War God Supreme

Chapter 2666: Exchange Star Crystal

He remembered Li Lingtian's strength last time, and he is now the sixth order of the star. Although it is far from him, he still feels incredible.


  Li Lingtian looked at the appraiser who kept watching him and said, "Senior, why can't you recognize it?"


  The appraiser looked at Li Lingtian and couldn't help but sigh: "You get a lot stronger, which makes me a little shocked."


  The appraiser said truthfully, looking at Li Lingtian's cultivation speed, he couldn't help but sigh.


   "It is natural to become stronger, and it is surprising to become weaker."


  The appraiser sat on the seat and didn't say much. Although shocked, there were still many abnormalities that he had seen at his age.


   "What treasure are you going to take out this time, let me see."


  The appraiser was a little curious about Li Lingtian. Last time, Li Lingtian took out Chaos as a star.


   Will he give him enough surprises this time?


  Li Lingtian categorizes all the items. Li Lingtian knows that the requirements of the Qibao auction are treasures above the third level.


  Li Lingtian took out all the treasures in the space directly, a total of one hundred third-order original soldiers.


   The appraiser was immediately shocked by the quantity. He who had seen countless treasures had seen a lot of Chaos Treasures, but he was still a little surprised to take out one hundred third-order primitive soldiers at once.


   is also a bit disappointed. He is more interested in Chaos Treasure, more than one hundred third-order primal **** soldiers.


   "You little one, this is sincerity. Want to exhaust me?"


  Li Lingtian looked embarrassed, because he knew that the normal third-order primitive soldiers all need to be seen one by one.


   Third-order origin soldiers also have gaps, prices vary, so prices are not uniform.


   But for Li Lingtian, this is nothing, and said directly to the appraiser: "I dare not make you exhausted, are all third-order source soldiers, you set a price, and then calculate according to the quantity."


   "Yes, it's a big person, and I won't treat you badly."


  As soon as the appraiser finished speaking, he immediately glanced at the hundred third-order primal **** soldiers, there was no damage, but the value of the defense type and the attack type was naturally different.


   Determined is to figure it out, with a price in mind, said to Li Lingtian: "A third-order source soldier, how about 800 million stars?"


  Li Lingtian naturally calculated the value when he sorted it out.


   The value of the third-order source magic soldier is between 500 million and 1.5 billion stars.


   The appraiser actually took an intermediate value, but Li Lingtian knew that most of the value of the third-order source **** soldiers was about one billion stars.


There are not many stars worth 500,000 or 600 million stars, but the overall value is much more than 800 million. Li Lingtian looked at the appraiser and said: "Senior you are a bit unkind. I am not a appraiser, but I know a little One or two."


   "Cough, let me tell you the price."


  The main value of Li Lingtian is not in the third-order source **** soldier, so it is enough.


   couldn't be more different, and I had some calculations in my mind, saying: "The price in my heart is one billion, and you and I each step back.


   "A third-order source soldier, how about 900 million stars?"


   The price that Li Lingtian said was indeed quite reasonable, and the appraiser had no way to refuse. With a smile on his face, he said, "Very well, just follow your price."


   One hundred third-order primal **** soldiers, this is considered a successful transaction, and ninety billion star crystals are available.


  The appraiser looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "Is there any other treasure?"


  Li Lingtian put away the space ring with the third-order primal soldier, and took out the space ring with the fourth-order primitive soldier.


  He was fighting in the heavenly world, and then smoothly put the undestructed weapon into the dragon dragon ring.


   Then, when sorting out, Li Lingtian directly took an integer, that is, fifty fourth-order original soldiers.


  When fifty pieces of the fourth-order primitive **** soldiers appeared, the whole appraiser was shocked immediately.


   These fifty Tier 4 Primal Divine Soldiers can be compared to one hundred Tier 3 Primal Divine Soldiers.


   After all, the value of the third-order source soldier is different from that of the fourth-order source soldier. The value of the third-order soldier is between 500 million and 1.5 billion stars.


   However, the value of the fourth-order source magic soldier is between 3 billion and 8 billion, so this value is very different.


   The appraiser was really speechless for a while. He looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Are you going to rob? You have got so many treasures. You wouldn't come to us and sell it."


  The appraiser is right. He killed people and seized treasure. He did come to sell stolen goods. Li Lingtian looked at the appraiser and said, "I came here to sell stolen goods. I don't know if you dare to collect this treasure auction."


  The appraisal master laughed: "What's the matter? Not to mention these fourth-order origin soldiers, even if it is the world's treasure, we dare to accept it at the Qibao auction."


  Li Lingtian thought that the world's treasures are either not there, or not selling you.


   The appraiser glanced at the Tier 4 Primal Divine Soldier and immediately said, "You say, how are these Tier 4 Primal Divine Soldiers?"


  Li Lingtian shrugged and said: "It's still the old rules, you say the price first, if I'm not satisfied, I will talk about the price."


  The appraiser looked at Li Lingtian and said, "I think there are a lot of damaged fourth-order primitive soldiers, worth under three billion stars, how about such a fourth-order primitive soldier, four billion stars?"


  Li Lingtian looked ugly at first glance. This fourth-order primal **** soldier is similar to the third-order primitive **** soldier.


   is indeed a magic soldier with damage. This is not much damage. Li Lingtian did not want to throw it, but only three pieces.


The rest are intact original soldiers, some of which are worth seven to eight million stars~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this price is 4 billion. It is indeed a pitiful death. Li Lingtian looked at the appraiser and said: "Senior You can’t look at my inferiority and bully me, can we be sincere, how can we cooperate happily in this way?”


  The appraiser raised a brow and said, "Don't you know me? I'm just talking about 5 billion, you have to bargain with me, so 4 billion will give you an opportunity to speak."


  What is Lao Ju Ju Cui, this is Lao Ju Ju Cui, Li Lingtian smiled helplessly and said: "If you give 5 billion, I will never bargain."




   asked the appraiser tentatively.


   "Then you set a price to try?" Li Lingtian responded.


   "A fourth-order source magic soldier, five billion stars, how?"


   "Deal!" Five billion yuan is within Li Lingtian's tolerance. As long as it is not too bad, Li Lingtian is acceptable.

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