War God Supreme

Chapter 2688: Demon Abyss

Entering channel 188, the office staff scanned the task code and looked at Li Lingtian, saying: "Young people have the courage, your teammates are already waiting for you."


   Channel 188, the entry is a spaceship, then the universe is very extraordinary, directly take them through the door of time and space, and enter the demon abyss.


   Among the spaceships, there are already five people waiting.


   When Li Lingtian entered the spacecraft, he immediately drew the attention of five people.


   "Stellar sixth order?" A disdainful voice came from a man's mouth.


   The man was holding a long sword in his arms, a lonely look on his face, and there was a cold breath around him, rejecting people thousands of miles away.


   Another seemingly kind person looked at Li Lingtian and stood up.


   "Brother, although the mission is not marked, but everyone knows that the stellar ninth order exclusive mission, people who are lower than the stellar ninth order, will definitely die if they enter the demon abyss."


  Li Lingtian could feel that this person was not malicious, and said: "I joined the Yulong Holy Alliance, and I still don't know the mission rules of the Holy Alliance. Since I received it by mistake, I just took it."


   The arrogant man said with a sneer: "It's just a person who doesn't know life and death, and is eager to earn ten thousand points of the League. I think you have a life?"


   Ming Dynasty sarcasm, in the Yulong Shengmeng, is an unfamiliar field, and I don't want to cause trouble for the time being.


   Otherwise in other places, so he is now estimated that only one body will be left.


   People who are kind, obviously disgusted with this lonely person, coldly said: "What qualification do you have to ridicule others, when you are in the sixth order of the star, borrow your two guts, do you dare to enter the abyss of the devil?"


   The lonely man was speechless for a while, and after a while, he said, "I have self-knowledge."


  Li Lingtian shook his head, the ordinary star order nine, there is no bright spot.


   The long sword in his hand, but it is only the third-order source **** soldier, can't provoke Li Lingtian's battle*.


   There are three hours before the start of the mission. During these three hours, the remaining four people have entered the spaceship one after another.


   During this period of time, Li Lingtian chatted with the person who helped him speak.


   only knew that the man named Zhou Li received this task mainly because of the holy alliance points.


   also got some news from Devil Abyss through Zhou Li's mouth.


   As the name implies, the Demon Abyss is where the demon exists. In the Demon Abyss, there is a devil's breath.


  The monsters that have been living in the Devil's Abyss all the time will become very brutal.


   It can be said that the survival of the fittest, how to adapt, that is to become stronger.


  Because all kinds of giant beasts in the abyss of demons are fighting, they have their own territory. If there are giant beasts, enter their territory, then pursue and kill.


   For a long time, this demon abyss is like a colosseum, fighting constantly, the weak dies, and the strong is king.


  One hundred years ago, I didn't know where the demon abyss was, and then there was a trial squad.


   Clear all the stars, the seventh-order strongman, inadvertently entered the abyss of the devil, and a team of ten, none of them survived.


   However, some people use intelligence to record the Devil Abyss only, and pass it back to the Holy Alliance.


   From then on, I learned about the place of the Demon Abyss. The people of Yulong Shengmeng immediately arranged for everyone to enter the Demon Abyss for investigation.


   Eventually discovered that the horror of the Demon Abyss, and the monsters of the Demon Abyss, grow very fast, which is related to their self-killing and fighting nature.


   Therefore, the Devil Abyss is indeed full of danger. Only the strong stars of the ninth order of the star can enter into the investigation, but still have a certain mortality rate.


   Ten people have been gathered together, the mission begins, the spaceship starts, passes through the door of time and space, and flies toward the demon abyss.


   A small group of ten people, nine people are stellar order nine, only Li Lingtian is a stellar order six.


  Except for Zhou Li's very kindheartedness towards Li Lingtian, everyone else was very disdainful.


   And some people also feel disgusted with Li Lingtian, because he feels that Li Lingtian is a waste of space.


   Entering the abyss of demons, the stronger the strength, the better. I feel that Li Lingtian's ignorance of life and death is a drag on them.


   The spaceship entered into the abyss of the demon and stopped, Li Lingtian and others picked off the spaceship and returned.


   The abyss of demons is an endless forest with endless green.


   looks very beautiful on the surface, like a fairyland, but Li Lingtian can feel that it is full of powerful breath.


   Such a beautiful place can be called the Devil Abyss, and it definitely has a unique place.


  Li Lingtian and his group of ten finally entered the Demon Abyss. After entering the Demon Abyss, they were also attracted by the surrounding scenery.


  Zhou Li was on Li Lingtian’s side and reminded Li Lingtian in good faith: “Don’t be fooled by the appearance of the Devil Abyss. I entered the Devil Abyss once. All the horrible things are inside. Now it is just a superficial phenomenon.”


  Li Lingtian can feel that there is no living creature in the peaceful atmosphere.


   Under normal circumstances, this is definitely not the case, but Li Lingtian still has confidence in himself.


   After hundreds of battles, what kind of beasts haven't seen in the Dragon Temple?


   What kind of tyrannosaurus dragon beast, what battle giant ape, what magic martial arts unicorn.


   There are also four horrible ancient beasts, and the big puppets are combined.


   As long as he didn't encounter it, domain master monster, Li Lingtian was not afraid.


   One day later, deep into the abyss of the devil, Li Lingtian finally found some clues.


   looks very beautiful, a peaceful image is to cover up the horror in this demon abyss.


   has gone deep into the abyss of demons, and Li Lingtian has seen ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ what has been destroyed inside.


   is filled with the smell of smoke, and the scene when he first entered was completely gone.


   is full of corpses, there are huge corpses of giant beasts, and human bones, and the smell of decay is everywhere.


   This is the taste of the Demon Abyss, and Li Lingtian also feels that the powerful breath is getting closer and closer.


  A voluptuous woman, dressed in animal skin, showed her wildness.


  She said to everyone: "Now it has entered the periphery of the Devil's Abyss, everyone should be more careful!"


   named Wu Linghui is one of the ten people, a recognized strongest woman, she has entered the Devil Abyss many times, starting from the eighth order of the star.


   Until now, the ninth stellar star has been doing missions in the Devil's Abyss, and he can retreat every time.


   Her weapon is a fifth-order primal **** soldier named Tian Snake Whip. This is a real giant snake, which he then forged into a long whip.

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