod bombarded Leng Shaofeng, Leng Shaofeng's body suddenly appeared strange.


   Suddenly erupted in his body and its terrifying explosive power, the whole body immediately began to swell.




   A huge burst of sound exploded from Leng Shaofeng's body, and the space was broken.


   even flew the huge Ruyi mysterious gold rod, and the huge breath immediately hit the direction of Chu Yu.


   The person closest to Leng Shaofeng has been blown into powder.


  Li Lingtian felt the power of terror, knowing that the situation was wrong, and immediately shouted: "Hurry!"


   Chu Yu really didn't expect that Leng Shaofeng would explode, which was unexpected.


   Watching the air waves, it will hit Chu Yu's body, the big puppet finally played a role, and rushed forward.


   The invincible golden body has been opened, and the powerful air wave immediately bombarded the body of the puppet.


  The big puppet backed away. Li Lingtian was a little shocked to see this scene. Even if Leng Shaofeng really exploded, it would not be so powerful.


   But Chu Yu's safety is no longer, the ancients in the big puppet said: "This is a stand-in puppet, a treasure that is far away from you, and it contains explosive devices."


   When Li Lingtian heard the stand-in puppet, he looked around and felt cold and cool.


   can feel that this moving speed is very fast, and left Li Lingtian's perception range within a short while.


The ancients can only monitor ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and finally said: "He used stand-in puppets and escaped with blood escapes. Although stand-in puppets have no substantial harm to big puppets, but they are also puppets. It is impossible to catch up with this."


  Li Lingtian also felt that, during the bombardment of the puppet, the surface was not harmful, but more or less, it also required some trauma.


  Chu Yu can also be regarded as an escape. If there is no invincible golden body with a puppet, this time he is really in danger.


   This is also a blessing among misfortune, Chu Yu said with some curiosity: "What is this stand-in puppet?"


The ancients explained: "The stand-in puppet is also an ancient puppet, this is a one-time puppet, so the value is not as high as the value of a puppet, but even so, among many puppets, the second existence can be photographed. ."


  Li Lingtian can understand why this stand-in puppet can be taken second, because the role of the stand-in puppet is to save lives, and the value of a life naturally goes without saying.


   (Unfinished to be continued...)

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