War God Supreme

Chapter 2689: Wolf pack

Several people heard Wu Linghui's reminder and immediately became careful, including the lonely person.


  He is also full of awe for Wu Linghui, because Wu Linghui is famous for its powerful, not ordinary ninth star.


   And he has entered the Demon Abyss many times. He is very familiar with the terrain of the Demon Abyss, so even if he is stronger than him.


  In the abyss of the devil, he must listen to his command, and everyone is in a state of high alert.


  Only Li Lingtian showed his ease, and he didn't care at all in the Devil Abyss.


   The lonely man looked at Li Lingtian and said coldly: "You didn't die in the abyss of the devil when I was farting."


  Li Lingtian smiled disdainfully, but this smile was a bit cold: "You count something, in the branch of the Holy Alliance, I don't want to cause trouble, I didn't treat you, but don't treat me like you. I have no temper."


   "Yo, you are a stellar sixth order, what is your temper?"


   Another woman looked at Li Lingtian, her eyes full of disdain.


   Her name is Ren Yingying, a young lady of a small family, who has a domineering feeling on her body.


   Wu Linghui frowned, watching several people smell of gunpowder, and immediately said: "We entered the Demon Abyss together not to quarrel, but to do the task. Before the task is completed, if anyone is infighting, I will not agree."


  Ren Yingying glanced at Wu Linghui and Li Lingtian again, not talking.


   There are also lonely men, who are also afraid of Wu Linghui's strength, and did not speak.


  Li Lingtian smiled and said: "Then I will give you a face!"


  Wu Linghui looked at Li Lingtian, and also felt uncomfortable writing. A stellar sixth order, really came to drag them down as a whole.


   And there is no precaution, Wu Linghui can't look down on such a person.


  Ten people continue to move forward, Li Lingtian is still as always, there is no crisis for him, if he pretends to be a guard.


   He really can't do it, and he has absolute strength, so why bother with himself?


  After half a day, Li Lingtian could feel a strong breath, getting closer and closer to him, and there was also the breath of giant beasts nearby.


   It's just that in this demon abyss, full of devil's breath and decaying smell, hindering his judgment.


  Li Lingtian reminded: "There are giant beasts nearby, be careful."


   Wu Linghui frowned, turned to look at Li Lingtian and asked, "How do you know?"


  Li Lingtian said truthfully: "It feels!"


   "It's a big word, I haven't even felt a strong star of the ninth order, can you feel it if you are a star of the sixth order?"


  Ren Yingying's eyes have turned to the sky, and she doesn't believe it at all.


  Wu Linghui reminded Li Lingtian that the power of the movement's origin, the consciousness spreading into the distance, did not feel anything.


   said that Li Lingtian felt it, and she did not believe it.


  Wu Linghui looked at Li Lingtian and looked bad, and then said to everyone: "Go on!"


  Li Lingtian shrugged, expressing helplessness, he had already said but no one believed.


   And this should not be a single quantity, otherwise it would not give him such a clear feeling.


  Li Lingtian looked at Zhou Li and said, "Friend, be careful."


"it is good!"


  Zhou Li responded very quickly, but his face was also a bit embarrassed, because he was a stellar ninth-order powerhouse, and he didn't feel anything.


   Not long ago, the wind screamed, the sand and stones swept, the dark clouds shrouded, a breath of terror came from afar.


   Wu Linghui finally found something wrong and shouted: "Alert!"


   It was at this time that a gust of wind suddenly appeared, and two green rays of light rushed towards the crowd quickly.


In the blink of an eye, there were several green lights.


   "Ao! Ao! Ao!"


  The cry of the huge wolf came from it.


   Everyone retreated immediately, the wind was reduced, and the wolves appeared in front of everyone.


  Wu Linghui looked startled and shouted: "Everyone back away, avoid their sharp edges!"


   Everyone backed away immediately, just now I didn't feel the breath of a giant beast.


   Suddenly felt that this beast appeared, and everyone except Li Lingtian had some panic.


  Wu Linghui glanced back, glancing at Li Lingtian, thinking, just now did he really feel it?


   didn't have time to think too much either, holding the sky snake whip, and suddenly flicked, there was a popping sound in the sky, and he bombarded the wolves.


  Smoke subsides, sand and stones subside, and wolves clearly appear in front of everyone's eyes.


   There are about twenty wolves, the front is the blue poisonous wolf, the stellar ninth-order behemoth, and the other is the sky wolf king, the stellar ninth-order beast.


   Others are stellar eighth and seventh order behemoths. The speed of the wolf is very fast, giving people a sense of surprise.


   When everyone responded, there wouldn't be that much fear.


  Nine stars of the ninth-rank strong rushed over, the speed is very fast, all the power of the original burst.


  Wu Linghui's attack power is indeed terrifying, wielding the sky snake whip, like the silver snake fluttering.


  The whip of the sky snake whip filled the whole sky, and the wolves burst into a scream.


   But the head of the sky wolf king, and the blue lone wolf are very brave, and their strength exceeds the ordinary stellar ninth-order strongman.


   This is just the beginning, Li Lingtian naturally can't reveal too much strength.


   Take out the Jiuxing Moonblade, transform it into another shape, and rush up.


  Li Lingtian swiftly traveled between the wolves, and the nine-star moon-cutting knife ran fast.


  Nine-star moon-cutting sword will be more powerful with a nine-star moon-cutting decision.


  Li Lingtian ran nine stars and cut the moon, only to find out that this is a practice that can speed up the body.


   It turns out that this is the master of the moon-cutting old man, one is the nine-star moon-cutting decision, and the other is the nine-star moon-cutting sword.


   This is the essence of an assassin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian mainly controls the wolf pack, and has no substantial shot.


  Although the man is arrogant, he is indeed the strongest among the crowd except Wu Linghui.


   The most important thing is Wu Linghui, no matter the speed or the explosive power of using the Snake Whip, it is very terrifying.


   The Sky Snake Whip was brought to the extreme, and Li Lingtian had to be surprised.


   So Li Lingtian simply gave him a chance to show, just help control the wolves, walk between the wolves, and create some injuries to the wolves.


  Li Lingtian was indeed a wolf, and he didn't kill him. Li Lingtian's operation was to kill the wolves with nine stars.


   No one saw it, thought Li Lingtian was playing soy sauce.


  Li Lingtian saw that the Celestial Wolf King and Wu Linghui were shaking, Li Lingtian immediately swam away, and the Celestial Wolf King had not yet reacted.


  Li Ling went up with a knife, stabbed directly in the heart of the wolf king.

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