War God Supreme

Chapter 2665: auctions

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  Li Lingluo, inquired about the Qibao auction, and there was an auction in three days.


  The auction is not the end. After all, he has two world treasures and a variety of chaos treasures. In the Qibao auction, it is difficult to have the treasures that make him heart.


   is mainly to deal with the messy treasures obtained in the heavenly world.


   got a bunch of space rings in the heavenly world. In the space rings, there are a lot of useless things, all kinds of original magic soldiers.


   And there are a lot of chaotic treasures on his body, now he needs Xingchenjing.


  Before entering the spirit world, Li Lingtian had already distributed all the stars to the Nangong Mingyue and the Frost Palace Master.


   "Yaoshi Holy City, Qibao Auction."


  Li Lingtian said lightly in the spaceship.


   "Please wait a moment."


  The pilot in the spaceship responded respectfully, then started the spaceship and traversed quickly in the dedicated door of time and space.


   Soon the spacecraft arrived at the special venue of the Qibao auction, and Li Ling took the spacecraft.


   Li Lingtian's seat number is 112340, the Qibao auction is still so grand, compared with the last person, there are more.


   This is the biggest auction in the Holy City of the World. Hundreds of thousands of star strike customers, most of them are star-level strongmen, and there are domain masters.


   stars are few and far between, unless they are some young masters of major forces, they have a certain honorable identity.


  Li Lingtian casually found a team like a long dragon, and once came, I was not surprised,


  Universal Bank is so huge, one after another, that one after another, after two hours, finally entered the special channel of Universe Bank.


   came to the 17th floor of Cosmos Bank, which is the super auction house. It was really a shock.


   is hundreds of miles long and 100 miles wide. The whole space is full of crystals.


   is very luxurious. The central location is a row of comfortable single sofas, which is slightly different from the last time, but it looks more luxurious. ,


  Li Lingtian made his seat, 112340.


   is densely packed with hundreds of thousands of people, and they continue to enter through the passage.


   The difference is that the last time he entered it, he was not even as good as a star, but now he has stood in the ranks of a star, which is the gap between the periods.


  Naturally, his mentality is also a bit different. Now with his strength, he definitely has a place in Yaoshi Holy City.


   Soon after, one hundred and eight channels were closed and all the people were together.


   There are no empty seats in the auction, Li Lingtian swept away with his consciousness, knowing that this auction must be more than one million people.


  The man with the highest red hair appeared, still the flaming domain master, the might of the domain master, which shocked everyone.


   Domain master powerhouses are everywhere in the world.


   A ten-meter tall man with a flaming flame flashing out of his eyebrows, as if really burning, not angry.


   "Flame Master!"


   "Flame Master!"


   "Flame Master!"


   This is the epidemic of inflammation. Many people cried out in horror, as if they saw the Lord of Flames, as if they had encountered their own beliefs.


   Before Li Lingtian, when he saw the Lord of Flames, he felt like a ants-like existence, and a look could make him irreversible.


   And now he is finally able to look directly at the flaming domain master, but can feel that the flaming domain master is not an ordinary flaming class powerhouse.


   feels from the breath, at least it is also the domain master level three domain master level strong, the domain master level first order is very different.


   Therefore, Li Lingtian still has some pressure. It is worthy of being the host of the auction of the Universe Bank, and turned out to be a strong third-level or even stronger domain master.


   This is the horror of the Universe Bank. It is normal to know that in the place of Celestial Star, the master of the domain can become the master of a city.


   "Welcome everyone to participate in the Qibao auction, everyone knows the rules of the venue, so I won't say much."


   "This auction, I hope you can return with full load."


   The flame lord flew into the sky and flew above the crystal platform. His eyes circled the venue for a week, and he felt no abnormality.


   There is the owner of the flame domain, no one rushed to make trouble at the Qibao auction, in that case, I really don’t want to live.


   "The auction officially started and will take place in three days."


   The main voice of the flame field is like a bell, which is spread throughout the auction and can be heard clearly by millions of people.


   "There are special appraisal masters in the auction, if there are insufficient star crystals, you can exchange your treasures for star crystals."


   The auction officially started, and the master of the flame domain moved, and a fifth-order primal soldier appeared in his hand.


  Li Lingtian really doesn't value the fifth-order origin soldier, even seeing too many chaotic treasures in the heavenly world.


   The place in the heavenly world is full of geniuses, and those who possess Chaos Treasure are all in the family. Only those with certain status can own Chaos Treasure.


   Therefore, the stellar fifth-order primal **** soldiers are also rare in these places where most of the stellar stars are strong.


   The first treasure is the fifth-order original soldier, and it still gives some shock.


   "Fifth-order origin soldier, sky umbrella!"


   "Blue sky umbrella, this is an attackable and defensive magical soldier, all made by his Xuantian iron, has a terrifying defense."


   "Auction now, low-cost billions of stars!"


   came up to be the fifth-order original soldier~www.wuxiaspot.com~ really it is a treasure auction.


   "1.5 billion stars crystal!"


   "1.6 billion stars!"


   "1.9 billion stars crystal!"


   "Two billion stars..."


The auction of    competition started at the moment when the main voice of Flame Zone fell.


  Li Lingtian immediately left his seat and walked to the front of the auction house.


  He was in the Celestial World, and he didn’t search many stars, so he went to Jianbao, and a maid appeared immediately. Li Lingtian said to him, "Call your appraiser, I have a treasure in my hand."


   "Adult, please wait a while and come soon."


   The maid served tea, prepared pastries, and prepared everything before leaving. Soon there were footsteps outside the door.


   The door of the room was opened, and an old man came in. His eyes were like electricity, and he looked very sharp.


   The moment I saw Li Lingtian, memory poured out, and I was shocked and said, "It turns out to be you!"


   "I haven't seen you for a long time!" This was the appraiser Li Lingtian met last time.


   And this appraiser has a deeper memory of Li Lingtian. One is not strong, but his shot is extraordinary, and he also presents a chaotic treasure.


   And I can see an increase in Li Lingtian's strength, so this is even more shocking. With his strength, it is natural to see Li Lingtian's strength.

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