War God Supreme

Chapter 2664: Xiangxiangjiadi

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  Members of Yulong Shengmeng, in the virtual network of Yulong Shengmeng, can make video conversations. Everyone has an identity serial number and can be contacted at any time.


  Ancient said at this time: "You can give me your seed of consciousness, and include your seed of consciousness. I can inquire where you are."


  Li Lingtian said with a look: "The seed of consciousness? Isn't it only useful within a million miles?"


  Ancient explained: "That's just because some of the seeds of my consciousness left by myself, if the parties voluntarily, naturally will not limit the distance of millions of miles.",


  Li Lingtian suddenly realized, Chu Yu asked: "What should I do?"


   "Just stamp your consciousness on me."


  Chu Yu immediately followed suit, shining the consciousness on the ancient crystal screen, and imprinting immediately, recording the seeds of Chu Yu's consciousness.


  After some things were done, the two parted ways, Li Lingtian was in the heavenly city, under the arrangement of the Jade Dragon Holy Alliance, he boarded the spaceship leading to the Yaoshi Holy City.


   Chu Yu and the Chu family were sitting in the same spaceship in the Holy City of Aoba.


   The spaceship is indeed fast, and Li Lingtian soon returned to the Yaoshi Holy City.


  Xiangshanjiadi is already in front of you. In the shining holy city, Xiangshanjiadi is a person with status and ability to live.


   entered Xiangshan Jiadi, still a beautiful fairyland, with magnificent palaces connected together.


   Just after Li Lingtian entered, he saw the patrol personnel, who kept protecting the safety of Xiangdi Jiadi.


   "Why are you here?"


   The icy voice seemed to reject people thousands of miles away.


   "I am the owner of No. 1888."


   "Please show the crystal card!"


   is still as cold as ever, but the tone is not as tough as before.


  Li Lingtian immediately took out the ID card, and the patrol officer scanned the ID card with the scanner in his hand.


A section of the scanner immediately showed: Xiangshanjia No. 1888.


   The identity information is correct, and the patrolman immediately said respectfully: "Sorry, I patrol in Xiangshan Jiadi every day. Your face has never been seen before. For the safety of our residents, we will make this decision."


   Xiangshan Jiadi is really good. This high-quality safety guarantee is very satisfying. Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Gongzhu live here, which is also reassuring.


   "No problem, I am very satisfied with your safety work." Li Lingtian walked in with a smile.


  Xiangshanjia is the place where noble people live. For safety, they must patrol daily.


   So some of the residents in this way have some friends to go to, and when they stop to check their identity, they will hold their noble identity and are very dissatisfied.


   Such a situation is not uncommon, so they are not sarcastic or insulted directly.


  Li Lingtian's polite tenant, but rare, immediately became more respectful.


   "You please!"


  Li Lingtian entered Xiangshanjia No. 1888, swiped with an identity card, and immediately entered it.


   flew at low altitude, and immediately came to the gate of the Taihe Palace. At this time, one person each flew out of the Mingyue Palace and Hanshuang Palace.


   is the owner of Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace. When they practiced in the palace, they felt Li Lingtian's breath, so they flew out immediately.


  Li Lingtian looked at Nangong Mingyue, Han Frost Palace Master, with a smile on his face.


   "Brother, you are back!"


   is still a cold voice, but there is some excitement in the voice.


   "Master, I'm back, you're fine now." Li Lingtian looked at Han Frost Palace Master and was very happy.


   Nangong Mingyue came over and asked, "What is the result of the Holy Alliance assessment?"


   "This is a long story, let's go to the Taihe Palace, let's talk in detail."


  The three of them entered the Taihe Palace together, and Li Lingtian said all the things he encountered in the heavenly world.


   Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace Master listened very fascinated, when they heard Li Lingtian said crisis, their brows would unconsciously wrinkle. The appearance of Hanshuang Palace Lord is very sad.


  Li Lingtian, in this Celestial Star, was able to put out all the secret trays in this way, which was the two people in front of him.


   In front of other people, there will always be a mask on the face, holding cards that no one knows about.


   Including Chu Yu, there is still a trace of alertness in the depths of my heart, but it is relatively rare.


  After all things in the heavenly world were finished, Han Frost Palace Lord looked at Li Lingtian and said, "In the universe, there are too many strong people, and everything must be done carefully."


   "Just follow the teachings of Master Sister." Li Lingtian may be a Supreme Realm in front of others.


  Now, in his eyes, he may be a murderous man with countless murders.


   But in front of the Lord Frost Palace, his mentor, stroking the three thousand cyan colors of Lord Frost Palace, said softly: "Remember."


   During this period, Li Lingtian was absent, and the strength increased not too small, all broke through to the star powerhouse.


   In the Celestial Star Shining Holy City, the star-level strongman is also regarded as a strong party. In the spirit world, he robbed a lot of resources, enough for them to practice together.


  With sufficient resources, it can quickly increase its strength.


  Li Lingtian gave the Nangong Mingyue and Hanshuang Palace masters some pointers about the star rating and how easy it is to break through.


   Li Lingtian and Nangong Mingyue Frost Palace Master ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a month of relaxation, they practiced separately, and Li Lingtian entered the Taihe Palace.


  Using a certain amount of time to thoroughly refine the Heavenly Dragon Temple, and the Halloween Saint Fire is also systematically cultivated.


  Halloween Profound Fire absorbs Hell's Demon Fire, and Sky Burning Flame, two powerful flames, are already very powerful.


   Through ancient times also learned about some puppets, and analyzed all the skills of puppets clearly.


  The big puppet is a growth puppet. If you don't advance, you retreat. You also need to absorb energy to get one step closer. Otherwise, if you take too long, you will lose your original strength.


   learned from the ancient mouth that after a long time of consumption, the great puppet has fallen in strength.


   At the beginning, the wheel of illusion of the puppet puppet was possessed. After the time from ancient times to the present, this is still the used seal of life.


   has dropped a lot, once the big puppet, who can fight the domain master of the fifth-order strong.


   But as far as ancient times said, it is able to contend with the first order of the domain master, and the gap is still not small.


   Domain masters are not constant stars or line stars, and the difference between each order is huge.


   Therefore, the gap between the fifth order of the star and the first order of the star is still very large. It is the energy pool that can breed big puppets. This energy pool requires some special materials.


   The matter of the energy pool can only be said in the future, Li Lingtian stabilized the sixth-order stellar realm.

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